

Study Guide

Oahspe Footnotes List

10: intense desire, enthusiasm, zeal, vitality

11: words of amity and goodwill that help bring about harmony, fellowship, peace and unity, being welcoming and congenial

12: This was the spiritualism movement, which flourished from about 1849 to 1882, being capped by the publication of Oahspe.

13: physical awareness united with spiritual awareness

14: unconscious of

15: Etherean worlds are heavenly worlds existing in the highest heaven. To the corporeal eye peering up into the vastness of interstellar space, it looks mostly empty, but to the spiritual eye, it is filled with innumerable worlds—wondrous, awe-inspiring, full of beauty and joy.

16: intangible, not perceived, subtle

17: The depiction of angels having wings was an artistic device meant to symbolize the ability of an angel to rise to the higher heavenly realms, and, so, inspire mortals to understand that the soul was meant to rise beyond the earth.

18: for example, spiritual senses such as spiritual ears and spiritual eyes; also soul, discernment and judgment

19: Enforced culture

20: That is, within themselves they shall perceive the truth or gist of the matter—and thus perceive beyond that which is accepted as true (believed to be true) merely because of tradition, guesswork, unsubstantiated testimony, manipulation of logic or emotion, etc.

21: This may seem, by some, to contradict 01/2.17 which says, being believing is on the right road—but the verse also recommends developing beyond belief; and in 01/2.19 we learn it is because mere belief is insufficient to attain to Kosmon.

22: That is, what knowledge man has, he will have acquired through his own understanding, and so put into practice that which he knows.

23: This is the animal part of man; the negative or shadow of the light; the identity or sense of being separate from others; egocentricity; possessiveness; self-concerns.

24: into the perception of, in the presence of, in front of; that is, the beast rose to ascendancy in the thoughts and attention of man of that era

25: expansion of: power, profit, status, reputation, honor (so-called), influence, hegemony, etc. you shall not impress (draft, conscript);26 for it is the commandment of your Creator.

26: i.e., shall not force into military service

27: Again, this was the spiritualism movement.

28: perfect, flawless, infallible

29: That is, the purpose of writing Oahspe was not to produce the perfect book, but to show mortals how to attain to the Creator‘s Voice, see His Heavens, etc.

30: From the Panic language (first language of the earth): O = sky, or heaven, Ah = earth, and Spe = spirit. See last page of this work for Oahspe‘s Table of Contents.

31: reproof, critical eye

32: appreciative, indebted, obliged, grateful, thankful, worshipful, prayerful

33: to temporarily exist with

34: characteristic, trait, quality

35: great size and extent

36: dumbstruck, overawed, sapped of audacity, paled, held in check, made fearful, overwhelmed, humbled

37: sins, wickedness, immorality, evildoings

38: weapons, instruments of war

39: ruin, pillage, take by force, ravage, desecrate

40: sharpened, stimulated, inspired

41: open, obvious and extensive

42: those who love evil and its practice; selfishness per se; self; the supposed opposite of E-O-IH; the evil voice within man; the captain of the selfish passions; the captain of evil

43: cut, hacked, slashed

44: i.e., you warriors

45: too many to be counted, endless numbers of them, innumerable

46: fortifications, military posts and outposts

47: war machinery

48: weapons of destruction

49: i.e., know the charges, indictments, accusations, particulars, specifics, etc.

50: an enduring time of peace, virtue, happiness and prosperity

51: Circle, cut twice, which is the true equal length cross, and with the leaf of life in the midst; see image i001.

52: When a person dies, he lives first as a spirit (angel) in atmospherea. Afterward, in time he rises to etherea to live as an etherean. The dividing line between atmospherea and etherea is called Chinvat, which acts as a sort of bridge between atmospherea and etherea. Etherea is sometimes called Nirvania.

53: see image i002

54: i.e., on the surface; outside

55: see image i003

56: see image i005

57: The planet Saturn is one such example; see i060d2.

58: In the general case, as a whirling vortex courses space, encountering atmospherean substance, it propels the substance toward the center of the vortex, where the atmospherea condenses to a thicker atmospherea and ultimately to a corporeal substance. This process is described in greater detail later in Oahspe, as are the four stages of vortex development shown in images i063, i064, i065, and i066.

59: see image i073

60: see image i004

61: i.e., in the manner indicated

62: That is, all things evaporate into subtler forms. The universe is constantly in the process of condensing and evaporating substances—from the most rarefied substances condensing downward toward corporeal form, and from corporeal substances evaporating upward toward ethereal form.

63: heavenly things

64: see image i007

65: for an example of these see image i006

66: Here atmospherea is the first heaven; etherea is the second heaven.

67: be a reality, show itself, be apparent

68: commingled earth, air, water, heat and thick atmospherea; protoplasm-like; colloidal-like substance; also see image i008

69: barrenness. –1891 glossary

70: generating new life forms

71: death. –1891 glossary

72: dinosaur

73: microscopic life-forms

74: seed, rudimentary form

75: toil, struggles, labor pains

76: in various directions; here to there; around about; on all sides; right and left, up and down

77: Man can bring about the conditions conducive to the genesis of life, but he, himself, cannot command life to happen, cannot create life. Likewise, man may dye his hair, but it nevertheless grows out in its natural color. And even if someday man can determine and manipulate the color genes for hair, he can only alter what is already there and living. For, man can only assist in assembling or nurturing the conditions conducive to life coming forth, and in their combining.

78: That is, made males and made females—but like E-O-IH, each capable of imparting and receiving in the generic sense: of going forth or giving inspiration, thoughts, energy, etc., while also capable of receiving inspiration or accepting incoming energy, substance, thoughts, etc.

79: to procreate, to beget, to bring forth life

80: The mule has been instanced as proof that there is no such thing as one animal evolving into another. –Ed. [Capital ‗E‘ in –Ed., indicates editor of the 1882 edition of Oahspe, which was Oahspe‘s first publication date; a small ‗e‘ in ed., indicates editor of this present edition.]

81: Accordingly, because all colors and cultures of man can have children together, it is obvious there is only one kind of Homo sapiens, namely humankind. But the varieties are sometimes called races, being nevertheless only varieties of one and the same kind (species).

82: The kingdom over all other kingdoms is E-O-IH‘s kingdom.

83: Uz releases man‘s spirit from the flesh so that he can ascend into heaven; meanwhile, Es is the guide to heavenly things.

84: That is, the ―substance‖ of the things seen was atmospherean substance, and was either in the more rarefied ji‘ayan form, or the comparatively thicker a‘ji‘an form, or in the thickly dense nebula form.

85: see images i010, i012

86: See image i013. The Par‘si‘e‘an (Persian) word for Asu was Adam.

87: great numbers

88: see image i009

89: experience, participate in, share, engage, acquaint yourself with, become involved with

90: insensible of, deaf and blind toward

91: lo and behold = look and see; used as an intensifier, an exclamation, meaning ‗look! and see!‘ lo = look!; behold = see!

92: This new race of man was also called I‘hin.

93: lineage, family, kinfolk, kindred; i.e., they are your relatives

94: While here the doctrine of reincarnation is clearly repudiated, Oahspe later shows how the teaching of reincarnation came to be.

95: Thus the second race, the I‘hins and their descendants who obeyed the commandments, became capable of eternal life. (It has been said that everyone conceived or born on earth today, has capacity for eternal life.)

96: a time of great light

97: assigned, bestowed, granted, gave

98: appearance, likeness, resemblance

99: The Spiritualism movement fulfilled the sign mentioned in this verse.

100: This bible Oahspe is one of their fruits.

101: often more than merely getting a count, but gathering data, not unlike what a modern day census or scientist does

102: solar system, solar phalanx, great serpent; see image i072 Dissection of the Great Serpent

103: outcome, result, purpose

104: Ashars are guardian angels over mortals, asaphs are guardian angels over the spirits of the newly dead, and es‘enaurs are heavenly singers and musicians.

105: In Oahspe, to number or to be numbered is to count or be counted, but also other information is ascertained such as grade and rank of a person; and so a person is classified as well. This is not unlike a census, where not only a count is obtained, but other pertinent information collected.

106: presented, given, conferred, gifted

107: i.e., he (God) can make heaven in the way he sees fit

108: Collectively they are called Lords. A female Lord is called a Lordess. If undifferentiated in context, then Lord or Lords can refer to either male or female; same holds true for God; thus Goddess is the feminine.

109: Atmospherean spirits who, after sufficient spiritual maturation are prepared to be raised to etherean heavens, are called Brides and Bridegrooms, because they are then wedded to E-O-IH. Greater description is found later in Oahspe.

110: cease to exist

111: i.e., the type of work and schooling received depends upon one‘s place in the resurrections

112: Thus, as we shall further see, civilization is not attained by any social evolution innate to man, but through the inspiration of angels reflecting the organization that is in heaven.

113: impose, require, charge

114: Both Orians and Archangels are ranks of ethereans. Orians are ranked above Archangels.

115: The words Great Serpent means solar phalanx [solar system]. –Ed.

116: And here they are, in part, in this Oahspe.

117: The continent of Pan (see map i017) is covered in fuller detail later in Oahspe.

118: great etherean light

119: a title and position of responsibility in the etherean worlds

120: official attire (clothing), insignia, ornamentation

121: establish, create

122: The sign is the circle twice cut. –Ed. [See image i001a.]

123: or in the case of females: she becomes My Daughter

124: Thrones in heaven consist of a raised platform with a judgment seat resting near the middle of it; the seat itself can be extended to accommodate many to sit on either side of the reigning God or Lord. At the front of the throne are steps leading up to the platform; the bottom step is called the foot of the throne. Facing the throne, at the foot of the throne, is one or more seats; and these are also considered to be part of the foot of the throne.

125: book of official records with their name, office, place, etc., registered in it

126: To ply is to regularly course or traverse. Messengers whose job it is to carry messages back and forth between atmospherea and etherea are called swift messengers. Those who ply only within atmospherea are called messengers.

127: That is, 2 and 3/5 years old. ―The full of the first rate‖ is infants under 2 and 3/5 years who, maturing in heaven, remember nothing of their corporeal lives. –Ed. [Es‘yans are those whose birth into spirit life was recent.]

128: see image i017

129: a dan‘ha cycle is 3000 years average and a circuit is about 4,700,000 years

130: determine and assign

131: necessitated, bound

132: established culture; also enforced culture, i.e., imposed and compelled culture

133: left it, abandoned it, turned my back on it

134: expedite, quicken progress toward

135: These are spirits wholly dependent upon another, feeding on another. Notice too that a fetus, when taken from the womb, continues to live on in spirit.

136: As a mortal infant requires time and stages in which to learn and adapt to the corporeal life, so does an es‘yan (whether he died as an infant or adult) require time in which to learn and adapt himself to the spiritual life in atmospherea.

137: Residents of the spirit worlds work with spiritual methods, spiritual equipment and spiritual materials, as in creating or transporting spiritual things.

138: excellence; the one who stands above the rest

139: Tek means two, so God of Tek probably means something like: Second God (of the earth and her heavens), or Second in Command, or, as we might say today, vice-God.

140: i.e., like a falling star, a streamer or ribbon of light

141: brought about, created, established

142: notified, filled in on the details

143: affairs, business, concerns, activities

144: given, granted, bestowed, assigned

145: i.e., the asuans populated these fertile regions where food was readily available

146: secured, fastened, anchored

147: trek about, travel throughout, course along

148: the whole of ethe everywhere, the etherean firmament

149: exchanged stories, nourished, feasted, delighted

150: from mudslides, glacial activity, erosion, etc.

151: spiritual comprehension

152: ‗Near at hand‘ here means that which is happening around the present time. || In viewing distant past and far future events, it is like one event happening—a short ribbon of time—the time between the endpoints seeming like nothing.

153: listen to, pay attention to, consider, obey

154: wise provision

155: encircled, surrounded, encompassed

156: Thus the beginning of the end of mortals worshipping Gods and Lords is to start in North America, even as on the continent of Whaga (Pan) the worship of the Lord and the God was begun (see 05/6.11,17 This verse does not mean the end of E-O-IH‘s God and Lords.

157: prophesy, predict, reveal beforehand

158: All the Algonquin tribes worshipped the Great Spirit, E-O-IH, only. It was characteristic of them never to accept any God or Lord. And the American race, coming after them, are fast raising to the same exalted conception of the Great Spirit. –Ed.

159: Messengers generally use smaller, fast moving ships. Therefore, they could arrive in Hored well before God in his excursion ship.

160: immediately, right away, without delay

161: the prow of a vessel. –1891 glossary. A prow is the front end of the body (hull) of the ship; bow.

162: a jumble of commotion; here, they were passionately exhilarated, noisy, loud and exuberant in their uproar of love and joy

163: That is, an integral part of a person; thus, for example, the automatic response (reflex) of such a person would be toward light. Compare this with those whose reflex (first reaction, knee-jerk reaction) is toward self, or darkness, or confusion.

164: Agni is that kind of fire-light which Spiritualists have often seen produced by the spirits. It is often called phosphorus, but not correctly. [Although, it is phosphorescent (luminous), it is of spiritual origin.] Yet spirits can gather it and handle it. –Ed.

165: That is, Moeb, being in atmospherea, is the lower house, compared to the upper house of E-O-IH‘s kingdom, being His kingdoms in etherea.

166: Sub-Gods are Gods who have heavenly kingdoms of their own, but who are, nonetheless, subsidiary to God.

167: Hon‘she is an Orian field, a place in etherea containing many etherean worlds, and through which corporeal worlds pass. According to the 1891 glossary a Shrevar [or Shrevarh or Shriever] is to a corporeal world as a guardian angel is to a mortal.

168: In general a tablet of Grade and Ingrade contains the grades and rates of mortals, indicating their distribution (how many at each grade) in the population; and their ingrade indicates their future place in heaven. More later in Oahspe on this.

169: ‗At hand‘ means: is upon us, is now underway, is happening, is beginning, is very near the start, is ready to start, almost here, about to happen, thus it refers to the present. It can also mean: easily seen; in one‘s immediate presence; as in, the marshal of the throne was always at hand whenever the throne was approached. Or, as in: A‘ji was at hand. In contrast, ‗near at hand‘ is not so immediate, but is approaching, and means: in the near future; is soon to happen; or, is close enough nearby in time, as to be in memory; as in, events near at hand. Near at hand can also mean: close by; or close enough nearby in location as to not be inconvenient to access or contact, as in, God‘s messengers were always near at hand.

170: As a corporeal woman provides a corporeal womb for a fetus, and breasts for milk for the newborn, so are there angels capable of providing fetal to aborted fetuses, miscarriages, still births, etc.

171: advisors, consultants, confidants, luminaries; in other words, the governing body, being her cabinet for the work at hand

172: i.e., in the Panic language, the first language of the earth; Pan = earth; Panic language = earthly language. More on this later in Oahspe.

173: given as an inheritance, bestowed, handed down, passed on

174: Be mindful of, pay attention to

175: quivering, fluttering, vibrating

176: see image i015

177: Spirit light can be formed into shapes, and into sheets by weaving. Other descriptions in Oahspe tell of how Crowns are woven into shape from the light.

178: separate, set apart, disunite

179: a mantle is a cloak, here of light

180: Etisyai and Onesyi have been preserved in the tablet of the Zodiac under the name of Gemini. –Ed.

181: This arrangement of angels is reflected in corporeal theaters and sport stadiums where the seats rise as they recede farther from the central stage or arena. It not only allows for full view for everyone but also places the angels in orderly formations of grade and rank.

182: made so, made binding, deep sealed, sanctified

183: In other words, not just His words, but His actions (e.g., the crowns and crowning, resurrection into etherea) will confirm and be evidence of His declarations to the redeemed; the redeemed refers to the Brides and Bridegrooms because they had been saved or delivered from the animal mind, darkness and evil, and reclaimed and restored to goodness, purity, light, wholeness, etc.

184: three raps with the gavel

185: From the time man comes into being on the earth with potential for eternal life, until his race becomes extinct, is the eoptian age of the earth.

186: dwellings, residences, houses, buildings

187: requirements, essentials, indispensables, necessities

188: In this case the meaning of the word tyrannical means directing and exacting rather than brutally despotic and unjust. For the Ethereans were strict, but for the sake of resurrection; not harsh for selfish reasons, as we today are accustomed to understand the context of the word tyranny.

189: Below grade fifty the person is pulled more toward the earth then away; fifty and above and the person is drawn more toward light (etherea) than corpor.

190: i.e., from the birth of the I‘hins

191: The ancients called the lost spirits by different names in all countries; in India, Druj; in China, Won-yeang; in the Algonquin tribes, O‘spee; the Hebrews, Girapha (i.e., to be feared). Then we have the terms, ghosts, fairies, wraiths, etc., for modern terms. Under the name of familiar spirits the ancient Hebrews were well informed of these drujas. Druj is a Vedic name. The ancient Chinese called them M‘spe. The Germans called them ―The double‖ [doppelgänger] because when they take on forms they look like the mortal to whom they are engrafted. The term, familiar spirits, as now used, has a wider range. –Ed.

192: so much so = to such an extent

193: Billion means 1,000,000,000; thus three billion equals 3,000,000,000.

194: impregnated, sired, generated, reproduced, born

195: And this is the origin of the concept on earth that Father Spirit impregnated Mother Earth and brought forth life or man.

196: i.e., no longer seen in corporeal form

197: Note that WAR is the distinguishing characteristic of the tribes of Druk and their descendants—but not their color, size, geographic location, etc. Every person alive today descends from both I‘hins and Druks; and those who WAR are following their druk ancestry, rather than their I‘hin ancestry. For, these races amalgamated, and also became extinct as to initial race; so that there is now no separate race of Druk or I‘hin; but all peoples today are capable of eternal life. Yet, the Druk race and legacy was necessary to strengthen the races of man, imparting to them the necessary corporeal endurance and capacity, for that which was to come.

198: The physical traits mentioned in this verse and in later verses, must be in the aggregate; that is, these are generalizations, being the statistical modes for a certain span of time. Used for reporting purposes, they are the simplified (generalized) extract of complex, continuous data.For, logic, reason and experience in population studies and population description (statistical representation), would show that these supposed discrete units (e.g., white or yellow) are actually the modes of a continuum. For example, the offspring between a white I‘hin and a yellow I‘hin would be neither white nor yellow but lie between the two in color. And these offspring marrying with other in-betweens and with the white and yellow colors, for many generations, will ultimate in a continuous line (continuum, representation) of color from white to yellow.And experience in population studies reveal the continuum line would be more or less curved in appearance; so that the Oahspe text indicates over-all bumps (modes, most frequent colors among Druks; most frequent colors among I‘hins). And we read later in Oahspe of I‘hins who were black, or brown, or red, or copper—in fact, they were of all colors.This statistical representation applies as well to tallying the most frequent heights as well as the most frequent heft, for I‘hins and Druks; with Oahspe giving their comparative general modes.Thus, we may say regarding population physical traits, that there were gradations and pockets of differences. And more evidence supporting the application of statistical description will be given later. But as to skin color, today it is neither a sufficient nor necessary indicator of one‘s ancestry regarding these earliest of races; for everyone alive today has roots in both I‘hin and Druk races as well as in Asu.

199: as Asu did; see images i013, i014 (the I‘huan in image is explained in the next chapter)

200: That is, there is a God in the sky, who is more imperceptible or subtler than the air of the sky—which is why it is hard for you to see Him, hear Him, and even be aware of Him. You know the wind exists yet you do not see it; but you see its effects. In the same way, God exists; you do not see him, but you can see his effects. If you listen and watch closely enough to the subtle in the wind, closely enough to the subtle in the air, you may be able to catch a glimpse of Him, or feel His presence or hear His voice.

201: manifested, worked, brought forth

202: That is, man needs to learn why it is good to be good. Therefore he will be tested as to his ability to command himself to do right and to follow through in action. From this, he ultimately learns at least two lessons, why it is wise to be good, and why it is wise to be obedient to wisdom—especially that wisdom put forth by the Lord.

203: followed, resulted, became a consequence

204: Again, this is a generalization; see 06/2.4 [Where reference is made, as above, to white people, it does not mean what we today call white people; but white in fact, with white hair also. The same remarks hold in reference to yellow people, etc. –Ed.]

205: chest; guttural sounds

206: see image i033 because your people are scattered and gone, they shall go among the druks and teach the law of incest and the name of God; and the druks shall also begin to hide their nakedness.

207: gently corrected, instructed, counseled, reminded, warned, mildly reproved

208: see image i016

209: the border (bridge) between atmospherea and etherea; i.e., between the earth‘s vortex and etherea

210: assistance, help, relief

211: An arrafon is about 20,000 miles. –Ed. [circa 32,000 kilometers]

212: about 4000 miles (ca. 6400 kilometers), or the distance from Atlanta to Los Angeles and back again

213: Philosophers have long known that some certain measure of ethereal space must be equal to the density of the planets for a balance of power. –Ed.

214: necessary, essential, indispensable

215: Dawn here means seven years and sixty days. –Ed.

216: dwelling places, quarters, lodgings, locales

217: urgently, imploringly, begging, pleading

218: a type of spirit ship

219: That is, the Council consisted of 10 groups, and each group consisted of 100 subgroups and each subgroup had 1000 members. Now, each subgroup selected one speaker. This made a total of 1000 speakers (1 speaker per subgroup x 100 subgroups per group x 10 groups = 1000 speakers).Of those 1000 speakers, each 100 (i.e., each group) had one voice in council. That is, the one voice of each group had authority to speak before the whole council. As there were 10 groups, this meant there were 10 voices-in-council, who, together, had once voice before God.Thus all of the one million received a voice: 1000 members per subgroup, 100 subgroups per group, and 10 groups to give one voice before God, i.e.,1,000,000 = 1000 x 100 x 10 x 1 || or in reducing:1,000,000 > 1000 > 100 > 10 > 1.

220: presence and the good things arising from it

221: A score is 20, and often used in the same way we use ―dozen,‖ indicating approximate amounts. Thus a score of adults would be about 20 adults.

222: That is, their belief in: ‗there is only the impersonal elements and nothing else,‘ shall fail. They shall come to acknowledge a higher power, a presence, even E-O-IH.

223: That is, those who remain would be less than half complete, meaning not able to grow and progress independently, but fall further from spiritual maturation by regressing toward the animal nature, fetalism and even unconsciousness (extinction).

224: That is, in accordance with your bent (temperament and preferred field of labor) seek to find the most challenging and stimulating labor; or said another way, that which will stretch your mind, spirit, soul and talent to the limit of these abilities, and result in the highest best good in service to E-O-IH. For such is key to reaching the highest grades; forever quickening; and a key to eternal joy, delight and happiness.

225: benefit, be useful to, bless, help, do good to, be advantageous for, prosper, add to the well-being of

226: be strong enough, persist, last, withstand

227: In a woven fabric, warp consists of the vertical or lengthwise threads, and filling is the woof or horizontal threads.

228: These would be those two hundred million who were with God when Ah‘shong first arrived in earth‘s heaven 07/3.30-31 and these were separate from those of the seed of I‘hin brought up from the earth and divided into first and second best.

229: Of these delivered, note two things. Being only grade 35, they were not emancipated because they were only ready to receive the second resurrection. Second, being only second resurrection and less than grade 50, which is the lowest grade required for survival in etherea only, they were not capable of surviving outside of atmospherea at their level; see 05/23.12 Accordingly Theistivi must have some characteristics similar to atmospherea and some characteristics similar to etherea.

230: a drill in which soldiers practice in a specified way the use of their hand weapons; e.g., the sharp arm, hand and rifle movements done simultaneously by all members of the company

231: This encompasses all movement in tune with E-O-IH, such as sacred dance, marching in ceremony; and especially when in unison with others.

232: Elsewhere in Oahspe we learn that the plural of druj is drujas. However, the word druj is sometimes used in Oahspe to indicate the collective of drujas (drujas in general), or a group of drujas. It is similar to the way we use the word buffalo. We can say: Here is one buffalo. We saw five buffalo grazing. There go seven buffaloes. Likewise we can say: Here is one druj. We saw five druj repenting. There go seven drujas.

233: Hudaow, in Ji‘ya, is a place in the firmament like an atmosphere without a corporeal world. That is, an atmospherean vortex rotating and traveling in the firmament amid the etherean worlds. –Ed.

234: The original of iesus, or jesu, or jesus. –Ed.

235: Where hands are joined the persons are addressed as one person. –Ed.

236: Being the first dawn of dan upon the planet, it attracted many ethereans who were not directly involved in receiving the newly resurrected. This can be likened to a coming out party when a family brings out their first newborn baby for the first time into public (see 07/1.10 and friends and relatives come to view and remark about the child. And the family takes the visitors in to see the nursery.

237: emeth means faith

238: food, refreshments and festivity; a banquet

239: responsibility, duty, labor, charge

240: donkey or burro—usually a beast of burden

241: This injunction against sexual indulgence during pregnancy has been taught to Faithists in every cycle even to the Kosmon era, where it now stands as one of the standards that plays a crucial role in changing the generations born of the beast into those born of the spirit.

242: flesh oriented; engrossed in fulfilling physical appetites, especially sexual; animalistic

243: Once the spirit was obscured, lost to perception, buried amid darkness, then man became unaware of his spirit; being little attended to, it was overlooked then forgotten about.

244: resulting in incest

245: A gadol averages 24,000 years and is equivalent to one precession of the equinoxes; hence the 48,000 years is a rounded figure.

246: which began about 1849 c.e. (common era, using the common civil calendar); also, again, the 24,000 years is a rounded figure; the actual duration of this third gadol was about 25,000 years

247: That is, one dan‘ha cycle. There are, of course, cycles of other lengths, but because the dan‘ha cycle is the primary etherean administrative cycle for earth and her heavens, it is often simply referred to as a cycle in Oahspe. In fact, the format of Oahspe is structured around man‘s progress through the dan‘ha cycles.

248: i.e., at the time of the birth of the I‘hin race

249: Again, while I‘hins are described as white and yellow, we shall see later in Oahspe that they are also described as being of all colors (red, black, brown, etc.); see 06/2.4 [Also, with regard to the population becoming mostly I‘hins, the I‘hins could have prevailed because the other races, aside from commingling with the druks (see next verse 09/1.23 may have died off through warfare, disease, famine, etc. –ed.]

250: see e.g., image i011

251: making them about 10 feet tall (3 meters); but may have ranged up to 12 feet (3 2/3 meters)

252: intelligence, astuteness, aptitude, acumen

253: propagated

254: Note that this has nothing to do with warfare as we on earth (English language) use that term. But in etherea, War is an etherean place, like an etherean world, but within the dominion of the etherean realm or province of Broek.

255: held, secured, maintained, defensible, livable

256: tear, split, sever, pull apart, break up

257: possibly a temporary holding cell prior to transport; or a combination medical-and-detention transport ship suitable for chaotic spirits

258: Sar‘gis is the ability of a corporean to have the substance from either his body or his surroundings, be used by an angel to take on a corporeal appearance, or, in its unformed stages, to produce spirit raps from surroundings (sounding like a bang, thunderclap, popping sound, a snapping or a crack). Also a corporean or angel who can produce the semblance of a corporeal thing can be said to have the power of sar‘gis.

259: giving up, stop doing, renouncing

260: began, started, initiated

261: i.e., those who are born into spirit life (corporeally die) before their full time in corpor is completedBegin now, all hands, and build ships in all places, even in the valleys and on the mountains, and let My faithful gather together within the ships, for My hand is surely stretched over the earth. ||

262: That is, one gadol ago. The figure 24,000 years is a rounded number and used as a synonym for a gadol—24,000 years being the average duration of a gadol and used in the same way Oahspe uses the average of 3000 years as a synonym for a dan‘ha cycle. The actual duration of this particular gadol was about 25,000 years.

263: The first resurrection is for those who are chiefly concerned with their own selves. The second resurrection is for those who have united together in a brotherhood to accomplish good. The third resurrection here refers to the ethereans who were attempting to resurrect humanity.

264: i.e., instead, E-O-IH is found by perceiving inward, to the soul of things

265: cancel, undo, delete, make impotent, erase

266: unable to speak, non-expressive

267: nonsense, expression, speech, chatter, babble

268: acknowledge, make known; have as a trait

269: those who have little to no substantiation to support their words

270: That is, to destroy, to engage in fetalism, which is to live on (devour) the substance of others. Fetalism refers to breathing (sucking in) through the mouth, which thus sucks the essence from another, the fetal absorbing the essence and draining the other. For which reason, the Faithist in E-O-IH is taught to nostril breathe only, if at all possible, even as the high-raised angels do. See verses 10/1.10; 10/1.17-20; 10/1.29; as well as elsewhere in Oahspe.

271: These lights are seen in a small way in spirit circles; and they form in heaven, boundaries for certain dominions. This is most likely the original rendering of casting spirits of darkness into a place from which there was no escape. Not, however, that the place was one of punishment, but to the contrary. –Ed. [As prison walls are to mortals, so are walls of fire to low-grade and evil spirits, here keeping these isolated in small groups and in sections.]

272: decaying dead body, corpse

273: Opposite this is the light and delight that call man forward (instead of pushing).

274: see image i084 many of the names can be found there

275: etherean roadway

276: fishing net (long, like an extended volleyball net)

277: That is, they were older than any of the corporeal worlds existing at that time.

278: A dan‘ha cycle begins with a hi‘dan, which is the time of the greatest light in the firmament for that dan‘ha cycle. Usually Oahspe just calls them dan‘ha (when the reference is to the start of a dan‘ha cycle); or calls them a dawn (of dan), which they technically are, but more precisely they can be called a dawn of hi‘dan or simply hi‘dan.

279: a tremendously large number

280: a negative place, comparable with a calm on earth or a calm at sea. –1891 glossary

281: An agus is about a thousand miles. –Ed.

282: anchor, fasten, secure, tie

283: the etherean ships that came to participate

284: i.e., Aph (Orian Chief) at the top, and Fiatisi (Chief in Emuts) at the bottom

285: ten thousandth times normal or 1 to 10,000

286: I have seen a table held down by angels so that a strong man could not lift one end. –Ed. [This is just a small demonstration of the power available to knowledgeable and skilled angels. While that feat required only a little concerted power on the part of a few angels; by contrast the power of a large array of etherean angels in their ships, moving in concert with E-O-IH, was required to do the work of breaking the crust of the earth, and sinking a continent.]

287: Emergency-response teams, reinforcements, back-ups, troubleshooters

288: Some of the high-raised officers in etherea devote their labors mostly to affairs in etherea, seldom dealing with the affairs of corporeal worlds. Others deal largely with the affairs of corporeal worlds; these latter are called Emuts. –1891 glossary

289: beginning or initial

290: plunging and sinking into the ooze, muck, slime and filth; and like in quicksand, they cannot pull away

291: models representing a pattern and life of virtue

292: arrogated, assumed control, claimed as a right

293: no expressed objection, perhaps neutral silence, and certainly no inspiration to practice restraint

294: choking atmosphere. –1891 glossary

295: That is, never again would the earth be brought to such a low place of darkness as to be near unredeemable, nor would the Faithist ever be destroyed in entirety. The Faithist of today is living proof that the foundation was never destroyed.

296: The countries directed to are Jaffeth (China), Shem (India), Ham (Egypt), and Guatama (America); the two ships to the north country going to Japan. More detail is given in the accompanying ―The Lords‘ First Book‖ (11/).

297: favorably inclined, receptively disposed, auspicious, conducive

298: desire someone‘s presence; feel their loss; miss them

299: 200 years in this instance

300: those unable to speak; the inarticulate

301: counterpart, symbolic equivalent, a narrative

302: agency, auspices, action, means

303: referring here to the duration of God‘s administration

304: This doesn‘t mean that the people mistook Aph for E-O-IH, Who, after all, cannot be seen in form of man, but that the feeling in the place was such, that the presence of E-O-IH was strongly felt when Aph stood up.

305: bear the burden of them, allow them, permit them

306: given to base pleasures; those who thus grovel

307: mindful of all the circumstances of the matter, prudent, painstaking, careful, on guard, diligent

308: be of the opinion that, conjecture, speculate, suppose, feel, think, believe, imagine

309: That is, be aware of, objective about, and supportive of that which has proven wise (so as to best sustain and advance the system and order of this kingdom and its resurrections).

310: meaning the ‗All Highest conceived of‘ is a Person and is always here In Person (being the Everpresence of E-O-IH)

311: This is an abstract form of vampirism.

312: atmospherean regions of darkness, being comparatively darker than that to which it is being compared

313: God referring to himself

314: recompensed, rewarded, honored, blessed

315: this is God (Neph) referring to himself

316: For example, He creates the universe, but does not trifle Himself with causing a flood on some small planet; or, granting that, He may have made the world and made the flood to destroy the wicked, but He would not trifle Himself with words and languages of mortals.

317: That is, the argument would seem to be: Since the familiar spirits in kosmon knew little more than mortals; and of heavenly matters, what they did impart was contradictory to one another; then would not the angels manifesting to mortals in that bygone era also have manifested similarly? And since the angels in kosmon came as familiars with only enough power to prove their existence after death, then the angels in the time of the flood were no more powerful nor advanced. Thus, angels labor in small matters, but not in the large. But even if they could plant words into mortals regarding a flood—on the large scale of things, why would it matter? Why bother with trivia?

318: In summary, mortals did not make up the story of the flood because at the time of the flood they had neither the speech nor knowledge to make up the story of diverse nations undergoing a flood simultaneous to all.Neither could the report have come from the lower heavens of the time, for they were also filled with the dumb. Therefore knowledge of the flood was passed down to mortals by angels from a higher heaven. Nor is it otherwise understandable that the nations under question all had the same explanation.

319: instructed, commissioned, commandedits early days, and farther off as it grows older, men will say: Alas, the folly of the ancients! || For I gave fear and faith as a heritage when men were weak in judgment; but with the growth of wisdom, I take away fear and the substance of things not proven to the judgment.

320: When Oahspe uses the word ‗stupid‘ it is not in the pejorative (belittling, disparaging) nor derisive (abusive) sense, so common today, but refers to those in a mental and spiritual stupor, being dull and slow witted, generally devoid of wisdom and lacking much spiritual intelligence or mental acumen.

321: And the mortals shall be made aware of the tetracts and learn to take responsibility for them. All, whether as mortals or angels, must transcend these expressions of the beast in order to inherit the higher heavens.

322: 33 x 100 = 3300; i.e., 3300 years would seem to be the ideal dan‘ha length, while 3000 years is the average length.

323: For example, illustrating the properties of an element in the spirit world (es), then condensing it to corpor and examining its properties, and then dissolving (uz) the element back to es (its atmospherean form).

324: magic, sleight of hand, conjuring of things, etc.

325: proximity; closeness; contact

326: proper order and system, rites and ceremonies, standards of behavior, protocol, etiquette, proprieties; in other words, God wanted to know how to provide a reception suitable to Aph and his hosts

327: abashed = humbled, humiliated, embarrassed; obscurity = a deficiency in light, a lack of light, relative darkness

328: line, queue, array

329: enormously large number; too large to estimate easily

330: Note here that rank is different from grade. For example, an angel may labor in a position of lower rank (a physician‘s nurse ranks lower than a physician, for example), and yet have a very high grade of service to others.

331: sparkling, reflective, shiny clear like a diamond

332: a set of disciplined and orderly movements in the field by military units

333: That is, an angel is required to cultivate the faith that there will come a resurrection from those above.

334: greed, covetousness, insatiable preying

335: foundation, deepest part, core, base

336: permanent, persistent, stable, durable, certain

337: That is, to the extent that they fortify faith in E-O-IH, it is well to gain nourishment from the descriptions of the past; but take care to be judicious toward them. And if one discovers what seem to be errors, then instead of attacking or destroying, it is wiser to focus on that which one perceives to be the true nature of the past, and so build up E-O-IH‘s light in one‘s own way, communicating (sharing) that light, as deemed wise.

338: inheritor; recipient of a heritage; beneficiary; given stewardship

339: The meaning of this word [Guatama] is: Four Tribes United in One. The word Guatamala or Guatemala, would therefore mean: The Earth Place of Four Tribes of Men United in One. See maps of Central America. –Ed.

340: It is true that the Japanese did remain an exclusive people until the dawn of kosmon, and that their belief is firm to this day that they are the oldest nation in all the world. The English word arc is Hak in both Japanese and Chinese, especially in the rural parts. Noe is Japanese for Lord, and No‘eji is Chinese for spirit. Arc is Hebrew, and signifies a box, but more particularly a preserving box. Among the Phoenicians anything that was sacred was engraved with an arch on the front; for it was supposed to flatter the spirits who attended them, as much as to say, you are arc-angels. Is it not wonderful that the Japanese ports were opened by Americans and in the beginning of kosmon, and without war? Following in fact the manifestations of the spirits in America, as was prophesied in 1850. And the mark of the Faithist was still with them. –Ed.

341: person appointed to execute (carry out) the will of Or (E-O-IH)

342: Singular is Rab‘bah: father, priest, one who is ordained as head of a family, tribe or nation. [The modern Chinese omit the first syllable, saying ―bah,‖ signifying ―father.‖ –Ed.]

343: see footnotes 06/1.16 and 06/2.4

344: These seven degrees are also called lessons or commandments in the verses that follow.

345: reject, foreswear, refuse association with

346: quit, give up, renounce

347: It will be observed here that the druks had a different law given to them; for the I‘hins killed nothing, and neither ate fish nor flesh. –Ed.

348: Apparently this means the Fete was situated a short distance in front of the altar, so that only the holiest of men and women could draw near the altar.

349: See image i033r07a. More is given later in Oahspe regarding Fete.

350: harass, beleaguer, plague, bedevil, besiege, attack, surround, hem in, assail

351: see image i033r03f Gau

352: The arc of Noe was the first deliverance.

353: see image i084

354: That is, Sue, who was chosen by E-O-IH to lead the mission. Note that the word God can be used to refer to anyone of that rank or higher; for, once having attained the Godhead, it is never lost or set aside.

355: i.e., Chinvat 07/1.20

356: That is, through the spectacle of his enormous illuminated ship, Sue gained the attention of low-grade spirits and mortals in such a way as to make them look up in awe and fill with fear, wonder and caution.

357: Agni means fire, in this case, etherean fire. The etherean fire can illumine all so that if any darkness resides in the soul, it is seen plainly by those around. Thus, thoughts and sentiments of, say, hatred and vile cannot be hidden in the light of etherean agni, and, in turn, those of low grade can readily see their own deficiencies reflected in the light shining down upon them. To them, might the light not seem full of searing hatred, yet with the power of justice underscoring the light?

358: yellow, blue and red

359: persuade, influence

360: provisions, food and drink, nourishment

361: Oahspe is such a vehicle.

362: development; accumulation; greatness; increase in extent, power, might, prominence, stature, influence, significance, profit, etc.

363: unfortunate, tragic, poor, pitiable

364: be expedient, use to advantage

365: Note that these left shortly after the procession got underway.

366: without charge or obligation, freely

367: delicious prepared foods

368: including costuming and other accessories, grooming, set design, etc.

369: a portrayal, illustration, scene or representation that is dramatic and striking

370: abandon, leave, desert

371: i.e., effortlessly when and as they desired

372: There are thousands and thousands of Spiritualists who have witnessed these things being done by the spirits, but of course not on so grand a scale. –Ed.And, lastly, the etherean marshals, with half a million ethereans, turned the winds and sent a heavy shower of rain down to the corporeal earth.372

373: boundary, limit, end

374: the flakey, light covering of unprocessed grain

375: disobedient, insubordinate, contempt for authority, delinquent, willful, headstrong, unruly, self-indulgent

376: i.e., And plain shall be my raiment, and clean, forever.

377: sanctity = holiness, saintliness, piety; decorum = polite behavior, deportment, manners, etiquette, conventions, propriety, formality

378: rejection, repudiation, recanting, renouncing, cessation, discontinuance

379: dejected, despondent, disheartened

380: spiritual center. –1891 glossary

381: de-sex, neuter, spay or castrate, make eunuchs of them

382: see image i085

383: abundant, flourishing, richly supplied

384: a likeness, an image, representation, emblem, indication

385: in unity with, unified with, in sync with

386: when Sethantes was crowned as first God of the earth and heavens

387: traversed, examined carefully, measured, labored in

388: a beneficently offered or tendered or presented

389: lack of understanding; absurdity; foolishness; i.e., to prove they were mistaken

390: created, engendered, reproduced, gestated, born, came into existence, originated, conceived

391: Gau here signifies plan of perfection. Gau is also mentioned in the Vedic Scriptures as the home of the God, Sughdha. –Ed.

392: pleasingly-shaped, attractive to the eye that sees harmony and symmetry, pleasant to behold

393: through the air for extended periods; and while on ground, glide about gracefully, nimble and light-footed

394: necessitates, causes, inescapably brings about

395: loitering, shady opportunists lurking about, searching for, sometimes only aimlessly alert for, self diversions

396: Music here refers to general expression or action; in other words, gracefulness in all things. The ancient Greeks gave a similar interpretation to the word music. –Ed.

397: captured, taken over, possessed

398: happened, eventuated, proved to be

399: i.e., sorted them through noting their grades, ranks and rates, so as to most wisely provide for them

400: i.e., at the end of Apollo‘s five years and 200 days

401: referring to those who had been the false Gods and false Lords

402: in one‘s milieu, surroundings, environment

403: That is, as heaven is, so does earth become. Also, see to it = labor in such a way, make sure, make certain

404: pursuits, goals, amusements, gambits, strategies and the like

405: This seems to mean that a successful social order not only must provide ideas, vision, opportunities, means and impetus such as will give the people aims and ends to aspire toward, but also must provide for the fulfillment of people‘s individual, grassroots, or novel aspirations (assuming they are virtuous). Accordingly, too, for the social order, unifying themes must exist by which these aspirations can be seen to tie into a larger wholesome context.

406: rebuke, strongly disapprove, reprimand

407: treasuries, stores, reservoirs, supplies

408: teachings, commandments, laws, rules or principles regarding a course of action

409: honorary, nominal, vicarious, acting

410: Apparently Phaeja was the predecessor to Gur as God of heaven and earth.

411: Mi here refers to mother earth; it is another term along with Om that is used for the feminine attributes of E-O-IH. –cns ed. [cns ed. refers to consulting editor for the present Oahspe edition.]

412: This refers to the color of the purified soul, not body color. Note that Cim‘iad herself had dark skin color (see 14/11.2

413: This doesn‘t necessarily mean they will never return as ethereans to raise other earthborn in the future. But they are resurrecting and leaving their earth mother, just as children grow up and leave home to live with their spouse.

414: a loose, sleeveless covering like a cloak, here made of etherean light

415: gave evidence of, indicated, attested to, foretold of

416: loitered, loafed, lazily lounged, idled

417: In those times, idol worship was the way of raising the standard of human form. Mankind was raised from idol worship, to belief in a spirit in the sky, and now in Kosmon, to The Great Spirit that is in and over all. The sense of beauty of form remains an ideal and is applicable to these Kosmon times. –cns ed.

418: united, organized and moving in coordinated manner; concerted like a symphony, thus organic in harmony, symmetry and music

419: shapeliness; aesthetic appeal, symmetry, beauty of proportions, wholesomeness, etc.

420: In another place described, this country seems to have been inhabited first in Central or South America, and to have embraced South America, Mexico, Texas, and the Western Mississippi, from which a canal extended to the Lake Superior mines. Further research now shows that these wonderful people also extended over a large part of Tennessee and Ohio, and part of Kentucky, and a large portion of Kansas. The extent of the country inhabited by these sacred people shows that not less than four million could have occupied it. –Ed.

421: the desire that comes of inspiration. –1891 glossary

422: benefit, help, advantage, purpose, value

423: Haden is both the Chinese and Algonquin name for sky. Phoenicians said, Aden; the modern Hebrew, however, is sha-chag. Aven is the mythical Hebrew for an undefinable place or idol. Some scholars trace the English word Heaven to the same source. Galgal is a condition of the mind. –Ed.

424: i.e., go to earth down there

425: attentive to, thoughtful regarding, respectful of, contemplative toward

426: favorably inclined, auspicious, conducive, amenable, responsive

427: i.e., all the cloven-footed except for pigs (swine, hogs). Cloven foot or cloven hoof is a cleft or divided hoof such as cows, deer, oxen, sheep, goats, etc., have.

428: see image i085

429: determine, discover, assess

430: close proximity including contact

431: That is, what is the condition, rank, grade, of the earth in reference to that which is coming?

432: Thus, for example, how can one proceed without resources, the wherewithal, to induce others upward?

433: So, for example, if you ask for love, then give love to your fellow humans; if you ask for wisdom, then impart wisdom for the wholesome benefit of others; if you ask for power, be willing to harmoniously work with others toward a good and worthy goal. But all too often man will not follow through on the second part of the arrangement for he desires the fruit without labor.

434: i.e., hands on; by their own efforts, becoming actively involved, assuming ownership over their own behavior and thus taking responsibility

435: injury, damage, detriment, impairment

436: tribulation, trial, arduous times, adversity

437: perpetual roaring of the atmospherean elements. –1891 glossary

438: grievous, dire, bleak

439: Notice that Oahspe was initially written for atmosphereans as well as for corporeans. This is stated more explicitly later in Oahspe.

440: In other words, atmospherean worlds and corporeal worlds are not built from ethe, but from that which is carried by the ethe. Thus, the unseen is not just simply a rarefied form of corpor; that is, there is more than one member (i.e., there is more than corpor) in E-O-IH‘s Person.

441: having merit, worthy, deserving, worthwhile, true, creditable

442: idlers, loafers, parasites, automatons

443: wanderers, rovers, drifters, ramblers, aimless, shiftless, of no fixed purpose

444: admonishing, revealing your relationship to the good, gentle correcting

445: This is the origin of the story of the three sons of Noah, see Genesis 6.10, Ezra Bible.

446: Ja‘fung is Chinese for Jaffeth, and is the oldest [corporeally known] original name of the country. Shem is the Vedic word for land, or country (India). Ham, as the student is aware, is A‘ham, the original name of Egypt (Egupt). Legends of the flood, and of the journeys related above, are still existing in all those countries. –Ed.

447: In all these countries, namely, China, India, Egypt and Persia, there is still in existence a legend that, long ago, the chosen of God went on a long journey in search of their ancient brethren, and that ten tribes were lost in the wilderness. –Ed.

448: apart, separate, removed; distant in interaction, interest, emotional involvement, etc.

449: E-O-IH, or Je-ho-vih, was the master‘s word among the ancient Jews. The Chinese said Che-hih-no, in their ceremonies, being the same phonetic word. The Algonquins (North American Indians) said U-he-no-win, accented on the second and fourth syllables. The Chinese word is accented on the first syllable. The Algonquin ―U‖ is, most likely, without any signification. The word Git-che-ma-ne-to, of the Algonquins, means servant to the Great Spirit, that is, as the English word Lord means Land God, or an underling of E-O-IH. –Ed.

450: therefore, for that reason

451: see image i086

452: an oral command

453: relief, aid, help, especially to one in difficulty

454: dawn, beginning, start, level, arrival, event

455: i.e., as if infused with and propelled by All Power

456: apparently his mantle (cloak) had a hood

457: potential, capability, susceptibility

458: unfortunate, unlucky, poor

459: amusement, sport, merriment, party, celebration

460: authoritative commands, orders, instructions

461: excitement, exhilaration, fervor, vigor, zeal

462: The judgment seat was built using diamond-like stone (adamantine). To pile is to secure an underpinning or foundation; in construction, driving pile beams into the ground does this; perhaps similar to that, the adamantine throne was secured into the site.

463: inferring, considering, anticipating, fearing

464: mettle, character, temperament, spirit, courage, fortitude, etc.

465: information about this calamity

466: contribution, payment; usually exacted, forced; and demanded as evidence of loyalty or submission

467: bias, favor

468: In the English translations from the Vedic Scriptures, this God is spelled the same, Daveas. Evil men are also characterized as Daveas [devious]. –Ed.

469: Most interpreters of the Hindu Scriptures spell this name, Daevas. As the natives pronounce it, it sounds more like Dah-we-oz, but it is identical with Daveas of the ancient Vedes. –Ed. [In Persia (Par‘si‘e) this became Darius.]

470: great darkness occasioned by the falling of nebulae. –1891 glossary. [In this verse umbrae would seem to refer to a type of thick nebula, perhaps thick enough to immobilize the members of the knot. Obviously as these ethereans can manifest sheets of light, likewise they can manifest vast cohesive conglomerations of dense nebulae (umbrae).]

471: Such as pretenders who claim to be more than what they are, as in professing to be Apollo; and, anyone placed above E-O-IH and His will, cannot be given respect as to person (i.e., because of name, title, position, etc.); and so, the false ones should not expect favor on that basis.

472: list, perhaps epitomizing or summarizing the subjects

473: that = ‗if only‘ or ‗were it the case that‘ or ‗if it could be the case that;‘ in other words, expressing a desire or wish that something were true

474: Zodiac is called, sometimes, the signs of the seasons. The Osirian religion was really the directing of man‘s attention to the power and grandeur of corporeal worlds. In other words, the God Osiris‘ labor was to call mortals away from idol worship and make them scientists. –Ed. [It was also the time when man greatly developed his cognitive, intellectual, reasoning, etc., abilities.]

475: Osiris established and fortified inspiration for man to build in the corporeal field. The fruits of that inspiration continue to this day; and for convenience‘ sake, adherents can be called Osirians.Accordingly, building upon the Osirian past, a teaching to this day is that man has built himself by his own hands, and therefore, by extension, the highest standard used to measure man is man himself—not some mythical God or hallucination of the mind called angels—for the teaching in its strictest sense considers all Gods and angels to be fabrications from the mind of man. Even the sun and universe can be understood by man, and someday mastered, or so the hope of the Osirian is.the I‘hins not as idolaters, but still worshippers of the Great Spirit, E-O-IH. But as to the half-breeds, who can understand them? They believe nothing; they believe everything. They ask the idol for rain, and for dry weather! For strength to slay the druks; for flesh to eat, and for famine to be visited on their enemies.

476: see Onk or Zodiac, image i020

477: Um means direction, and in this case the place and direction of movement was illustrated by the priest. Note that there was um not only for the signs, but for individual stars, sun, moon and planets as well. For some symbols of um, see images i033r10g, i033r10i, i033r10j, i033r10k from the Tablet of Se‘moin.

478: That is, will acknowledge them to be worshippers of the Great Spirit, and so bestow them with the circumcision—most likely this came with a rite and ceremony; perhaps also a sacred name of the Creator was imparted, to be kept in secret.

479: being the circumcision, which signified the person had seed capable of eternal life

480: agent, deputy, delegate, functionary

481: those who profess to foretell events concerning self; fortune tellers

482: the false Lords and familiars

483: that is, evil disposition –Ed. [see 10/13.9-10; 11/1.68.]

484: see image i019 Star-Worshippers

485: initiate, establish, lay the base of; thus man would base his corporeal knowledge on the stars; said another way, all corporeal knowledge originates from (can be reduced to, linked to, traced to) the stars; the origin of astrology and astronomy. Note that originally the constellations and stars (including planets) were identified so that man (through correlation) could learn the timing of corporeal events. It was only later that man attributed the CAUSE of these events to the stars or constellations themselves.

486: The terms cows and horses, or mares and bulls, in the Vedic Scriptures, do not refer to the animals themselves, but to groups of stars, with reference to their power on the male and female; or rather, positive and negative forces. In some of the astrological maps, in Upper Thibet [Tibet], the star groups are still set with animal outlines.Osiris was sent to the earth to develop corporeal brains in man [mind, corporeal knowledge, corporeal judgment]; and he will stand to the end of time as the God of natural philosophy [science], as that term is understood. The names of many of the stars, and of most of the signs of the zodiac, are today as they were given by this God, Osiris, more than ten thousand years ago. –Ed.

487: see image i020 Onk or Zodiac

488: Fichtus of Haal refers to 24,000 years‘ periods, as will be seen in another place, when great changes take place on the earth. It also refers to an average position of the north star. And yet again, the same term applies to certain distances from the sun, where planets have orbits. It is by this rule that astronomers, to this day, judge of the place where a planet is likely to be discovered. The ruined temples of India and Eastern Persia suggest that, in the time of their building, the astronomers of those days knew nearly as much of the heavens as we do today. Some five thousand years afterward these things were taught in Egypt, when the first pyramids were built. According to the rules in prophecy, these astronomical desires came to man every eleven thousand, and six and five thousand years. –Ed.

489: The sound, ―Ah,‖ substituted for ―Oh,‖ makes a word earthly that was heavenly. Asyrian, and Aysyrian, and Aysirian, and Assyrian, are synonymous terms. –Ed.

490: i.e., dan‘ha cycles

491: delight each other, tell stories, entertain

492: i.e., through the roadways; see image i098

493: Thus, Eticene and her hosts were still traveling upward when it pierced the atmospherea of earth. But then, perhaps as they reorient the ship, they must seem to themselves to be traveling downward, for their orientation must change at some point.

494: equipment and accessories

495: give as an inheritance, grant, assign, bestow

496: the evil voice; satan

497: origin of the concept of what is today called natural law, laws of physics, Nature or Mother Nature

498: cohesion, ability to amass

499: A crescent is often compared to a bull‘s horns. Most likely, the word Taurus had its origin as here described. Taw and Tawri are bull in the Yi-ha language. The word, of later date, signified force, or bull-like. The laws issued in a spirit circle are called ―bulls,‖ or Tau. Taurus, force, manifested especially in the procreative element, at a certain season of the year, as manifested in animals. Known by signs in the zodiac. Hence, as the Pope issues bulls. –Ed.

500: That is, there is no power in all the world that can prevail against the word of the Lord.

501: The word ritual, in English, can be traced back to ritvij, the present Sanscrit [Sanskrit] word for priest, or teacher of sacred things. Nearly all the Hebrew words pertaining to the mythical Tower of Babel, and the confusion of languages, correspond with Yi-ha, and its descendant language, the Sanscrit. In English we have babble, and gad, and gab, which are real Sanscrit words, as spoken. –Ed.

502: The new language given was called Vede. Although it later became (with other languages) part of Sanskrit, this latter word still means ―perfect.‖

503: This is the key phrase for understanding the homogeneity of races of today. If you have flat nails instead of claws, arms that don‘t extend to the knees, and the desire to acquire knowledge, then you are indeed so because of the I‘hins. (See 19/4.24-25 for more I‘hin ancestry signs.)this, is not so great a good truth as to know how to do righteously.

504: I‘hins had long hair; see comparison at image i014. For man, hair length was an outward sign of spiritual capacity, although not necessarily of spiritual attainment (practice, competence, proficiency, facility). The capacity for eternal life comes because of one‘s I‘hin ancestry; and, while in the past, hair length was an outward sign of I‘hin ancestry, today virtually all humans, regardless of hair length, have capacity for eternal life (thus showing their I‘hin ancestry). For it is in the Line of Light, which is of the Tree of Light through the Tree of Life, that one‘s identity is procured; remembering, that, while the caterpillar (flesh body) crawls along the ground, it is the butterfly (spirit within) that rises into the air (enters heaven).

505: The two languages are exactly opposite in construction; one monosyllabic [* the language of Jaffeth], and the other composed of a wonderful combination of syllables, sometimes as many as thirty to forty to one word. Think of the following: Vahhomvokwijomyissitiviyubuyhhomavashstbahhyodahuittayaivi, for the word FIRMAMENT. –Ed. [* Note that this is a generalization, for while the language of Jaffeth (China) was chiefly monosyllabic, it did have some polysyllabic words, although generally of not more than two or three syllables.]

506: The same legend exists in China, in regard to the egg and the origin of evil; the only difference being the name signifying satan or serpent. ―Hiss‖ or ―h‘ce‖ is Chinese for serpent. This is Panic, that is, what the serpent says; but when ―AH‖ speaks, we know ―ah‖ means earth. In the Ezra Bible, the serpent spoke to Eve, i.e., the earth spoke; or, in plain English, the flesh tempted the spirit. In the Hindu scriptures, the first race, A‘su, tempted the white people with wings. Had one of these countries obtained the legend from the other, the languages would have corresponded. In the Chinese version, the Tower of Babel (babbling languages) is not referred to. Why? Certainly, because in that country there was no confusion of languages. –Ed.

507: instructing, requiring, compelling, impelling

508: The mound builders came from the west, but never reached as far as to the Atlantic Ocean. –Ed.

509: Par‘si‘e is the origin of the nation and term Persia.

510: See 17/2.6 through 17/3.17 especially 17/2.16 and 17/3.4-9 for the story of how the ten tribes of Ghans got lost; and now we see these became the start of the shepherd kings.

511: set beforehand as strategy, predetermined

512: That is, with the world‘s people. –Ed.

513: recognize, make out clearly, behold, detect

514: Miracle here likely means proof of the spirit world, and especially of the dominion of E-O-IH and His heavens. But more generally, a miracle may refer to the fortuitous circumstances or results, which often attend the course of good works.

515: Many Japanese words, Chinese words, East Indian [India], Central American, Algonquin and Phoenician words, are nearly identical in sound and meaning, especially as spoken by the uneducated. The sound, ―An,‖ sharp, plays a conspicuous part. –Ed.

516: 1891 Editor: Nevertheless in hundreds of years after, there came into Shem I‘hins from Jaffeth who survived thousands of years. [Also there were I‘hin migrants from Ham coming into Shem. –ed.]

517: The North American Indians still have a legend of the mound-builders, that they were people who came from another world and dwelt on earth for a long season, to teach them of the Great Spirit, and of the Summer Land in the sky. –Ed.

518: lacking, deprived of, cut off from, left unprovided for, stripped of, dispossessed of

519: whoever is a materialist; or searcher exclusively after corporeal knowledge; or who has man or the sun, or corporea, as the central figure or All Highest

520: To work manfully is to cast one‘s spirit forth with power to congregate and make.Though these two qualities (corporeal and spiritual) may seem incompatible, yet, now, in kosmon, as people reach spiritual maturity, both qualities (spiritual and corporeal) will become as a unit in balance. Moreover, since the unseen (spiritual) has dominion over the seen (corporeal), then the corporeal qualities will become subject to the spirit—resulting in the physical talents and corporeal knowledge serving the good of all.And, even though the spiritual and the corporeal come into balance as a unit, the distinction still stands regarding the two, that the corpor in man will tend to go forth manfully and the spiritual in man will tend to inward.

521: Most likely this refers to the time of rut or estrus of the various types of animals, perhaps also duration of gestation and general time of birth. As to ships sailing, this perhaps refers to tides, prevailing winds and seasonal variation of ocean currents.

522: Heaven here must mean the corporeal sky.

523: administration[s]. –1891 glossary

524: see image i086

525: throng, crowd, gathering, of angels

526: One of the first surprises a novice in Su‘is receives, is to see and hear so many spirits in the spirit world who do not know they are dead; or rather, that they have left their mortal bodies. And they very generally believe they are confined in a dark chamber, from which they cannot escape. –Ed.

527: From here to the end of Oahspe, the word, I‘huan, generally becomes an umbrella term encompassing a continuum consisting of pure I‘huans on one end to pure Ghans on the other end, and all types in between these two. The Ghan end represents the advancing edge of humanity.

528: descendents of the Shepherd Kings mixed with the I‘huans and Ghans –cns ed.

529: made a memo, scheduled it into the calendar

530: preeminent, surpassing other vessels

531: accommodated on a vessel, i.e., they all lived on the ship

532: This would not necessarily mean that the earth was less than four million years old, because these pilots would likely have been coursing the firmament long before their current voyage of four million years. –cns ed.

533: takes up; marries oneself to; begins a life with; commits to

534: fitting; suitable; good

535: create and furnish

536: testimony, confirmation, evidence, disclosure

537: see image i075

538: diminish, reduce the quality of, debase, corrupt, impair, annul

539: i.e., a trillion (1,000,000,000,000)

540: see image i021 Atmospherean heavens founded by Fragapatti, showing these plateaus

541: Many of the names of these spiritual mountains are still retained in the Vedic Scriptures. –Ed.

542: All these divisions in the spirit heavens are still found in the Vedic Scriptures. Some corporeal mountains have been named after them. –Ed.

543: In these verses Fragapatti is referring to the birth of Seffas upon the earth when he refers to the Morn of the East Birth (note he could go no farther east because Pan lay sunken). The Setting Eve of Death refers to the death of Seffas and the subsequent birth of Kosmon (the Kosmon era).

544: see image i018 Post-Flood Outline Map of the World

545: note that Par‘si‘e is part of Heleste

546: This would appear to be a mantle of light covering the ship, but not a photosphere, however.

547: notice, a message

548: lazy, idle, sluggish

549: limit, restrict, circumvent, thwart, deny, prohibit, restrain, hinder, impede

550: attributes, stature

551: breath held in due to terror; not doing any breathing due to fearful anticipation

552: Ughs: foul air from dead people. –1891 glossary. || Brimstone is sulfurous gas. By ughs we may presume the smell of rotting corpses. In other words, to keep the drujas contained, they were surrounded by ughs and brimstone; and the ethereans (knowing the chemical composition of such things even as today we know how to make suffocating sulfur odor) could easily cast a thick wall of them.

553: improvised, created only with the elements at hand; made impromptu

554: energetically began

555: i.e., the wise balance between too much and too little; a fruitful policy

556: one who seduces

557: travelers (in the surveys of magnitudes) who notify the Oe‘tans of the available places for new worlds, and the time for dissipating old ones. –1891 glossary

558: an angel who had attained to wisdom and power to make worlds. –1891 glossary

559: This sea in the spirit world is over and above the Atlantic and Pacific oceans; or, in other words, outward from the earth‘s center, in atmospherea. –Ed.

560: i.e., one thousand miles north of the Tropic of Cancer, and halfway between the East and West Coasts of North America

561: called, named

562: scale, importance, greatness

563: one who is more or less undisciplined, unrestrained, unchaste or libidinous; a seducer

564: completely lacking; destitute, void

565: What is the geometric shape of this plateau? Does it follow the land border contours? Most likely, the 2000 miles breadth would stretch from the Rocky Mountains eastward, to the coast of North America.

566: These days, circa 150 ak, we may think of this type of production as similar to creating virtual realities, using such things as projected realities (environments, images, holograms, tangible and otherwise, etc), production equipment, and the like. Mortals experiencing films, television, internet, holograms, music recordings, etc., are all corporeal examples of subjective encounters.

567: Meaning the sort of food that these spirits had been used to eating when they were mortals; plus plenty of spiritually healthy foods.

568: The happy hunting ground has been known in Guatama even to the coming of kosmon.

569: This would be the present dan‘ha cycle and which launched the Kosmon era.

570: The etherean Ctius was probably chief marshal of the throne. He was stationed in front of the throne.

571: this includes birds

572: atmospherean body

573: There are spiritualist books describing the spirit world as having animals, and spirits who have animals as pets, including exotic animals such as a leopard. Through reading these accounts, one can learn subjectively about the spirit realm at that level.

574: catch up with, rank with; i.e., enter etherea, even as others who became wise in E-O-IH‘s light

575: friendliness, goodwill

576: stay temporarily, sojourn, remain

577: on their own account; by their own means; by themselves

578: sins that were committed by the parents or previous ancestors

579: That is, to the heavens resting on or very close to the surface of the earth. Note that those who ascend to etherea as Brides and Bridegrooms, being wedded to the All-Light, cannot fall into unbelief.

580: To give the Creator properties that cannot be related to, aspired toward, or comprehended in the sense of measuring one‘s closeness or distance to those traits of His, is to make Him non-appreciable, i.e., not capable of being understood and appreciated; not seen as a Person.In those who, having fallen from the second resurrection, refer to the Creator as unknowable, we have an example of how this idea makes the All Person un-appreciable. For, although we will never know E-O-IH in His full form and extent, everlasting resurrection (spiritual growth) means we will be forever growing in our knowledge of Him, and forever attaining in His attributes. –cns ed.In sum, E-O-IH is not unknowable (impossible to know; beyond the capacity of human understanding), but to those in darkness, it may seem so for a season. –ed.

581: This attribute is that which is stated elsewhere in Oahspe as going forth manfully 19/6.24 and is part of that which Oahspe calls manliness; note this refers to both males and females.the right road; and, in the plan of the universe, will drift into an association adapted to himself.

582: This can be likened to a body with many organs, each of which must function perfectly for the whole to function perfectly; and for each organ to function perfectly, each component cell (individual) must function perfectly.

583: Starting from a single cancerous cell, an entire body can ultimately die. Accordingly, health or unity of the whole requires the perfecting of each and every member within that entity.Also note that in these Kosmon times, the United Nations of the world are also rated as One Person; and so the same applies.kingdoms as become united with each other, they also become One Person, being a single figurehead of many parts, which is the perfection of each and every individual.582

584: special attention paid to it; given priority

585: that is, over that portion of North Guatama that became the United States of America

586: become as one, habituate, become increasingly accustomed

587: evidently holders of banners that they unfurled, with wording on them, for reasons shortly made clear

588: decorum, composure, formality, stateliness

589: carried, conveyed

590: fierce denunciations, maledictions, invoking of evil, cursing

591: This is the origin of Ibis worship. –Ed.

592: in person, embodied, personified, incarnated

593: wretched, infidel, good-for-nothing, abject

594: afflicted, ravaged, the object of vengeance

595: strategy, concealed purpose

596: that is, he who was responsible for having filled the earth with those capable of eternal life

597: directed, navigated or piloted

598: Apparently this means discretion, and to provide for the participants‘ development in discernment, circumspection, reasoning and prudence regarding the spirits who manifest to them.

599: something that must come first, a prerequisite, a prior circumstance

600: in this case being those in the first resurrection, which is aspiration toward a higher condition for self‘s sake, that is, the desire to improve one‘s condition

601: looked upon or acknowledged

602: See the Vedic Scripture. –Ed. [i.e., mortal records referring to that time]

603: Many Spiritualists have witnessed the power of spirits to break things. Some have supposed that they break steel by electric or magnetic currents. I have witnessed the breaking of things when the sound was strong as the report of a musket [sound of a gun firing]. Where there is sufficient number of spirits, it is possible for them to erect walls of fire, or pillars of fire. The value [power] of manifestations is greatly increased by a su‘is or sar‘gis leading such a life that he may have an extensive army of spirits with him. –Eng. Ed. [1882]

604: centered around; surrounding; within the vicinity of

605: exclusive, restricted, private, secretive

606: Spirit house; that is, prior to this time the angels from the earth had not grown sufficiently to desire homesteads; neither had the heavens of the earth been prepared with plateaus sufficient for such spirits. Prior to this period angels of low grade were kept with mortals, and taught subjec-tively. –1891 glossary

607: In the early days, in India, the observatories were called oka‘se‘iang; that is, temples of the stars. –Ed.

608: A census of mortals and angels would be made; and part of the enumeration was a listing of the grade and rate of each individual. Those individuals in the resurrection were tallied into a tablet called the abracadabra. There is more on this later in Oahspe.HIS SONS AND DAUGHTERS, OF THOUSANDS OF YEARS, HAVE RETURNED ONCE MORE TO THEIR NATIVE RED STAR, TO PROCLAIM HIS BOUNDLESS GLORY!

609: be alert to, pay attention to, heed, observe, attend to, help fulfill, abide by, be mindful of, be guided by

610: These names still exist in the ancient Chinese and Indian [India] mythologies and sacred books. –Ed.

611: Newly born in heaven does not seem to mean only those who recently died on earth, but those who are for the first time awakened to the Light of the Father‘s kingdoms. In another place we read of spirits having been in the lower conditions for hundreds of years, not knowing the heavens above them. –Ed.

612: magistrates in charge of suitability, aptness and other information required for destination placement of es‘yans

613: lights that were gracious, hospitable, pleasant, calm, comforting, soothing

614: spiritual history. –1891 glossary

615: earnestly reason with, so as to change the other‘s view; to remonstrate; protest and plea

616: The Cardinals of the Christian religion have no right to wear the red hat. Their faith is in Christ, the idol, and not in E-O-IH. In the Masonic order, however, the master is entitled to wear it, because they profess only the Great Spirit, E-O-IH, the ARCHITECT. The hat should be blood red, and have no rim, and its name, evidently, should be Hi-rom. –Ed.

617: poison worms materialized. –1891 glossary

618: apostrophized; the asking of rhetorical questions; so-called ‗thinking out loud‘

619: In English we call this Divine Law. In the Vedic, and in modern religious ceremonies in India and China, the terms, Div and Divan law, are still in use. Here we behold the origin of the terms, Divine and Divinity. –Ed.

620: see images i033r03k and i033r04g, being inqua and git‘s‘ang from Se‘moin tablet

621: likely similar to a walkway or bridge-way with red carpet (formal, stately) treatment

622: God‘s Word is an important book, because it is the father and mother of all other religions in the world. The best historical accounts place Zoroaster [Zoraaster, Zarathustra] about six thousand years before Moses‘ time. That the Persians and Indians [Hindus] were far advanced in learning in those days, we have the proof that the stars and planets were then named and mapped. As much of the astronomy of that period is blended with our astronomy of today, so is the Zoroasterian [Zarathustrian] religion the framework and foundation of modern Buddhism and Christianity. The student will find that a thorough knowledge of the sacred books of the Chinese, Hindoos [Hindus], Persians, etc., will facilitate the classification of names here used. I‘hua‘Mazda, is synonymous with God; Mazda, [Ormazd] synonymous with E-O-IH. –Ed.

623: I‘hua‘Mazda, The MASTER VOICE, or, as we would say, thus says God, or, God said, etc. –Ed.

624: contempt, beneath oneself to consider

625: one who follows another like a drooling dog follows its master; one who eagerly embraces drivel (nonsense, foolishness); a minion, a flunky

626: that is, much as one would cleft a scion (insert a shoot into a stock plant), so into the stock of Asu a scion (a bud or shoot, i.e., soul of light from angels) was grafted

627: not given scope or latitude, not allowed

628: make gestures with the hands and arms; speak with the hands

629: one who tends horses and stables; Os‘shan was most likely supervisor over this department

630: see image i108 Zarathustra

631: predicament, difficulty, plight, distress

632: a display of expertise (being here: superior reasoning)

633: i.e., wisdom is imperfect (and therefore cannot be trusted)

634: Asha‘s argument eventuates to: Man must have an all highest perfection against which to judge; all lesser wisdom flows down from the all highest wisdom; if the all highest wisdom is imperfect, then all lesser wisdom must be imperfect, and man is left without a standard by which to judge. This sets the stage for the disintegration of man‘s society, and eventually anarchy ensues—for without a perfect all highest, there is no unity and the whole system comes crashing down.

635: In essence, this food and/or drink was an admission fee for strangers to enter the city.

636: Ormazd, signifies E-O-IH, the Creator; more definitely, Master of Light. OR is both Hebraic and Vedic for LIGHT. Mazda, or Mazd, is the origin of our word Master. –Ed.

637: That is, I was born with nothing, and E-O-IH didn‘t require anything from me to enter the world.

638: i.e., I don‘t want to judge before hearing your side of the story; in other words, it is not my light (thoughts, reasoning, meaning) that I wish to examine, it is yours; I wish to hear you speak further.

639: Even today, the spirits who communicate to their mortal kin and friends either directly or through psychics, usually relate details about themselves or about the mortals to whom they are communicating, as a verification that they are who they appear or claim to be. This is to assure the persons still on earth that their loved one lives on in spirit, and that is why the messages are usually insignificant. –cns ed.

640: For are you not still left in darkness concerning the unseen? –ed. || Asha‘s need to have his corporeal understanding satisfied, is not the issue here, for whether an explanation is found in the physical or not, the cause is still in the spiritual. For the issue, as God indicates, is not proof but belief, for Asha is rationalizing to support his belief that spirit is nothing and all cause lies in the physical. –cns ed.

641: Sooghda, or, improperly, Sughda, is known as Apollo to English and Latin students. –Ed.

642: The plan of salvation; the word that leads to everlasting life. In the Chinese language this ―dhi‖ is a separate word, and pronounced ―jhi.‖ –Ed.

643: see image i033r01i; or i001

644: i.e., the intangible essence of things, which, for convenience or ease of understanding, is here called soul

645: i.e., all form (shape and structure) whether in corpor, atmospherea or etherea

646: Thus we have an unseen essence, the form around it, and its expression.Good is good to man; but good is not good to Ormazd. Only two conditions are before Ormazd; neither evil, nor good; but ripe and unripe. To Ormazd, that which man calls evil is unripe; to Ormazd, that which man calls good is ripe.

647: These are the same as the seven tetracts of the Hebrew Scriptures. –Ed. [For more on the seven tetracts see 10/13.9-12; 11/1.68.]

648: blessing, benefit

649: Much of this subject matter is still to be found in the Vedas. –Ed.

650: Was there a parallel rule for woman regarding her desires?

651: express disapproval of, rebuke, criticize

652: Was there a parallel rule regarding a pregnant wife not lying with her husband?

653: And was there a parallel rule here?

654: station, path, habit, destiny, fate

655: The word sacrifice here [as used by Asha] is evidently used in the same sense as in the Vedic Scriptures, and signifies, ―Contributions to the poor and afflicted.‖ –Ed.

656: That is, as if he no longer existed; which is to say, as the people in the Kingdom of the Sun no more think of a person after he is dead (because they think he no longer exists), so likewise Asha was to void himself of any thoughts or concerns of himself.

657: Temples made of skulls and teeth. –Ed.

658: stubbornly resisting submission to authority or control; unruly; ungovernable

659: Hyarti is a period of darkness, especially a time of spiritual darkness.

660: the ancient wheel, the jaugernot (juggernaut); see image i022 Ug-sa or Uh-ga; also image i033, second row, second image from left

661: jaugernot, the wheel; i.e., the uh‘ga

662: The mediums of today [circa 1849-1882] are tested in many cruel ways, in order to prove es‘sean power. Professor Crooks of England, the inventor of the radiometer, relates some wonderful experience in his investigations, to test the unseen power. I have seen mediums bound and tied in many ways, even till the blood exuded from the wrists and ankles, and yet the angels released them, in a moment of time; and frequently without untying a knot. –Ed.

663: Rab‘bah is spelled in many ways in different places, because the pronunciation of different people makes it so. Ara‘ba signifies, ground of fathers, or, foundation of the order of fathers. –Ed.

664: following the example of, doing things similarly to, using as a template or cynosure, in the manner of, like

665: relatives, kinfolk, extended family

666: crazy, foolish

667: that which causes bread to rise; agents for uplifting

668: right, proper, fit, fair, wise

669: Sacrifice here evidently means contributing. –Ed.

670: persistent, lasting, ingrained, deep-rooted, firm, unfading, reliable, enduring

671: In Hebrew, the word Harel, i.e., Hill of God, is sometimes synonymous with altar. –Ed.

672: Mas is also Sanscrit for moon. –Ed.

673: constrict, lessen, curtail

674: That is, the entire city is considered to be as one person; the collective whole is considered to be as one person. This verse does not mean a single individual human being is considered to be a city or a family.

675: Ir is the same in Hebraic, Hebrew, Phoenician and Vedic literature, and signifies city. God-ir signifies, or is equivalent to, City-God. The God-irs were without written laws, being themselves supreme. The representation of districts by Congressmen is a crude example of the Zarathustrian law. Were Congressmen the oldest, best, wise men, they would be more like the God-irs than at present. The God-irs were entitled to carry the Fete (true cross). Hence the term, The Fates decree thus and so. –Ed.

676: Note that the I‘hins, although Faithists in the Great Spirit, are not considered Zarathustrians (followers of Zarathustra); but I‘hua‘Mazda (God) is here addressing the situation regarding I‘huans.

677: The distinction here drawn between them is true to the history of the Zarathustrians, to the Israelites, Brahmans [followers of the original Brahma, not the ones known in today‘s religion], and the Algonquins. Only those who fell from faith deviated from this condition. In later times, since the doctrine of Saviors was introduced, the world‘s people have used standing armies instead of walls. The same rule applies to them; having no faith in the Father, they have faith in standing armies. Their treasures being earthly, they build earthly; having an idol in heaven, they make an idol of their army‘s pageantry and power, boastingly. –Ed.

678: It may be expected that the same applies to the good man who marries a bad woman. –cns ed.

679: young woman or girl, maiden, virgin

680: whipped

681: This condition of and commitment to staying in the marriage till death parts them, and all the while attempting to uplift the other spouse (even if abusive), apparently needed to be rooted in humanity at that time. Without such a grave initial commitment to monogamic marriage being grounded in the soul of I‘huans, perhaps in later times the institution of marriage would have fallen apart or at least suffered greatly, maybe irreparably. Compare this to the heavenly teaching in Kosmon times regarding marriage, mentioned in later books of Oahspe.

682: Judas is not a Hebrew name, but Parsee. –Ed.

683: The title, KING OF THE SUN, has existed from the time of Zarathustra to the present, in one part or another of the Chinese Empire. –Ed.

684: a boy or young man; or a deceiver

685: one dedicated to, in this instance, pursuing earthly matters

686: sensuality, pleasures of the senses

687: influenced, persuaded, deceived, enticed, urged on, tricked, luredAvoid men of opinion; men of learning who pride themselves in it; men of argument; men who quibble for proofs in unprovable things; men who wish to be known as wise men; men who deny; men who can see defects in everything, and have no good alternative to offer.

688: males and females

689: through one unified plan

690: That is, you came forth out of the elements; in other words, before conception you were not an entity, and with conception you became an entity.

691: And of course the further along the road of light one gets, the closer one gets to E-O-IH (in attributes) compared to those starting out.

692: This means we each and all have access to the Word of Light within our souls, if we would take advantage of it; and it calls us along the path of light, ever drawing closer toward the All Light.

693: able to be accomplished, possible, suitable, achievable, attainable, sustainable

694: Thus we can stretch our thoughts upward to consider God‘s wisdom, and determine what is attainable and accomplishes the greatest good.

695: literally ―one seed,‖ meaning monogamous marriage; in its pure sense, marrying only once during one‘s lifetime

696: In other words, a marriage was considered to be the beginning of a small kingdom.

697: put forward for consideration

698: Meaning how Es things match up with corporeal things, and how corporeal things match up with Es things.

699: Many Spiritualists have seen spirits perform Uz. I have seen flowers passed through a board without injury or abrasion to either board or flowers. –Ed.

700: criterion, measure, summation, précis

701: Om is female for E-O-IH. Bridegrooms marry Om. Brides marry E-O-IH. –Ed. [Hence a female reaching this level would be ranked BRIDE OF E-O-IH.]

702: make known

703: the substances, resources and necessary means

704: This is the origin of the now defunct notion of the divine right of kings.

705: Ji‘ay is the Panic word and ji‘ya is the Gau word for the same thing. Now during ji‘ay, there fell perpetual atmospherean substance on the earth, and it was of the nature and kind of substance of which the earth is made, but atmospheric, and this is that which is called ji‘ya.705

706: secretly, on the sly, covertly

707: good conditions, favorable signs

708: Par‘si‘e is located in the southern part of Heleste of the i018 Post-Flood World Map; so ―Heleste‖ here probably refers to the rest of Heleste.

709: In another place it is shown that the languages [of Heleste] were Parsee, Indian [India], Chinese and Arabic. –Ed.

710: Here we can understand that the Ghans were considered to be a division of the I‘huan, that is, Ghans were the advanced part of the I‘huans, being the leading edge toward the perfect human. And now in kosmon, the Ghans are no longer the cutting edge, as man is still progressing, ever drawing closer to becoming perfected in his order. More is said later in Oahspe regarding this.

711: This Vedic expression, it seems to me, signifies: Rather let them [be willing to] have their hearts cut out than to [worship falsehood (meaning the Creator)], etc. –Ed.Ahura also seems to be saying: Let my chosen be known by their goodness of heart (an inner mark) rather than be known by an outer mark (circumcision). Here we can see Ahura‘s craft in using this edict so as to appear compassionate in order to ingratiate himself upon mortals; for, rather than to protect children, his real motives were to make a law against Faithists and to prove his wisdom greater than E-O-IH‘s.]

712: Again, the reader should keep in mind that these traits indicate the common case, being the statistical mode of each race, or overall impression, some seven to eight thousand years ago. Accordingly, while painting with the broad brush of generalities is undoubtedly useful and has a tenor of accuracy, still, one should avoid oversimplifying, lest one fails to remember the non-average cases, or, with unwarranted presumption of infallibility, one rigidly applies the stereotype to individual cases. See elsewhere in this Oahspe regarding the races of man including color.

713: i.e., without resorting to use of an I‘hin

714: lure, entice, trap, ensnare Great Spirit! || They did not hear, nor understand, nor heeded the words. The third race was the I‘huans,710 born between the I‘hins and the druks. To this race, in its early days, a commandment was given by God not to marry with the druks, and they had maintained that law among themselves by the sign of the circumcision. || The following, then, was the first beginning of persecution against Faithists in E-O-IH:

715: for examples, see images i023, i024

716: i.e., a new dan‘ha cycle

717: voidance coming forth as a person, being the embodiment

718: corresponding to, sufficient for, equal to

719: distraught, agitated, unable to think clearly

720: Lashers are those who use the whip. Enchainers are those who bind others using chains and shackles; those who fetter or manacle.

721: known in early kosmon, through legends, as Hiawatha, as well as other names

722: delegating, assigning, committing, deputizing

723: etherean food. –1891 glossary

724: The term Master, applied to Christ, came by way of the Grecians [Greeks], and not by the Hebrews. The Hebrews never rejoiced in a word that implied servitude in the sense of master. –Ed.

725: sorrowing over, lamenting, expressing regrets

726: promoted, placed positive energy into; not only to make it acceptable and desirable, but irresistible so as to make man take to heart, practice, and venerate that which the message proclaimed

727: whippings

728: These are the namesakes of the first Lord Gods at the time of Fragapatti.

729: not hysterical, not wholly unnerved or uncontrolled, mind not in chaos

730: i.e., the arc of Wan, time of Sethantes

731: see image i087

732: volunteers who may have previously registered themselves for such an excursion. –1891 glossary

733: awe-inspiringly majestic; in such grandeur as to induce reverence to the utmost degree; awesomely; magnificently; impressively; strikingly; to an appalling extent

734: drank his alcohol

735: one who obsesses (dominates, wills, brow beats, nags, hounds, haunts, etc.) another persistently with insistent inspiration

736: This means not only to speak no evil, to see no evil, and to hear no evil, but also to put away the desire to speak, see, or hear expressions of evil.

737: a covered walkway or porch, with columns, found at the entry of a building

738: refreshing fragrance, more delicate than haoma. –1891 glossary

739: This evidently means he was the first God who maintained E-O-IH‘s light all around the earth during a cycle. –Ed.

740: as in the recounting of stories and sharing of memories

741: indirectly, circuitously, in a roundabout way

742: see image i076

743: Oahspe is one such revelation.

744: abnegating, turning away from, renouncing

745: i.e., likely from sunrise to sunset, near summer solstice; recall it was a 14-hour journey 23/7.18

746: wounded pride, humiliation, resentment

747: the path of the solar vortex

748: i.e., Eawahtah

749: see image i033r07a

750: That is, Brahma, Abram, Po and Eawahtah. –Ed.

751: Presumably this is a reference to the type of food a mortal eats—vegetable foods keeping the blood clean, pure and cool, and good for the spirit in keeping peaceful and content as seen by the models of herbivore animals; while making a food of animals and other flesh keeps the blood unclean, impure and hot, making the spirit contentious, impatient, predatory, etc., as seen by the models of carnivore animals.

752: That is, the discipline of God and his Lords shall not be forced.

753: stern, exacting, rigorous, dictatorial, strict

754: gathering, assemblage

755: peers, colleagues, associates

756: consonance, fellowship, harmony, friendship

757: This would be the inqua git‘s‘ang, see 20/43.21-22

758: see image i097

759: i.e., all things are like Him in some way

760: Iesu means without sin, or one who has risen above sin; accordingly an Iesu is a person who moves in light. Iesu also means having no earthly desires for their own sake; and signifies having no sexual desires. Which is to say, Iesu can also refer to a person born of neutral sex, or very nearly so, i.e., was neither boy nor girl insofar as sexual organs were concerned, for these were not discernible, or not readily discernable—being undeveloped even as seedless variety of fruits can reveal undeveloped seeds within. Hence a natural-born Iesu is incapable of naturally producing offspring, as was the case with Po.

761: With the ancient Chinese the word Light is equivalent sometimes to our English word God, and sometimes to E-O-IH (Creator), just as Christians and even Jews sometimes make no distinction between the words God and E-O-IH. –Ed.

762: i.e., words shape the direction and inclination of the soul

763: i.e., whenever discovered

764: Scutching separates the fibers from the pulp by beating the stems. From the flax or hemp fibers were made cloth for blankets, clothing, tapestry; rope; and other items.

765: the end of life, the end of all philosophy, the end of a person

766: choose, uphold, advocate

767: sometimes called natural man; carnal desire; impulse of the flesh

768: Keep in mind that the Ormazdian law is given here. Note also that both the Zarathustrian law and the I‘hua‘Mazdian law through the Diva, would specify an herbivorous diet for mortal Faithists. (To see difference between the types of laws, see 22/1.17-37

769: That is, love will bind a person to his or her child and to any descendents to six generations after oneself (about 200 years or 6 x 33 years); but the celibate in not having children, is not thus bound.

770: concise statements of basic truths, rules of conduct, ethical behavior, morals, doctrine, etc.

771: strong desire to want something that is another‘s; must have for oneself

772: business, affair, responsibility

773: i.e., seek improvement of all talents and seek perfection in all things

774: see image i109 Po

775: For example, the Ezra bible, Genesis 17.5, indicates the word Abraham to mean father of a multitude of nations.

776: see image i110 Abraham

777: unconcerned, not caring one way or the other

778: that is, without worshipping any God, man or angel; without demands that you follow a certain person; and without having tribute demanded of you

779: menopause

780: The whole of the continent of Africa plus the Arabian Peninsula and some area north of it, was known as Arabin‘ya. In those regions, the area east of, say, the Sinai Peninsula, was apparently known at some point as North Arabin‘ya, because it consisted of two sections, northeastern Arabin‘ya and northwestern Arabin‘ya. Some or all of this latter became known as Western Arabin‘ya. On the other hand the area, say, west across the land bridge of the Sinai Peninsula, was known as South Arabin‘ya. In practical terms, at least insofar as the people in the region were concerned, this meant that land later called Egupt (Egypt); and so, Hagar was from this region. It is not clear from Oahspe how far up the Nile River the original allotment of Egupt extended, nor is it necessarily clear whether or not South Arabin‘ya included the whole of what we today call continental Africa. \rFrom the Post-Flood Map of the World, image i018, and from corporeal records, northern Arabin‘ya appears to have consisted of the area east of the Red Sea and Mediterranean Sea including Arabia, Mesopotamia, Syria, etc., to the Taurus Mountains in the northwest; and bounded in the north by the upper reaches of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers; and by the Zagros Mountains in the east; and by the sea and the Sinai peninsula in the south.

781: Ægian, or Eajian, or Æjin: a decree that cannot err. –Ed. Kingdom, after the manner of the Par‘si‘e‘ans (Persians).

782: This can be found in the Ezra Bible, which became the holy book for the Jews, and later, the basis for the Old Testament of the Christian Bible.

783: contact, interaction, dealings, trade

784: i.e., not without foresight and wisdom which endures in stone, wood or iron; for they shall go from place to place, proclaiming me and my works; but where they have been, there shall be nothing left on the earth to show their labors.

785: Order of Faithists; more is given later in Oahspe concerning the Emethachavah

786: This is Brahma the First. A dan‘ha later a false God, Kabalactes, using the name of Brahma, would do much destruction in India; and afterward, another self God, Ennochissa, falsely took the name Brahma. Accordingly it should be noted that Brahma the First had nothing to do with shaping modern Brahminism, but the later false Gods would pick over the doctrines and twist or reject them according to their profitability to the false God.

787: The student must remember that these are Vedic terms belonging to Upper and Lower Thibet [Tibet], or of what, in a general and better sense, may be called the mountains and the valleys of India. [Wa-wa-o-gan evidently refers to the Himalayas and Tibetan plateau, whereas, Ho-jon-da-tivi presumably refers to the land mass south and east of the Himalayas (see image i018 Post-Flood Outline Map of the World).] Nearly all we have left of ancient Greek sprang from these ancient histories. In the production of languages, and of Gods, India exceeds all the rest of the earth put together. –Ed.

788: For convenience of identification, in this Oahspe the spelling, Brahmans, refers to the followers of Brahma the First and True, as described in this Vind‘yu Bible. On the other hand, those who later falsely used or took on the name of Brahma, have been given the spelling Brahmin, Brahmins and Brahminism. [As with any name in Oahspe, if found in man‘s historical records, there spellings and even meanings, may vary.]

789: i.e., once every dan‘ha cycle

790: confused, perplexed, bewildered

791: disciplined, self-restrained, moderate, sticking to bare necessities, temperate

792: i.e., as a consequence, Brahma became emboldened

793: house; foundation; here meaning Faithists, the righteous

794: a house made of interlaced thatch (reeds, stalks, large grasses, etc.)Yu-tiv reassured Brahma she saw the star, whereupon Brahma took heart792 and said:

795: shallowness, frivolousness, insincerity, etc.

796: a (usually temporary) exemption from obligation; a dispensation, waiver, release, indulgence

797: diminish, decline, recede, wane

798: see image i111 Brahma and Yu-tiv

799: take control of

800: impose and collect taxes, provisions, forced labor, military draft, etc.

801: vantage point, perspective, point of view, framework, frame of reference, standpoint, viewpoint, way of thinking

802: house, foundation, structure, building

803: i.e., cut down, then trim and smooth them

804: A withe is a supple twig, like willow, flexible enough to be used like string or twine for lashing together things such as timbers.

805: a sign of submission and obedience

806: stirred, agitated, perturbed

807: This refers to their radiant spiritual light, not to skin color.

808: That is, the focus of your prayer determines the place from which a response comes.

809: reflexively recoiled in alarm, jolted, startled

810: urgent request for silence; shush, hush, lower the volume of your voice

811: startled or surprised, stepped back; retreated somewhat

812: vulnerability, risk, susceptibility; (perhaps to the level of likelihood or probability)

813: That is, this is the first bible for a race of Guatamans other than the I‘hin, the latter having had many bibles over the cycles.

814: Again, this must be the statistical mode. Interestingly, while in Guatama those of the druk race were thus chiefly black, yet we learn shortly in Oahspe that in Arabin‘ya, Par‘si‘e and Jaffeth, their mode was brown. Keep in mind, though, that in these modern times of Kosmon, skin color alone is neither sufficient to determine lineage, nor is it determinative of spiritual grade, and, moreover, every person alive today has both druk and I‘hin lineage in them.

815: lion and tiger, respectively

816: Pronunciation guide: O-e-du-ka-ka-o-oh, that is, Oedukakaooh is a combination word (Yi-ha language) referring to the commingling of two tribes, the Oedu + Kakaooh, and their descendants (see verse 8). That is, the compounded names in this Guataman history portion are in the Yi-ha language (see 19/2.5 and many of the lengthy words found in these Guataman chapters are compounded from earlier mentioned tribes. Too, the reader should note that the hyphens in the words are there as pronunciation aids, and as such can be removed as shown in some instances throughout this book. For examples, Ka-ka-ooh in verse 8, is the same as the Kakaooh portion of Oedukakaooh of verse 9; and La-ban-a-see and Labanasee of verses 11 and 12 refer to the same person.

817: shortly referred to simply as Ara

818: i.e., God

819: for convenience‘ sake, called Monag

820: literally, Eagle mountains, but known today as the Rocky Mountains that run like a spine up the western half of North America

821: The name I‘tura is still known among some American tribes. –Ed. [Note it was not Ahura in person, in Guatama, but his emissaries doing in his name.]

822: support, urge, incite, encourage, assist, help, approve, promote

823: that is, to make concrete from hydraulic cement

824: i.e., to find the amount of slope (drop or rise in elevation)

825: A mattock has a handle like an axe, but with its flat blade oriented at a right angle to that of an axe blade or the handle. It is typically used to break up soil and cut through roots.

826: The legends of China, India and America all give the same name, Hog-a-wat-ha, for the mastodon. And the legends make the beast not like the elephant in its habits, but a rooting animal, like a swine. –Ed.

827: i.e., the general mass of both unripe spirits in the intermediate world (atmosphereans) and unripe mortals

828: i.e., unusually harsh, fierce, cruel, and dire

829: i.e., in the surf

830: i.e., not have sex with her

831: provoke or agitate to anger, wear her down (irk), disturb to displeasure, try her patience, etc.

832: Most likely the rites referred to were similar to Port-pan and Anubis [shown later in Oahspe]. The word Annubia is known among some of the western tribes. The pipe of peace is known to all of them. And this was part of the Egyptian ceremonies also. –Ed.

833: These people lived and practiced this religion when the Christians came to inhabit it. They welcomed the Christians and fed them, and divided their substance with them. Their corn-fields spread over all the present northwestern states [now called the Midwest]. They had state organizations, and their united states were called after the name of the Great Spirit, Agoquim, or, as improperly called, Algonquin. But because of their religion, the Christians raised the cry of ―heathen,‖ and fell upon them, and killed them, men, women and children, three millions of them! Destroyed their corn-fields, and said they were too lazy to work! –Ed.

834: see image i112

835: I have myself seen persons floated and carried in the air by angel power. And there are now thousands of men and women who have seen the same things, knowing the possibility of all that is here related. –Ed.

836: see images i023, i024

837: purposefully rose to attention, inspired –ed.

838: Recall that Gitchee meant both Creator and God, see 24/24.1-5

839: This refers to the early Faithist emigrants in aggregate and who essentially were the descendents of the seed of Ham, and who generally were Faithist in heart—although not necessarily in all aspects. Accordingly, these new arrivals included but were not limited to the pilgrims who worshipped God (but not Christ), Quakers, Masons, Jews, and others of similar nature who were brought to America in the early days, including from Africa.

840: This began around 1450 and lasted to about 1850 c.e., when the four heads of the beast were cast out of heaven. From then till the time of this editing [c.150 ak], on earth the beast struggled on; but without a unified heavenly head, it shall ultimately whither away upon the earth as man grows into his birthright.

841: The union of Indian states was first called as stated, but after it became an Anglicized word it was called Algonquin. –Ed. [That is, Egoquim eventually became Agoquim, which, when the Native American said it, to the European ear it sounded like Algonquin, and it was spoken so and written so in the English language.]

842: walked, spent time on

843: Recall the sentiment: Progress comes of a natural order 24/28.11 This is the claim of many philosophers, especially the Evolutionists. For theories of natural selection, evolution, survival of the fittest, and enlightened self-interest, exampled in works such as Adam Smith‘s 1776 Wealth of Nations and Darwin‘s 1859 On the Origin of Species by Natural Selection, were, and are, taken as substantiating the notion that progress is the natural order of life.While that may seem to hold true for the animal and plant creation and other biological organisms, yet were man to solely follow that, he would not progress but devolve into ever worsening animal behavior.Fortunately man has a Higher Cause as well, and this Higher Cause inspires him to progress.But the materialist or Osirian denies any cause of progress except what man himself generates or ―invents.‖ Thus, he allows for some combination of psychological causes, social causes, and natural causes, as in biological and environmental causes, based on the ―laws‖ of physics or other constants in the universe. And the actions of these, he would assert, bring about necessity, which is then looked upon as a ―mother‖ of invention; or, ―nature‖ shows example, which man then exploits.So he attributes all progress to man‘s ingenuity, or else to dumb luck. But, according to the Osirian, even if the triggering event were accidental (by chance, random), yet it was man alone, not some supposed Creator or God, responsible for useful explanation or application.Hence, in general:MATERIALISTS, at best, define progress as a subjective judgment; and to the extent that they acknowledge the concept of progress, they attribute the source either to the natural course of events (scientific cause and effect), or else to man‘s intelligence taking advantage of and building upon chance occurrences (resulting in, e.g., inventions and innovations); thus making ―progress‖ possible.IDOLATERS, to the extent that they believe in progress, attribute the source to their idol, perhaps through his underlings (angels, saints, avatars, etc.).FAITHISTS understand that progress comes from E-O-IH the Great Spirit, including through His kingdoms, officers and hosts, the least of which is individual initiative and effort inspired by the light of E-O-IH; and progress increases in effectiveness as compact (organic unity) is achieved, and grows as greater compact is reached.

844: Among the ancient Greeks, the name of this false God was pronounced Theos and Zeus.

845: Note that these were not wars BY E-O-IH, not wars WITH E-O-IH‘s participation, but wars waged AGAINST E-O-IH by those who sought to destroy worship of Him on earth and in the hadan heavens.

846: quarter harvests, i.e., four harvests during this first dan of 200 years

847: A person who is an opposite of beneficiary, and yet not a benefactor. One whose passive presence is of benefit, though he gives nothing [directly pertaining to the beneficiary‘s business]. –Ed.

848: i.e., above the grade of helplessness but below that of association

849: Medes, half-way between savageness and civilization. A name given to a land by the Caspian Sea, and to its people. Medes is from the Greek language; the word in the Panic should be, Me-de; and if applied to earth, Me-de-ya. In China it is Me-de, and in Algonquin, Me-dah, and in Phoenician, Me-dwe. –Ed.

850: abandon some or all of one‘s religion, e.g., faith, practices, vows, rites and ceremonies, etc.; to backslide; to become a skewed believer, misbeliever

851: Here we have the origin of purgatory. –Ed.

852: That is, to securely establish via the Faithists, the anchorage of E-O-IH‘s light within the corporeal creation, so as to make it irrevocable, irreversible, sealed, permanent.

853: This is the origin of the word oracle. –Ed.

854: sacred songs (hymns, anthems), some perhaps not unlike chants

855: groups of people, associations, clans

856: A later version of part of the Anubi degree is given further on in Oahspe.

857: These rappings and poundings were caused by spirits (a spirit rap is sharp sounding, like rapping a knuckle against a door; a spirit pounding is dull sounding, like pounding the fleshy part of the fist on a door).

858: Mathematics was at that time taught in colleges as a branch of prophecy. –Ed.

859: desire deeply, ask humbly for

860: as is fitting for, right for, suitable for

861: Note that this is an Osirian (materialist) speaking, and truly for him, at that time, E-O-IH was Unknowable. But for the Faithist, the understanding or experience is that E-O-IH is KNOWABLE, but never in His entirety.

862: Equivalent to shh... or shush or hush—the sound of the wind. Thus: Shall we keep quiet, saying, hush, the ignorant must not hear... [Note this seems to be said in mockery of Eolin, Eolin being taught as being like the wind.]

863: misled, deceived, tricked, cheated, duped

864: is appropriate for, corresponds to, comports with

865: highest perfection, highest degree, highest potency, highest priority, suitable even for the highest persons, etc.

866: Satan here is not in the figure of a person, but as the expression of coherent darkness within the souls of the unripe that inspires the self toward self-serving ends.

867: This [explanation] corresponds with the sacred books of India and China, Dyaus and D-yin being the words they use. Our term, Deity, is most likely from the Greek Zeus or [Latin] Deus. There is no word in Hebrew corresponding; this shows that the Jews [i.e., the Israelites] were protected from the word. Only idolaters have ever substituted this name for E-O-IH. The Greeks rated Zeus as the All Highest God, i.e., a person in figure of a man. The word E-O-IH has never had any such signification. He is co-extensive with the universe. –Ed.

868: Sudga means Apollo.

869: The word, PARSEE, and the country, PERSIA, and the tribe, PARSIE, and, in Vedic, Par-su, are all confined to the same region of country. –Ed.

870: That is, it extended three-fourths the way around the world (but above it).

871: attentive to, seeking toward, considerate of, ask questions concerning

872: see image i077

873: OSIRIAN FIELD, here as elsewhere, seems to mean materialism, or that material philosophy which maintains that materiality rules over spirit, and not spirit over matter. –Ed.

874: HADAN FIELD, here seems to mean spirit world, and without a Great Spirit or All Person. –Ed.

875: vigorously raising voice; loud and conspicuous outcry; speaking up against; intensely calling attention

876: earnestly request, implore, appeal to, beseech

877: vouchsafed, lowered themselves, stooped, condescended

878: in one deadly, descending, sudden sweep, seizure, or snatch

879: In other words, by setting up his kingdom for himself, Anuhasaj could no more prevent this ultimate harvest of selfs than a fetus can stop its own birth.

880: offensive, repulsive, deplorable, loathsome, fit to be excreted (cast out)

881: bound on all sides; trapped; imprisoned; obliged; beset; surrounded; girdled; hemmed in

882: shallow water, often with sandbars (ridges of sand) that lie hidden just beneath the surface, difficult, even dangerous to navigate, and can become turbulent compared to the deeper waters

883: in storage; has preserved a rod for you

884: a full turn; like an anchor being lifted up by the turn of a capstan

885: That is, to direct the petitioner to E-O-IH; and to induce the petitioner to take responsibility and make his own decision in the light of E-O-IH, and within the parameters of His kingdom.

886: having the attributes of a wholesome developed man (male or female); see e.g., 20/24.16

887: faithfulness; e.g., to E-O-IH; and to one‘s own holy vows and obligations

888: highest ranking; first; chief; dominant; foremost

889: likeness, representation

890: spiritual food carried up from the earth. –1891 glossary. [The spiritual emanation of earthly fruits is sometimes called es‘pa. –Ed.]

891: Note this does not mean that E-O-IH is a God per se, which is, after all, merely an office and rank of great attainment, but rather that He encompasses the highest best attributes of a God, and, so, becomes the model upon which Gods base themselves. And in that sense, He is the God of Gods—but not in their form and figure (i.e., He is neither shaped like an angel nor is He an angel).

892: prickles, thorns, barbs, thistles, briars

893: inflict pain and suffering onto

894: here and there; in the vicinity; surrounding

895: smoothly outmaneuver in a deft and stealthy way; to escape from

896: blessings, benefits, unselfishness, giving nature, generosity, kindness, good feelings, goodness

897: upliftment, warm-heartedness, kindness, understanding, tolerance, empathy, aid, relief, helpfulness, refreshment, generosity, compassion, altruism, goodwill, benevolence, sympathy, consideration, magnanimity, mercy, forgiveness, comfort, supportiveness, courtesy, politeness, attentiveness, responsiveness, pity, caring, mildness, tenderness, gentleness, temperance, self-control, virtue, love, etc.

898: plentiful, ample, copious

899: to win over by pleasant demeanor, friendly actions, agreeable reasoning and mutual concessions; conciliatory; and being respectful, patient, peaceable, inoffensive and reconciling

900: i.e., 1,700,208,560; this is one of the few places where the Oahspe authors give an exact figure rather than rounding off

901: that is, he acted as if he were doing what E-O-IH would do, or would approve of

902: cater to the sentiments of; generally please

903: honor and glory; recognition bringing fame and (self) advancement

904: recall that Sudga means Apollo

905: real, demonstrable, concrete, substantial

906: Heleste and Par‘si‘e

907: i.e., as each awakes in one of the various false heavens

908: Again, this is a generalization; recall, e.g., that Arabin‘ya had I‘hins of all colors (see 19/3.4

909: suits, befits, matches, puts in the best light, reveals, shows, demonstrates

910: equipped and outfitted

911: When Oahspe was written, parachutes, hang gliders (and flying machines) had not been invented, yet here they are described as we know them today. –cns ed.

912: first, at the front, eye-catching, outstanding, distinguished above all others, most important, indispensable, dominant

913: overly servile persons given to hollow flattery; obsequious dupes; fawning parasites

914: wheedled, sweet-talked, coaxed, inveigled, lured, enticed, tricked

915: higher rank; a command office

916: wallowing or crawling, with faces downward

917: mischievous; making jest with; to treat as a pawn or plaything; to play for a fool; perhaps engaging in dalliance, libertinism, philandering

918: Again, these are generalizations, being the modes of certain peoples from the distant past; and much commingling has happened since then even as before then. Because every person alive today has all three of I‘hin, I‘huan and druk lineage in them (whether from the Par‘si‘e region or from elsewhere), skin color is not indicative, much less determinative, of spiritual grade or intelligence; nor is skin color alone sufficient to determine lineage (see 06/1.16 06/2.4 19/3.4 22/11.18 24/24.5 that in Par‘si‘e, Jaffeth and Arabin‘ya, the color of druks was generally brown. And the I‘huans were generally copper colored; copper being reddish brown, and somewhere on a continuum from copper brown (brownish copper) to orange-ish copper to yellowish copper to pinkish or reddish copper. Now recall that Ahura in the previous cycle (Fragapatti‘s cycle) promoted or allowed mixing of races.Therefore it is wise to keep in mind that there was some mixing between the I‘huan and the druk; and although the tendency of this line was to degenerate, nevertheless if the offspring of such a combination was wedded to another I‘huan, this could and would bring about brown I‘huans capable of upward inspiration. (Recall that by the end of the cycle of Fragapatti, all the races of man were now capable of eternal life, 22/18.13

919: To charm is to bring into an agreeable mood, to soothe, to enchant, to captivate, to enthrall, to entrance—perhaps by a chant or song, amulet or talisman, or by using hand motions.

920: Today‘s historians, what little they know of them, know these people as the Phoenicians.

921: Recall that the I‘hins, being the little sacred people, the people of spirit light, of Arabin‘ya, were of all skin colors, and this included brown I‘hins and black I‘hins. || The Listians were apparently immigrants from regions east.

922: This replacing of the old geographical, regional and city names with the Fonecean equivalents is not unusual; in our own corporeal records, when discussing things of Egypt, the Greeks often used the Greek equivalent word instead of the Egyptian word. Historians and writers of Latin and English also did the same thing, as did those of other countries. Thus, for examples, España is what the Spanish call their country, but in English it is called Spain; Deutchland is what the Germans call their country, while in English it is called Germany.

923: See 25/21.1 which indicates reddish copper; copper is defined in 25/21.1

924: Looking at statistical modes of color, Oahspe says the druks were black and brown; and one supposes a range or continuum ran from black to brown, although how light the brown was, is not specified; and while I‘hins were mainly white and yellow, some were darker-skinned, and these latter inhabited Arabin‘ya to such great extent, that no statistical mode regarding skin color could be stated for there.Now post-Flood, the Lord took the I‘hins to all divisions of the world 13/1.2 Could it be that the darker-skinned I‘hins, because they would suffer less from the heat, were brought to live in the warmer climates? (Oahspe speaks later onlight skin suffering from heat.) While the lighter-skinned I‘hins were brought to cooler climates? If so, we can thus perceive a cause for darker-skinned people in the warmer zones. If we compare the people around the world in the time world-wide exploration began (circa 1500‘s c.e.), in general, those with darker skins would be found in more abundance in the warmer climates, while in the temperate zones, those with comparatively lighter skins would predominate.What is their lineage? Around 6000 years before kosmon, Jaffeth, Par‘si‘e, Guatama and Arabin‘ya all had copper I‘huans. Jaffeth had brown druks as well as white and yellow I‘hins;Summary Table of Skin Color Modes*I’hin ColorDruk ColorI’huan Color 6000 bk Man’s Colorc 300 bkwhite & yellowyellowish copper-brownwhite & yellowreddish copperlight brownish copperwhite & yellowreddish copperreddish copperall colorsreddish copper

925: Note that as well as the Fertile Crescent, this includes all of Africa; see e.g., 25/50.22

926: boisterously merry, celebratory

927: Ibis, Iboi, a Phoenician word. Though the Parsees who migrated to Egypt in early times also used the same word, originally signifying A FLYING BEAUTY. The bird was named afterward. –Ed.

928: See Inqua [image i033 row 3 end]. The planet Mercury was supposed by the ancients to run on the circle nearest the sun. The inside circle. We have a vulgarism in the English to the same effect, saying of any one: He is the swiftest because he has the INSIDE TRACK. The fastest horse gets the inside track, hence he was called, in Phoenician, INQUA, from which the word EQUESTRIAN came to us. The medal is usually engraved with an outer and an inside circle, with a star in the center, representing the place of the sun. The medal is no longer sacred, but is often used by horse jockeys on the brow-band of the bridle. And it thus came from Osiris, the false, as seen above. –Ed.

929: That is, Osiris gives Pluton-ya discretion in deciding the best way to carry out his mission, but as to what the mission is, he must look to his superiors.

930: Joss is the Panic word for God. It is pronounced in three syllables, G-o-ce, long sound. God is also a word of three syllables, and pronounced, G-o-d. These are called the three primary sounds of the wind. The making of one word out of God, or of Joss, is a vulgarism. Ho-Joss is the same as Lord God. In some parts of China it is pronounced, Ha-Joss. The ―o‖ is a long sound, like ―o‖ in God. Joss and God are synonymous, and are the vulgarism of the Panic word, Zhe-ode-de, or nearly as one would pronounce the letters in spelling God, and it is from the same source as E-O-IH, i.e., the three primary sounds the wind makes. Ghad, (a, short) became confounded with God and Joss. The Chinese were most probably given the word Joss because, in that age, they could not say God. Elohim, and its vulgarism, Elah, have the same origin. –Ed.

931: angry and frustrated at being humiliated

932: In Chinese the equivalent word is Hoe-Leb-e. –Ed.

933: praised highly and enthusiastically

934: liberality, generosity, openhandedness, unselfishness, consideration

935: Family here must be equivalent to House, meaning a very extended family, a clan, a family line tied to a common ancestor, as in the House of David, or the House of Lot.

936: For example, if a city had 200,000 inhabitants, comprising 2000 families, this would make the average size of a family or House, a hundred people.

937: Oh ne spe bah‘e, oe tong su da‘e. –Ed.

938: Listen; Listen up; Be attentive

939: Many Spiritualists have witnessed the oscillation of houses by the spirits. I have witnessed the shaking of large brick houses, and seen the walls and ceilings cracked across by the spirits in the same way. –Ed.

940: one who wins by overpowering; one who subdues; vanquisher, conqueror, subjugator

941: lively, amusing, entertaining, humorous

942: See Ezra Bible, Genesis, chapter i, verse 26. And God said: Let us make man, etc. Query: Who was God talking to? Who was helping him? –Ed.

943: in our own image, as we see fit

944: This completes the first chapter of Genesis and three verses of the second chapter [of the Ezra Bible]. –Ed.

945: For example, if the Lord God is not made blameless, then sin is defensible because sin might not be the mortal‘s fault, but the Lord God‘s fault.

946: Eden, Aden, Haden, Ah-den, Jeden, are of the same meaning in the Vedic, Phoenician and Chinese languages, and are from the Panic word Spe-a, or, rather, S‘pe-a; i.e., a heavenly place on earth. –Ed.

947: cultivate, till, fertilize, make pleasant, improve, groom, adorn

948: charmed, lured, deluded, deceived

949: opposition, enemy-like; irreconcilable differences; deep hatred

950: i.e., to the east, or from his spiritual condition. –Ed.

951: Kerub or Kerubim, in Hebrew, signifies GRASPED AND HELD FAST. Laws are cherubim, and so are guardian angels. –Ed.

952: Nod, in Phoenician, is equivalent to M‘hak in Chinese. All persons who cannot recognize conscience, that is consciousness of right and wrong, are in Nod; that is, cannot hear the voice of the Lord. –Ed.

953: i.e., give myself the right

954: Noe, one of the arcs of light in etherea. –Ed.

955: In olden times some tribes of men cut flesh out of living animals and ate it raw. –Ed. [But now under this present edict, any creature that had blood in it was not to be eaten while it was alive.]

956: A kind of glorification. –Ed.

957: sniff, smell, become aware of, detect, sense

958: shamefully, disgracefully, degradingly

959: uprooted; destroyed

960: And here we see a deficit that comes from not knowing E-O-IH; for the Faithist, in perceiving the light and voice of E-O-IH within his own soul, has E-O-IH as the higher judge, indeed the highest judge.

961: a mutual exchange, where all parties gain something of value in return

962: instantly drafted, pressed into military service

963: In Chinese and Indian literature, sacrifice does not mean killing and burning, but prayer and praise. In other words, the sacrifice of time and self-interest, to acknowledging one‘s own unworthiness before the God, is sacrifice per se. –Ed. [Nevertheless, killing and burning appears to have been a part of the worship (sacrifice) to De‘yus at least in certain places as will be shown later in this book.]

964: worthless item, trash, cast away, rubbish, waste matter, feculence

965: This refers to a governor as an officer appointed (assigned) to govern a dependency such as a colony, a territory, a province, etc. Nowadays, in, say, the United States of America, governors of states are elected by the people; and they constitute political heads of state more or less in the manner suggested in verse 21.

966: predicament; difficulty; crisis; distress

967: In the original this word is De‘yus, and this God usurped the identical name of the God of Hored. But I, the editor, have here adopted the spelling, Dyaus, so that the student will not confound the two persons. –Ed.

968: weapons, implements of war

969: conscripted, drafted, forced

970: enticements, incentives, rewards, bonuses, compensations, fringe benefits, advantages, perks, premiums

971: talked aloud to himself

972: befits, appropriate to

973: This refers to the soul, not to skin color.

974: lost light; became cloaked in increasing darkness, becoming saturated, satiated with it

975: an important or noteworthy period of time; a milestone

976: Adonia means Lord, and Egad means God

977: hybrid, mixed, heterogeneous, motley. The word bastard here seems to mean that the language of Greece was a combination of different language groups, with no pure lineage to one group or another; thus having no distinct parent language.

978: reach, extent, boundary

979: Note that this supposition by the false God is because he does not yet recognize and know that E-O-IH exists within his soul; once he does, he will come to understand that a person does not lose his individual identity, that is, he does not ever cease to be a person or an individual, with life and power to move and grow.

980: The reader should not fall into the trap of thinking that Ahura is agreeing that man does not have eternal life. Instead of countering Te-in‘s assumption that all angels fade away, Ahura applied another tact, that of saying in essence: Well, suppose for the moment that it is true that man shall one day fade away into nothingness—then even were that the case, he should create happiness for others in the meantime, should he not?

981: mouth of the river; where the coursing river meets a body of water such as a lake or sea

982: Note that Anuhasaj traveled etherea as an atmospherean; he did not resurrect into etherea, did not attain to the rank of Bride and Bridegroom to E-O-IH; was never an etherean. But because of his great age, high grade and good works (this was before he renounced E-O-IH), and apparently because of an emergency situation, he was permitted to travel into etherea.

983: According to the E-O-IHians, the universe was governed by an overarching wisdom and order, and to good purpose; and this was said by them to be because of the presence of the Person of the Universe, E-O-IH.Vara-pishanaha; but now I delight to see other Gods and other kingdoms delighted. For that, I have come to you. I fear your fate. I love you. I love all your people, good and bad. Behold, this I have found, that it is an easier matter to suffer a river to run its course than to dam it up; but to dam up a river and not have it overflow or break the dam, this I have not found. The course of the spirit of man is growth; it goes onward like a running river. When you shut up the mouth,981 saying: Thus far and no farther! I fear for you. I tried this matter once; I was flooded; the dam was broken. I see you shutting out knowledge from mortals and angels; but I tell you, O Te-in, the time will come when the channel will be too broad for you.

984: feel sorrow for, pity

985: i.e., placed it in E-O-IH‘s hands

986: This by some is called reincarnation. Some who have spirits thus engrafted are said to be POSSESSED OF A FAMILIAR SPIRIT. –Ed.

987: Today this is called the Great Pyramid of Giza (Giza being the city nearby where it is located).

988: i.e., God and Lord God, aka Anuhasaj

989: i.e., Baugh-Ghan-Ghad, presented later in Oahspe; presumably this included burnt offering, and evidently human sacrifice as shown later

990: Great city in those days signified cities with tributary governors, and tributary towns. Where the city had no tributary town or governor, it was called simply a city. –Ed.

991: Note this is not the Brahma who was husband to Yu-tiv; yet this one existed prior to the false-God Brahma who established the Brahminism known to this day in early kosmon.

992: A length was the length of a man, but as to how many feet and inches, we are left in the dark. –Ed. [Nevertheless, using an average five-foot length (c. 1.5 meters) should give sufficient scale of the building‘s magnitude.]

993: The dead sleep is still practiced in India. Some of the fakirs enter this dormant state and suffer themselves to be buried for months; and when they are dug up, come to life again. –Ed.

994: detrimental to; harmful to the aims of

995: See The False Osiris, and Isis [images i025, i026]. It must be remembered that in after ages, say two hundred years, mortals lost the above interpretation, and called Osiris the Savior of men, saying he was the son of Isis, the virgin earth. –Ed.

996: Taurus and Aries. –Ed.

997: See image i027 Tablet of Osiris. The Lamb of Peace is depicted in Osiris‘ tablet as the glyph of Aries or Sed. See Sed in Se‘moin tablet image i033'> i033 (row 5, sixth to right). The head of the bull under the hand is depicted as the Taurus glyph. See Tau in Se‘moin tablet image i033'> i033 (row 5, 2nd from right).

998: assign, attribute

999: This chapter starts out as a flashback to earlier times and then works its way toward the present of the current narrative, which it fully resumes in Chapter 49.

1000: Isaerites –Ed. [Israelites]

1001: i.e., the 1880s; and suppression in some parts of the world continued after thatAnd now for seventy years the Gods, Osiris, Baal, Ashtaroth and Egupt, did not have much power with mortals.

1002: the vortex of the North Star. –1891 glossary

1003: i.e., build it in alignment to them

1004: advisory council; a cabinet

1005: a type of pulley

1006: prepared; shaped; smoothed and finished as required

1007: an assemblage allowing for rotation of the roller logs, each roller log probably having a pin (axel) carved out on each end

1008: This would make the inclined plane about half a mile. –Ed. [About 670 meters]

1009: The degree of adepts embraced not only su‘is and sar‘gis, but a knowledge of astronomy, chemistry and mathematics. The power of creating plants, flowers and serpents, was not taught in any of the degrees below adepts. The power of dormancy belonged to the next degree above, called MIRACLES. –Ed.

1010: In other words, don‘t allow aspirants to learn these lights (knowledge, understandings, attainments, etc.) unless they are initiated into the order and obey the commandments of Osiris (via his priests).

1011: Here we see that there were great civilizations within central Africa during the Spe-ta cycle.

1012: i.e., they were readily conversant regarding the subject asked for

1013: fertility sculptures

1014: see image i113

1015: make up, constitute

1016: Many of these names were given in the Ahamic language, but I have used the privilege granted me, to so modernize them that the student can trace them from Hebraic, Greek and Latin down to English. –Ed.

1017: ambushed

1018: that is, in the hadan region resting on the earth, and also in those heavens above the earth surface but close to it

1019: outlying

1020: acknowledge, own up toConsequently Gods in hada wall their kingdoms around with standing armies, even as they have taught mortals to defend themselves. And their enemies seek to invent means to break through the defense lines of these standing armies, and go in to plunder and destroy.

1021: never-ending, endless, perpetual

1022: implore, urge, beseech, press

1023: around 15 feet (4 1/2 meters)

1024: While archaeologists dig to find earlier civilizations, they do not, as of circa 150 ak, attribute their burial to the falling of a‘ji, ji‘ay or nebula, those being not yet understood by present day archaeologists. –cns ed.

1025: see image i087

1026: North Star. –1891 glossary

1027: Er-a-a is equivalent to three years of the earth. To make most of these times intelligible to the student, I have reduced the Panic words to English years of earth. –Eng. Ed.

1028: that is, in harmony with your tendencies, bents, aptitude, affinities, drift, penchant and temperament; and in the same field of your liking, preference, predilection

1029: fortifications

1030: The job of fireman was to keep the engines of the ship running and supplied with fuel.

1031: i.e., except with the help of one or more others who know how to accomplish objective travel

1032: Brilliants is a noun here, hence: transiting ships of brilliancy, collectively displaying kaleidoscopic movements of color, speed and angle.

1033: meaning the darkness of the a‘ji‘an forest created a balancing contrast to the brilliant regions of light

1034: resplendent, splendidly gorgeous

1035: a mischievous spirit, a pixy, a sprite

1036: approvals, applause, praise, high esteem, appreciation, accolades

1037: direction, on the path

1038: easily frightened, reticent, unassertive, timid

1039: Recall that Lika went on a two-year journey to survey earth and its heavens. During that journey he would visit Ahura to resurrect his harvest, and that story is now being told in this Chapter 17.

1040: handrails, railings

1041: wrestle him, engage with him, interact with him, seize him, grip him

1042: praise, extol, acclaim, glorify, cherish

1043: restate, say again, go over, retrace, play back, recite

1044: Here we see that haunted houses, which mortals have stories about, can be worse than mortals imagine.

1045: mental hospital, insane asylum

1046: In 1882 when Oahspe was published these were descriptive terms, not meant derogatorily; their literal meanings were intended and the readers of the time took them as such. Idiots are the lowest mental grade, and imbeciles the next higher of the lowest.

1047: declarations, proclamations, pretences, claims, affirmations

1048: moderation, self-restraint, sparingly

1049: i.e., wholeheartedly; not token (merely symbolic) or empty gestures, nor as a ruse or feint

1050: put at risk, endanger, imperil, injure, harm, hurt

1051: lodging them; providing temporary living quarters

1052: see image i078

1053: betrothed, engaged to be wed

1054: see image i114

1055: Haoma signifies spiritual food. From this it would appear that ahaoma meant earth food. I have myself stood in the spirit circle when various kinds of fruits and flowers were brought by the spirits and cast in the midst of the circle. And it is always preceded by a cold wind. Hundreds of thousands of Spiritualists have now witnessed this manifestation. –Ed.

1056: That is, be discreet in their dress and behavior; instead of drawing attention to themselves, set out plenty of altars to raise the soul upward.

1057: without being noticed; unexpectedly

1058: uncultivated, un-worked, inactive, unused, wild

1059: submit, present for remedy, accuse, lodge a complaint

1060: no matter what the detriment, harm, loss, disadvantage; no matter what the cost; at all costs; no matter the circumstances

1061: against the interests of, contrary, adverse, detrimental, harmful

1062: Under the head of [definition of] music is reckoned in India the same as in ancient Greece; i.e., everything that contributes to harmony between individuals, and between individuals and the state, is music. –Ed.

1063: evil-doing, sin, wrong-doing, attack, assault, crime

1064: i.e., a non-specified king, being any king applicable to the situation

1065: all due speed, eagerness, ready willingness

1066: sired, fathered

1067: That is, E-O-IH made humans with capacity to contribute to their growth; and it is up to each person, male or female, to prove that he or she is more than an animal, and worthy of emancipation in the order of man.

1068: This land law is still in existence in rural districts in India. –Ed. [Keep in mind ‗–Ed.‘ refers to the 1882 editor.]

1069: A caterer to the king is what we call a politician. A caterer to Dyaus is a priest. –Ed. [The editor‘s generalization seems too broad; and instead of ALL politicians, Yokovrana appears to be talking about panderers to the king, being flatterers, sycophants, yes-men, self-serving opportunists and similar ilk, but not those who are statesmanlike in their demeanor and conduct.]

1070: the underlying cause

1071: That is, casts aside his advancement in the world. This can be likened to casting aside wheels and therefore anything that depends on wheels. If continued, man could lose knowledge of wheels, including their desirability; and eventually, if he would advance, would have to reinvent the wheel, inventions built with it (gears, transportation, etc.) and the social order built upon them.

1072: The resistless character and refinement of Capilya‘s doctrines in India attained to so great an extent, that when the Christians, under the guise of the East India Company, began the enforcement of Christ and plunder, thousands of them submitted to be shot down rather than take up arms to shed human blood. And the missionaries and the British press published this doctrine of peace among the East Indians as evidence of foolish idolatry. –Ed.wisdom of your neighbors. Discretion is a regulator; without it, man is like a tangled thread.

1073: The word Pharaoh is Phoenician for Sun King. –Ed.

1074: This would make it about thirty-two feet. –Ed. [circa 9 1/2 meters]

1075: The etymology of the Hebraic word, Moses, is A LEADER-FORTH, and has no reference to being drawn out of the water. Hence the Ezra account must fall to the ground [see Book of Exodus, Ezra Bible, chap ii, v.10], except so far as the facts corroborate the Israelitish account. –Ed. [Exodus 2.10: And the child grew, and she [Moses‘ mother] brought him to the Pharaoh‘s daughter, and he became her son; and she named him Moses, for she said, ―Because I drew him out of the water.‖]

1076: This would define them to be outside the scope of the law, which probably meant that they were not protected by law, but moreover, their very existence was against the law. And so when a de facto attitude of leniency was practiced, the male children remained at risk at all times. Note that Pharaoh‘s decree to kill a thousand Israelitish male children came after and as a consequence of, Moses being found among the bulrushes (not the other way around as is related in the Ezra Bible).upon it, and saw it was an Israelitish child, she said: The Gods have sent him to me, and he shall be my child.

1077: According to the account in the Ezra Bible there was an edict to kill male Hebrew children. If so, why did Moses‘ mother put him in this most dangerous of places? Would any mother resort to so foolish a stratagem? As to the angels carrying the child, as also in the case of Capilya, sufficient evidence is at hand now, in this country [USA] and in England, of hundreds of full-grown people being carried by the angels. –Ed.

1078: wholesome-looking, healthy, pleasant to look at, handsome

1079: persistently pressed; repeatedly troubled

1080: spoke enthusiastically and approvingly, complimenting and commending them, dignifying them

1081: necessary, obligatory, urgent

1082: Iz-zerl. –Ed.

1083: A family of ten, i.e., thirty people; a small community. –Ed. [Here ‗family of ten‘ probably means ten households or thereabouts.]

1084: in preparation, going to occur

1085: It is strange indeed that the world has endorsed the [Ezra] Bible account for two thousand years, overlooking this fearful blunder. Nevertheless, we see now that we have not had the Mosaical account at all, but the Egyptian. –Ed.

1086: i.e., the goods, possessions, baggage, gear, personal effects, etc., they would be carrying away with them

1087: denounced, condemned, depreciated, belittled

1088: not thinking clearly; crazy, insane, mad

1089: Recall this was when the Voice came to Moses, with Pharaoh and Leotonas 27/15.24-29

1090: A timbrel is similar to a tambourine, a percussion instrument with jingling bells.

1091: see image i115

1092: one who acts in the place of another; a viceroy; a deputy

1093: In the example the man lived sometime between a span of 350 years; that is, he lived, for some unspecified duration, sometime between 700 and 1050 years before the date of recording; and this 350 years of latitude (range; extent of applicability) during which a person lived, became confused with a person‘s age at death; that is, the lower and upper limits of the latitude incorrectly became thought of as the points of birth and death of that person. As a result, such a person was mistakenly thought to have been 350 years old when he died.

1094: sworn statement; attestation; written testimony

1095: dry, withered, lacking vitality

1096: see image i116

1097: One of the orders of Faithists in China. Equivalent to Hi-dang in some regions. –Ed.

1098: utterly without means; tenuous subsistence; deathly poor

1099: i.e., be careful, they lack substance; don‘t give much weight to their declarations; be circumspect in giving latitude; don‘t be fooled by pretense, etc.

1100: set aside self; willing to set aside self-interest for the sake of E-O-IH

1101: a key; a hint; a pointer

1102: in sarcasm or ridicule

1103: In some ascetic orders, these were severe and frequent rebukings, with punishments sometimes extreme (like whippings) even for petty offences, in order to gain and prove mastery over the flesh and flesh desires.

1104: The context seems to imply that E-O-IH‘s eye and ear, being always upon one, plays a role in this feeling. Thus, for example, one might fear the doing of something wrong, or fear failing E-O-IH, fear falling from His Countenance (grace), fear the prospect of temptation, fear E-O-IH‘s power, etc. And this is a foundation. Yet to walk in fear can mean more; it can mean acknowledging one‘s vulnerabilities, but not letting these turn one aside from doing the right thing, and so, remain upright; thus one walks amid fear and faces fear.

1105: We learn elsewhere in Oahspe this happens at conception (see e.g., 04/6.21; 10/5.10; 24/21.18

1106: lowest ranking; most subservient and compliant; most menial

1107: Thousands of Spiritualists have witnessed this feat to a certain extent within their own houses. –Eng. Ed.

1108: Eskra is the sacred history from the time of Moses, Capilya and Chine, [1550 b.c.e.] and brings it down to four hundred years ago [1450 c.e.]. As a matter of course, it covers the history of the four great [i.e., dominant] religions, Brahminism, Buddhism, Christianity and Mohammedanism [Islam]. –Ed.[The history of the final four hundred years of the Bon cycle are given in the Book of Es, which follows this Book of Eskra. Thus 3000 years (Eskra) plus 400 years (Es) equals 3400 years for the entire cycle of Bon.]

1109: equivocate, not come to the point, mislead, ramble, evade, stall, hedge, fudge, not give a straight answer

1110: spiritual record. –1891 glossary

1111: importance, essence, substance, core, essential part, gist, substantiality, strength, vigor, vitality, meaningfulness

1112: Thus in a general sense Hada refers to all of atmospherea. But as can be seen elsewhere in Oahspe, the Oahspe authors sometimes used the word Hada to refer specifically to the atmospherean plateaus resting on or near the earth; or to heavens of darkness.

1113: i.e., be neither arrogant, vain, conceited, or dismissive toward; nor mock, make fun of, deride, or ridicule

1114: ―Bound heavens‖ is another name for atmospherean heavens that travel along with a corporeal world (because they are bound to it).

1115: These were the lawful fetals, i.e., suckling babes who died, as well as those who died from miscarriage, abortion and stillbirth.

1116: overly attached to food and drink, gourmets, those who live to eat

1117: overeaters, eats like a beast

1118: Note regarding mortals who have deformed, injured, defective, underdeveloped or missing body parts, that after such mortals die and enter heaven, their deficiencies or deformities have opportunity to regenerate and grow healthy in their spiritual body, till they become fully operational and perfectly developed. Same with spiritual deficiencies and spiritual diseases; a person ultimately overcomes these and rises in wisdom toward mature ripeness.

1119: see image i079

1120: font, fountain, source, initiator, dispenser

1121: Recall that these names were taken by false Gods, who then caused them to become worshipful; see, e.g., 27/29.11; 27/24.3

1122: In other words, they recognized that the holiness of spirit (feeling) that seemed to come from no-where, was of the unseen, but they did not acknowledge that this holiness came from a Person of the Whole.

1123: K‘yu, or K‘yew, or Ka‘ew, is usually called, in English, Confucius. –Ed.

1124: Sakaya is often called, Gotama Buddha [Gautama Siddhartha Buddha], but incorrectly, as will be seen further on. –Ed.

1125: pupils and adherents who generally become advocates and spreaders of a teaching

1126: When this word is used in heaven, it is usually pronounced, Es‘sean; but when on earth, Asean. Some interpreters called these tribes, Essenes, or Esenean Jews. –Ed.

1127: gift, benefit, right, advantage, windfall, blessing, bestowal, legacy

1128: make an impassioned speech

1129: Many of these names can be found in the literature and/or worship of the many Gods in India.

1130: In these modern times [c.1882] the Triune Godhead in India is, The Ghost, the heavenly confederacies, and mortal births. The Buddhists, however, rank their God, Buddha, or the Bhoidista principle, as the Son. –Ed.

1131: These are not steps as we today think of steps with nearly identical rise and run, but each level likely had a rise no higher than a foot (12 inches or 30 cm) but with a lengthy horizontal run (run is the distance between one rise and the next); the whole looking like layered platforms, and each run was about one mile, or one and one half kilometers, in distance, before the next rise (step up).

1132: see image i117

1133: see image i030

1134: That is, it tends to keep him in his place (by rewarding him for beggary instead of helping him put his talents to use for the community).

1135: falls to you; belongs to you; becomes your responsibility

1136: see 25/14.27

1137: Fish that live ‗under the water‘ refers to oysters, clams, crustaceans, and similar creatures that live on the lakebed or ocean floor, or under it, or on rocks.

1138: formularies; rituals; religious rites

1139: Note that this does not mean one requests or purposely evokes or should enjoy the receiving of pain, but rather it addresses the response to those who give pain. That is, ideally one should be pleasant toward those who administer pain, for this is the method of raising them out of their degradation; see, e.g., 20/28.19 concerning cheerful words, with mirth and gaiety; also see 25/17.13 concerning E-O-IH‘s weapons against evil (pity, gentle words, tenderness). Thus the pleasant response is based upon unconditional love, pity, understanding, forgiveness, and the developed ability to bear the burden of the offender nobly and wisely, returning goodwill.

1140: prudent; judicious; guarded; heedful and careful in considering circumstances and possible results

1141: houses of prostitution; brothels; bordellos

1142: very many; great numbers

1143: meliorating, improving, making better, especially by providing that which is lacking

1144: The name, Confucius, as used in English has no phonetic synonym in Chinese. [Actually it does, more on this shortly.] Some English authors spell it, K‘ew, but there is perhaps no English word nearer the mark, than, Ka‘yu. Chung‘ne was a name he received afterward. Many Chinese scholars merely call him, Ne! Again he is called, K‘ung K‘ew. But I have not heard a Chinaman call him any name that sounded like, Confucius. –Ed.We now know that Ka‘yu‘s family name was K‘ung or Kung, and that his first name was Ka‘yu, or K‘ew, usually rendered into English nowadays as Ch‘iu, which is phonetically equivalent to Ka‘yu, and in any event refers to the same person, that is, Ch = Ka, + i + u = K‘i‘u. Since the Chinese place the surname first, hisname was K‘ung Ka‘yu, or K‘ung K‘ew.Since Ka‘yu headed the Council of Ts‘Sin‘Ne 28/37.25 and his last name was Kung (Chung), we can see the origin of the names Chung‘ne and Ne as mentioned in the 1882 editor‘s footnote.Now the word Fu-tse or Fu-dz or Fuzi or Fu-tzu (all of which are phonetic renderings of the same word) was a form of address bestowed upon another person. For example in the west some people receive the title of Sir SoAndSo, or is addressed as The Right Honorable SoAndSo. In India they sometimes attach the word ‗Maha‘ to a name, meaning ‗great‘ as in Mahatma Gandhi (literally: Great Soul Gandhi) or Maharishi (great sage). In China it was no different, and Fu-tse was such an honorific attached to the surname. Hence K‘ung Ka‘yu became known as K‘ung Fu-tse meaning something akin to ‗the honored master K‘ung.‘ The western ear heard K‘ung Fu-tse as Kun-fu-t‘se‘s, which ultimately became Confucius.]_ _ _ _ _ _– – – – – –

1145: The term, k‘te‘sune, in Chinese is the same as, et‘e‘su, or, iesu, in English. That is, a person of no sexual desires. Confucius‘ father was a very old man and his wife merely a young girl. Passionless children are said to result from such marriages. To be in the borders of k‘te‘sune is to be next-door neighbor to being no sex at all. –Ed.

1146: see image i118and having obtained the reports, he made selections, and reported as follows:

1147: see image i030 for a depiction

1148: The term, families, here means, communities. At the present time in China, there are a number of surnames, or family names, which were in the ancient times the names of communities [communities were given the name of the founding (or a later pivotal) Rab‘bah or patriarch]. Among the Hebrews the term, HOUSE, answers to the term, FAMILY, among the Chinese. Each family was a patriarchal community, but what we, in America and in England, now call a family, that is, husband, wife and children, was not by the ancient Hebrews or ancient Chinese called a family or a house. There was no collective name for such. –Ed.

1149: The Book of Families referred to here would be the equivalent of a book of genealogies. Considering there were 4000 books, they probably contained the genealogy of the chiefs and other heads of nearly all, if not all, families (communities) in China.

1150: These ‗standards of polite behavior‘ or etiquette also included appropriate behavior between castes.

1151: authoritative commands[atmospherea –Ed.], which no man can learn, we must take from them all their soundest parts, and make one book of these.

1152: spiritual teachings, rigors, and austerities of those who renounced corporeal comforts and other self-denials for sake of supposed spiritual attainment

1153: all schools, religious orders, beliefs, persuasions, factions, sects, creeds, etc.

1154: Reproof means disapproval and therefore subtle criticism; for if one is honored for that deed which is exemplary, that means other deeds not honored were less than exemplary, and therefore, how can one feel honored for one‘s labor. And as for those beneath him, since they are beneath him and he above them insofar as labor is concerned, he is expected to perform better; therefore he has gained no honor simply by being who he is.

1155: Recall from other places in Oahspe, that Faithists would suffer death rather than eat flesh foods. || Later in this book it says Ka‘yu, on his own, committed some blunders. This statement appears to be one of them.

1156: i.e., special mark of distinction, pride, individual recognition, credit, glory, fame. In this we can see that by not preempting himself over the glory of the work itself, Ka‘yu allows for the work to stand on its own merits.

1157: That is, opposing points of view plus the mean (neutral view or center or middle ground between them)—all must live in harmony in order for society to exist in health.

1158: a robot, a puppet, a machine, a pawn

1159: The moderate person is a centrist, one who finds the middle course, one who seeks or has found the middle way, the golden mean; being a conciliatory man, being one who settles for a halfway measure, a compromise—perceiving that if a whole loaf of bread cannot be had, then half a loaf is better than none at all; or that one moderate step up is better than no step up, and surely better—so he would maintain—than a likely failed attempt at too large a step up.

1160: collection of excerpts taken from literary works; or perhaps a compilation/distillation of his teachings

1161: to suffer humiliating and dishonorable deaths

1162: These are historical facts, within the two hundred years mentioned, no less than forty-nine Saviors were born on earth, and put to death. –Ed. [While the editor does not give his sources, today it may be difficult to find historical accounts; but not impossible, for at least some of these Saviors.]

1163: The meaning of the word Budah [Buddha] is KNOWLEDGE or ALL KNOWLEDGE. We see here how a God or angel becomes false in fact [by proclaiming himself to be the embodiment of All Knowledge, whereas only the Great Spirit is All Knowledge]. –Ed. [In this present edition of Oahspe, Budah is spelled as it is recognized nowadays, as Buddha. Hence in this present edition whenever you read the name Buddha it always refers to this false God as does the name of his philosophy and followers: Buddhism and Buddhist. From its original spelling of Budah, we can see how come the vowel ‗u‘ in Buddha is pronounced as a long sounding ‗u.‘]

1164: Today Buddha is usually considered a state of mind or a condition of the spirit. A common goal of Buddhists is to attain to Buddha (Buddhahood), which means reaching Nirvana. The Buddhist Nirvana has been described as the spirit‘s return to the bliss of the All Nothingness, that is, to the blissfulness of the Void (as they supposed the universe to be), for they rejected the Person of the Whole, the Ever Present.

1165: And these Chinese Gods became the Grecian [Greek] Gods of a later date. –Ed.

1166: provoke, threaten, bluster, intimidate, produce unease among

1167: known today as the Great Wall of China; see image i080

1168: The prophet Isaah was sawed in two. In those days the persecutions against the Faithists in E-O-IH were fearfully cruel. –Ed.

1169: later called Constantinople, then Istanbul

1170: that is, followers of the spirit (in contradistinction to those who follow the dictates of the flesh); today we know them as Essenes

1171: monogamic literally means one seed: one husband, one wife; even as had been given in the Zarathustrian Law (see 22/2.13

1172: see image i119

1173: perceive, look at, consider, regard, discern, see

1174: hallowed = holy, adored, sacrosanct, sacred, inviolable, profound, devotional, unstained, blessed.reverent = worshipful, revered, righteously regarded, held in reverence.trespass = do wrong, offend, transgress, sin

1175: discovered them, or if merely suspected, this was the manner of proof

1176: This personal embodiment would be the fabricated composite Iesu alias Iesus alias Jesu alias Jesus, as presently described.

1177: non-person, impersonal force

1178: amiss, awry, errant, off course

1179: This book would be the New Testament to the Christians, which he cleverly then had attached to the Ezra Bible in order to easier gain converts in his region.

1180: I have examined several books in regard to the Christian warriors of those early days, and I find the above account true as regards the slaughter. –Ed. [Also, see i081.]

1181: This is the Christian Bible, being composed of (1) parts of the Ezra Bible, which was called the Old Testament; and (2) the composite books of the new doctrine (Kriste‘yan doctrine) called the New Testament. The purpose of this latter was to set forth the policies of Kriste, and to establish his presence among mortals via Iesu. The groundwork for this latter goal was accomplished through bringing together diverse stories of many different Iesu‘s and concocting them into a single story with only one representative, i.e., one symbolic Iesu (Iesus, Jesu, Jesus).And he selected from them one hundred and forty-four speakers.

1182: Latin ultimately shifted the initial I to a J, not just Iesu to Jesu or Iesus to Jesus; but in other words as well, e.g., Iupiter to Jupiter, Ianus to Janus, Iuno to Juno (June), etc. The word Iesu was used in the Vulgate, which was Saint Jerome‘s Latin translation of the Christian Bible from Hebrew into Latin, late in the 300‘s c.e.

1183: Note regarding this fabricated story of the representative iesu that, indeed, for the whole of the time period from his supposed birth to his supposed crucifixion, there is no statement in the available Roman records mentioning a Jesus, as identified by the Christian story.

1184: pretended, assumed, took attitude, put on airs, feigned

1185: Allah meant the All Holy or the All Just(ice) (Wheel of Justice). Since there is only one ALL HOLY or ALL JUST(ICE), namely the Great Spirit E-O-IH, so did Thoth, alias Gabriel, thus became a false God. For if Allah was God and heaven was Allah‘s, and because Gabriel was God and heaven was his 28/49.24 therefore Gabriel was Allah, and thus false.

1186: Immediately after Constantine founded the Christian religion, Christian emissaries were sent to all the eastern countries, to contrive the destruction of ancient records. In the year 390, a large portion of the Alexandrian library was destroyed at the instigation of a Christian priest, Coatulius; but it was rebuilt and stocked. In 640, it was again destroyed, and totally, at the instigation of three Christian monks, to keep it from falling into the hands of the Arabs, Mohammedans. The Caliph was urged to have the destruction stopped, but he said: ―If the writings of the Greeks agree with the Books of God, they are useless and not worth preserving; if they disagree, they are pernicious, and ought to be destroyed.‖ In this, we see how spirits rule over mortals. –Ed.

1187: that is, in the years after Moses departed Egypt with the Israelites

1188: see image i044

1189: Presumably here castigation entailed demeaning one‘s self through, at a minimum, protestations of how unworthy they were before their God, and how they hoped to be punished if they ever swerved one fraction from strict obedience and adoration of their God.

1190: about half a mile or one kilometer

1191: In Spain and Italy alone, there were thus put to death, and by the wars to establish Christianity, upward of seven millions of people. The inquisition in many parts of Europe was so severe that it staggers belief. Yet it is a historical fact. During the same period of time, great and equally severe iniquities were going on in India and China, for Brahma and Buddha. –Ed.

1192: a melody; tune; musical composition, theme

1193: engage, deal, negotiate, discuss terms, communicate

1194: attend to; look after; see to

1195: be in charge; hold ascendancy; tell them what to do; thus, rather than false Gods or false Lords dictating, they can worship as their conscience may dictate (as to monitoring their own behavior, how to worship, when to worship, etc.)

1196: Es is not an actual angel or Goddess, like those mentioned in titles of preceding books; but Es is an entity, signifying the spirit world.

1197: i.e., in 400 years

1198: observe with a critical eye, to snoop, to hold under observation, to spy; and especially all the foregoing with the intention or behavior of faultfinding or gossip

1199: woes, miseries, disasters, misfortunes, troubles

1200: disloyal, treacherous, unfaithful, deceitful

1201: deflate, embarrass, frighten, humble, disconcert

1202: conjectures, suppositions, speculations, assumptionsBehold, these heavens belong to those who are born of the earth. Let the foreign Gods return to worlds where they were native born.

1203: permission; access; a claim

1204: unwary, unwatchful, unthinking, incautious

1205: The Yodopans, being in Mexico, clearly refers to the Aztecs, as its last ruler was named Montezuma. The I‘tuans possibly refers to the Incas.

1206: A ship called the Mayflower, carrying religious pilgrims from England, landed in 1620 at Plymouth Rock in America, an area that became part of New England.

1207: i.e., show them no mercy

1208: The student can readily read about such atrocities in the corporeal records; for example, the witchcraft trials, the religious intolerance displayed by some of the early colonists, and the persecution of Quakers.

1209: In more modern American, this would read as: \r―September, 1682. \r―TO THE VENERABLE AND BELOVED JOHN HIGGINSON:\r―There is now at sea a ship (for our friend Esias Holdcraft, of London, advised me by the last packet that it would sail sometime in August), called the ‗Welcome;‘ R. Greenwas, master; which has aboard a hundred or more of the heretics and malignants called Quakers, with W. Penn, who is the scamp [scoundrel] at the head of them. The General Court has accordingly given secret orders to Master Malachi Huxtett, of the brig [ship] ‗Porpoise,‘ to waylay [ambush] the ‗Welcome,‘ when it passes near the coast of Cape Cod, and make captives of Penn and his ungodly crew, so that the Lord may be glorified and not mocked on the soil of this new country with the heathen worshipers of these people. Much spoil [profit] can be made by selling the whole lot to Barbados, where slaves fetch good prices in rum and sugar; and we shall not only do the Lord great service by punishing the wicked, but shall make gain for his ministers and people. Yours, in the bowels of Christ, \rCOTTON MATHER.‖malignants called Quakers, with W. Penn, who is ye scamp at ye head of them. Ye General Court has accordingly given secret orders to Master Malachi Huxtett, of ye brig ‗Porpoise,‘ to waylaye ye said ‗Welcome,‘ as near ye coast of Codd, as may be, and make captives of ye Penn and his ungodly crew, so that ye Lord may be glorified and not mocked on ye soil of this new country with ye heathen worshipers of these people. Much spoil can be made by selling ye whole lot to Barbadoes, where slaves fetch good prices in rumme and sugar; and we shall not only do ye Lord great service by punishing ye wicked, but shall make gayne for his ministers and people. Yours, in ye bowels of Christ,COTTON MATHER.‖ 1209

1210: The above names will be found in ―Fox‘s Book of Martyrs,‖ and ―Justin‘s Book of Christian Victims.‖ –Ed.

1211: The above were Tom Paine‘s doctrines. –Ed.

1212: This was Great Britain versus America; being the American Revolution (war of independence), 1775-1783 c.e. Note that the fighting actually stopped in 1781 but it took two years till the treaty of Paris was signed and the United States was officially acknowledged to be a nation-state.

1213: The number of Indians killed outright by the Christians was not much more than half this number; but, still, the three and a half million Indians that once inhabited this country have died out, because of their treatment by the Christians. –Ed.accomplish the destruction of the Algonquin tribes that inhabited the country.

1214: The walls of Rochester were first knocked at on the evening of November 14, 1849 c.e., when the Fox sisters gave their first public demonstration of spirit rapping at a hall in Rochester, New York; more later in Oahspe.

1215: Note that unlike the false angels who incite mortals to war, here God simply withdrew his angels of light and left the mortals to carry on in their own conceit; and the US Civil War resulted (1861-65).

1216: Parties desiring a full report of the mortal side of this history are referred to Col. Kase, 1601 North 15th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. –Ed. [Remember the –Ed. refers to the 1882 editor, meaning Col. Kase has long since passed on into the spirit realm, i.e., he died.]

1217: i.e., via Oahspe

1218: This would be, among other things, the Olympic games.

1219: Sports have blossomed in the United States and elsewhere since the late 1800s and continue on to this day, and with numerous varieties of athletic sports, and more invented every generation.

1220: This entire Book of Praise contains the parting words at the end of Bon to the incoming Kosmon era.

1221: I have used the privilege accorded me, to substitute modern names, for some of the mountains and rivers, instead of the Panic names in the original manuscript. –Ed.

1222: The places listed in this section labeled Roth refer to etherean realms/places in and near the roadway of the solar phalanx where Aph was in charge of the dan‘ha cycle; see image i084.

1223: The places listed in this section labeled Lais refer to etherean realms/places in and near the roadway of the solar phalanx where Sue was in charge of the dan‘ha cycle; see image i084.

1224: The places listed in this section labeled Loo refer to etherean realms/places in and near the roadway of the solar phalanx where Apollo was in charge of the dan‘ha cycle; see image i085.

1225: The places listed in this section labeled Suat refer to etherean realms/places in and near the roadway of the solar phalanx where Thor was in charge of the dan‘ha cycle; see image i085.

1226: The places listed in this section labeled Yat refer to etherean realms/places in and near the roadway of the solar phalanx where Osiris was in charge of the dan‘ha cycle; see image i086.

1227: The places listed in this section labeled Sias refer to etherean realms/places in and near the roadway of the solar phalanx where Fragapatti was in charge of the dan‘ha cycle; see image i086.

1228: The places listed in this section labeled Jaus refer to etherean realms/places in and near the roadway of the solar phalanx where Cpenta-armij was in charge of the dan‘ha cycle; see image i087.

1229: The places listed in this section labeled Niv refer to etherean realms/places in and near the roadway of the solar phalanx where Lika was in charge of the dan‘ha cycle; see image i087.

1230: that is, He only needs to think it, and it is done

1231: i.e., the physical body

1232: a black, thin, lightweight crinkled fabricLike a cord that lifts a weight, so shall the soul of the dead be to those who are stricken in sorrow.

1233: i.e., in work shifts

1234: e.g., by learning, and then appropriating that wisely

1235: i.e., when all else seems to be failing...

1236: Ouranothen means comprehensive light from the atmospherean heavens of the earth; or as we might say, from the throne of God; or, as spoken through God; or, Light from God; or, Light of Heaven as spoken by God.

1237: Note that this means every one, no matter how exalted, or how alone, or how unripe he or she may be, is still a child of E-O-IH, and cannot be severed from Him, although such a one may turn away from Him for a season.

1238: being too many to count

1239: limitless, immeasurable, inexhaustible, infinite, uncircumscribable

1240: tone, tenor, book, grade, standing

1241: i.e., children

1242: The Foundation Doctrine: E-O-IH‘s Actual Presence is always here and now, and that His Eye ALWAYS sees you, no exceptions, and that your every Act, Thought, Word, Emotion and Attitude is Recorded—no exceptions, ever—and that others can read the record.[For those who have already done evil, all is not lost, however; for a preponderance of good acts washes away the darkness in the soul, so that, at length, it will be the goodness in the soul that shines forth, and the records of the redeemed dark deeds of the past become essentially transparent. –ed.]

1243: By natural law is meant the so-called unalterable laws of nature or laws of physics; their spiritual counterparts are thus called Divine laws.Note that it is not here suggested that we disregard constancy or wisdom, but rather that the constancy and wisdom is because of E-O-IH‘s actual presence, and not because these constancies (so-called natural laws or divine laws) are somehow potent and inviolate in and of themselves. And while these are, or may be, part of the system and order of the universe, yet that system and order is held so by E-O-IH—by His actual living presence.

1244: It is well known that at that time, the religions of the world‘s people preferred blind faith and unquestioned obedience to their dogma, rather than opening their teachings up to questions. Accordingly, those whose inclination is to question authority may be more to the ways of E-O-IH, than he who would docilely accept without question or reasonableness or proof, the dictates of a religion. Also note the same as is just said about religion may be said of oppressive governments or any oppressive organization.

1245: wields, applies, employs

1246: predictions from spirits of the dead; black magic; sorcery

1247: i.e., every 3000 years or so

1248: Law here refers to the unfailing nature of the construction and consequence of E-O-IH‘s system and order. Again, held as such, not intrinsically because of itself, but because of E-O-IH‘s actual presence, wisdom and power in sustaining the system and order; and operable because of His presence. Thus the elements within one‘s milieu act according to the system and order that is set up and sustained for them.So, when used in that sense, the word law and sometimes the word rule, are terms of convenience. Also, since the laws, regulations and rules, made by man‘s social order to govern his behavior, are lower order imitations of E-O-IH‘s system and order, they are, accordingly, also sustained by person, whether that person is the king, a republic, a fraternity, or some consensus cluster within them.

1249: which, aside from evil-spirit manifestations, includes fawning over spirits of the dead; see e.g., 31/4.8-10

1250: (male and female) via the soul

1251: Es means ―Spirit world.‖ The teachings of this book correspond with the information received from enlightened angels (spirits) wherever they have communicated. –Ed.

1252: North Guatama (United States of America)

1253: inorganic

1254: encompassing; comprehensive treatment

1255: i.e., let him who speaks by angel inspiration not judge others to be doing the same

1256: beyond doubt, irreversible, undeniable, irrefutable, indestructible, permanent

1257: ranked, classified, categorized

1258: This refers to the United States of America. [Note the past tense, ―I have provided…‖ Therefore this cannot be the modern state of Israel, as some have suggested, since this latter was not in existence till 1948 c.e.]

1259: i.e., able to reiterate the knowledge learned in books; book learning; book smarts; the literature in one or more fields of knowledge

1260: see image i006

1261: For example, if a teaspoon of salt is poured into a cup of still water, salt crystals can be seen at the bottom of the cup; but stir inside the cup with a spoon, and the increased velocity causes the remaining salt crystals to dissolve. Similarly, if the earth were sped up sufficiently, the ethe would dissolve it.

1262: Narcotics here means any intoxicating or addictive substance which includes stimulants, depressants, euphorics, hallucinogens, exhilarants, etc.

1263: lack of moderation and restraint, recklessness, extravagance, wastefulness, dissipation

1264: zealous indulgence in one‘s appetites, especially sensual; movement away from morality

1265: indulgence in evil

1266: rarefied, subtle, lofty

1267: enchain, encompass, enmesh, bind, fetter

1268: Both men and women have positive and negative within them, i.e., the Na and the Om, or going forth and receptivity. Because male is an expression of positive, Na tends to ascendancy in men (males); and because female is an expression of negative, receptivity tends to ascendancy in women (females). Also there are two conditions, Es and Corpor. Es is female, and Corpor is male.within himself or within his wife. Now, if an exalted woman marries a man with a lower es, he will not be able to supply the es food (grade of spiritual nourishment) she requires, and will, in the aggregate, be pulled down by him over the course of the marriage.Oahspe speaks later on positive and negative qualities, and on how diet affects these, and on positive and negative vortexian currents manifesting in males and females, and on positive and negative spouses.

1269: The righteous spiritual man (male or female) is Omish (receptive); but comparatively, the social order of the world‘s people tends to dominate in the ways of the beast. Hence the unrighteousness of the husband (worldly orientation, uzian) shall pull down the wife (Es-oriented person).

1270: money; the ways of the world‘s people; material gain; riches; self

1271: fame, celebrity, acclaim, prominence

1272: To gainsay is to oppose, generally by argument. While one is advised to not set out to deny, dispute, contradict, oppose, circumvent, misuse, outright declare as false or otherwise refuse to recognize the words, simply because they do not fit into one‘s present doctrines or worldview, yet one certainly can and should seek to confirm or otherwise ascertain the truth of the words.

1273: acknowledgement, recognition, homage, service, duty

1274: E-O-IH the All Person Great Spirit is the Immaculate; that is, totally perfect and without blemish.

1275: compelled, restrained, hedged in, limited, constrained

1276: make easily understood, clear, apparent, obvious, simple, evident

1277: virtues, desirable traits, righteous talents and attainments

1278: That is, E-O-IH‘s government and the government of man. Note that God is not advocating the overthrowing of man‘s government, but rather the opposite; by being models of virtue, practicing goodness of heart and other excellencies for sake of E-O-IH, it is around these that the Father‘s kingdom (the Higher Government) is formed. It is toward these that all people move sooner or later. Governments of man that allow for or even encourage the practice of these virtues are on the right track.

1279: contemptuous, disparaging and abusive character assassination; insult; berate

1280: In this sense, Uz must mean ―world‘s people.‖ –Ed.

1281: So we see that in verses 16 through 18, we are given examples of how the 15 commandments 32/21.18-32 cannot be wholly adhered to while living in the culture of the world‘s people. But instead Faithists must cultivate a culture within which they can practice

1282: peddlers, traders, hawkers, vendors, entrepreneurs

1283: The word ―true‖ here would seem to mean either those who consider themselves to be true to the teachings of Buddha, Christ, etc., or else true to the good within that discipline.

1284: that is, to become enrolled into the organic first resurrection

1285: keep silent, stay quiet, say nothing, remain still

1286: improving, mitigating, remedying, bettering

1287: It is remarkable that for etherean chiefs overseeing planets, a dan‘ha cycle (a few thousand of earth‘s years) can seem like only a year for them. Similarly, for Gods and Goddesses, who are thousands upon thousands of years old, a few hundred years can seem near at hand.

1288: convents, nunneries, monasteries, ashrams, hermitages

1289: enclosed, enveloped, shut up within, encysted, hemmed in

1290: thus favoring conditions that bring about or increase the numbers of the poor, the helpless, those with mental, emotional, moral or physical dysfunctions, etc.

1291: indiscriminately, haphazardly, without forethought; whether it is needed or not

1292: What in this present verse, and indeed this entire chapter, is being addressed is not the nullification of the general ideal, sell all you have and give to the poor 32/21.20,33 which should still remain as an ultimate or crowning aim; but rather that indiscriminate giving and without forethought as to results, is to be avoided, whether as an individual or as a group.these avenues, charity will not be needed, even for the aged, or for orphans.

1293: It is a remarkable coincidence, that as soon as the Brahmins began to preach Brahma, instead of Ormazd (the Creator), they lost the signs and miracles of the ancients. The same thing came to the Buddhists; as soon as they began to preach Buddha, the signs and miracles left them. And the same thing happened to the Christians; as soon as they made an idol of Christ, signs and miracles left them. The Roman Catholics have frequently pretended to have the signs, but it is only a pretense. Manifestations, like those at Lourdes (even if true), are only the tricks and games of drujas, as the results show. –Ed.

1294: i.e., you cannot escape responsibility regarding it

1295: the sum, the overall result; many distinct parts considered together as a whole; the entities and activities considered as an entirety

1296: That is, not less than 200 years, but may be more, like 40 generations, which is about 1300 years. Grades and rates are discussed in more detail later in Oahspe.

1297: erases, destroys, removes, cancels

1298: heavy, unwieldy, large

1299: forbid, outlaw, make illegal, restrain, block, suppress, take precedence over

1300: complementary exchanges, mutual agreements, harmonious interchanges, have functioning relations

1301: distant, incongruent, discordant, divergent

1302: concerns, proceedings, conduct, pursuits, undertakings, programs, contacts, associations, dealings, transactions, interactions, deeds

1303: a thin, lightweight, crinkled fabric

1304: courteous, respectful (toward the other‘s person, laws, customs and institutions), civil, cordial, polite, agreeable, friendly, affable, warm, inviting, welcoming

1305: This refers to the Spiritualism movement which flourished thus from 1849 to 1882.

1306: I have seen two cases of blindness thus cured. One had been blind twelve years, and the other eight months. These two, I knew of my own knowledge; but I have heard of many other cases, which were well authenticated. I also know of a child that three physicians pronounced dead, which was restored to life, and is now living. I have heard of many other cases, but find, the authority is not sufficient for a work of this kind. –Ed.

1307: fully matured, fully grown, in full bloom

1308: Kosmon pertains to accessibility and balance, with spiritual senses and spiritual knowledge in balance with corporeal senses and corporeal knowledge. Kosmon is also the time for man to become perfect in his order.

1309: i.e., I will not seek to call him back to righteousness (will not actively seek to redeem him), but let him go his own way.

1310: That is, proceed along the course of your wisdom, like God proceeds along the course of his; in other words, the example that God provides in the way of wise dominion, is worthy of study and emulation, especially in providing a way for man to rise toward E-O-IH and the beautiful creation (His kingdom come).

1311: Which is to say, his (or her) notion of how to found the Father‘s kingdom on earth is first to know how to bring forth godlike, then second, find a mate or mates who also know how; and then third, produce children, who are thus expected to be born godlike. || Such a person undoubtedly believes the first step has been attained, but it is a delusion; and subsequently, so are the final two steps a delusion. Nevertheless, such a person evidently believes that the taking of those three steps fulfills the wisdom of God.

1312: boxer, fighter, scrapper, contender, belligerent, brawler

1313: instilled (taught) through frequent repetition or persistent teaching

1314: that is, awareness of es or spirit, in contradistinction to awareness of corporeal world

1315: at the times of dan harvest points. Nevertheless there are always such angels in atmospherea, being eligible for the resurrection into etherea, should they so choose—for some may volunteer to stay in atmospherea a dan or more before ascending into etherea.

1316: The first resurrection discussed in this chapter and the next two, chapters 2-4, pertain to the angels of the inorganic first resurrection. And this is in contradistinction from the angels of the organic first resurrection, who are es‘yans enrolled in the organic heavens of God, Son of E-O-IH; and these es‘yans, being thus under the guidance of the light of the second resurrection, fall under the latter‘s purview (see 32/24.14-15; 33/1.16

1317: Here first resurrection seems to refer the Es realm (Hada) that touches the earth; for, at death all pass into that Hada (though their stay may be short, depending upon their grade, see e.g., 24/22.5-7

1318: That is., one‘s likes, preferences, tastes, inclinations, hopes, affections, aspirations, habits, etc., will be attracted to and drawn toward, those with the same or similar qualities (those who are alike). Likewise, they will be attractive to, and draw to themselves, those of similar traits.

1319: Figures must refer to forms and images, i.e., pictures, diagrams, charts, proportions, patterns and the like, as well as logic (syllogisms, symbolic logic). Numbers must refer to mathematics and statistics. Axioms are addressed later.

1320: Axiomatic, i.e., an axiom, is that which is universally accepted as true and has its basis in experience, reason and demonstration; and may also include scientific findings (using scientific methodology); and which have demonstrated certainty or objective measurable reality, and can be used as the basis of further investigation. Note that conviction alone is not sufficient, nor is testimony without substantiation.

1321: Gladiator here means a stirrer of controversy and verbal assaulter; an assailant, a disputant, one who charges forth to figuratively slay his opponent.

1322: At first thought this may seem not so. If a man swallows a stone, it may be said he added to himself. Literally, though this is not true, [for it is not really a part of him, although he carries it around within him for a season. Similarly the clothes you wear are carried around by you but are not part of you. Yet] were the stone digestible, it would add to him. In verses 14 and 15, we see this apparent paradox made clear. –Ed.

1323: or like a solar cell is to sunlight. (Regarding the photographic plate: In the early years of photography, a plate coated with chemicals was used, which reacted instantly to light, thus producing an image.)

1324: In this, we see that, whether one is male or female, by approaching perfect humanness, one increasingly becomes aware of His Presence and His words.

1325: Many Spiritualists have witnessed this same kind of sar‘gis (materialization). Refer to the Rev. Dr. Colley‘s reports of his investigations with the Rev. Dr. Monck, in which these forms were seen, in the light, to issue from Dr. Monck‘s side. Up to this time, there are hundreds of thousands of people now living who have witnessed the same thing [during the height of spiritualism in the 33 years before Oahspe was published]. –Ed. [This is a commonly known manifestation regarding sar‘gis; also see 25/29.8 which alludes to this. || To read about the creation of man, see Book of E-O-IH 04/4.16 to 04/8.18).]

1326: this would be the Panic language

1327: by your own understanding; of your own accord, by your own process; attempting to perceive how that which was told you, accords with that which comes forth out of your own members, and if that which is coming forth is of Light, Truth, Beauty, Harmony, etc. (see rules of light 34/8.9-14 ), then you are well on the way

1328: teaching, instruction, lessons

1329: Intuition is a philosophical concept regarding the direct apprehension (perception) of truth or knowledge, without the use of reason or empiricism (experience by the physical senses). Philosophers in general have presumed it is a making sense of the insensible through some inherent mechanism in the physical body. But here E-O-IH is saying the cause is not an inherent mechanism, but it is by His very Presence that man can directly apprehend.

1330: see e.g., 32/13.41

1331: In other words, do not seek to proselytize, force, importune, or impose conversion or adherence.

1332: hard to understand, convoluted, cryptic, incomprehensible, recondite, clear as mud

1333: For examples: Among Native Americans the totem was to represent the best features of the chief creatures; each creature being appointed (and so represented by) a clan whose labor was to perfect in themselves the particular qualities of their designated creature. || In some cultures, the astrological signs were used to perfect man in the characteristics attributed to certain creatures. || The Chinese developed movements corresponding to various creatures. || The Hindus revered the cow for her attributes of receptivity and docility; and had many creatures connected with their Gods, and with the chakhras of the human body.

1334: Note that this does not set aside admonition against killing. For, ‗as sown, so reaped,‘ still applies.

1335: mucus, phlegm, rheum; inflamed mucus membranes

1336: The northern line of the sun is the latitude Tropic of Cancer. It is the Summer Solstice in the northern hemisphere. This verse is from the 1882 Oahspe. (The 1891 Oahspe editor thought this should instead be referring to the Winter Solstice, and he tried incorporating into the 1891 edition of Oahspe, changes to that effect.) Also, see 05/12.13 where the first year was established by the first God of earth, Sethantes.

1337: see explanation after end of Book of Inspiration, i.e., starting at 34/15.01

1338: sometimes known as Es Day

1339: see explanation after end of Book of Inspiration, i.e., starting at 34/16.01

1340: sometimes known as Freedom‘s Day

1341: see explanation after end of Book of Inspiration, i.e., starting with 34/17.01

1342: Hidesville or Hydesville, was located about 20 miles (32 km) from Rochester, New York, United States of America.

1343: 34/16.2 and 3; or 34/16.02 and 03. The rappings actually began with the prior residents of the house; and the entire Fox family was aware of the rappings well before the night of March 31, but till that night, none understood that the rappings had an intelligence behind them, trying to communicate.

1344: see 37/7.7

1345: Saphah may be said to be a record of man‘s expression of, understanding of, or interpretation of, reality; and as given in man‘s words, signs, symbols, rites and ceremonies, teachings, and histories.

1346: Where spellings in the images differ from those given in the text, these are not identified as a general rule in this Standard Oahspe.

1347: see image i031

1348: Each language listed below represents the first full flowering and/or development to the extreme, of a certain characteristic, mentioned in the language description. Thus with the Panic language came the first formation of words and the fullest development and use of the guttural sounds (ah, uh, eh, ih, oh, g, r, h, etc.); with Poit came the intense development of labial sounds (m, b, p, f, v, w); etc.

1349: Labial means formed by the lips and marks the beginning of the serious development of labial sounds and words.

1350: presumably the first use of language to prove things, being the introduction of primitive logic into man‘s culture

1351: The signs represent sounds (phonograms) and not actual concepts or entities (ideograms). In pre-Fonecean languages the signs (images, ideograms) themselves tell what is going on. In such cases one does not need sounds to understand, but can ‗follow the signs‘ (sequence of written images) to understand. Thus, for example, an image of a man followed by an image of a spear pointing to water, means a man moved in the direction of the water. But with Fonece (Phoenician) one followed the sequence of sounds represented by the symbols, but did not follow the pictorial (ideogrammatic) meaning of the symbols.

1352: pure or perfect words, that is, words of light, and therefore truth

1353: The linguistic aids in this subsection are noticeably very sparse. The paucity of this subsection means man shall have to develop in the Faithist discipline so that he may gain missing information.The Signature

1354: Apparently this means the pronunciation of a long ―U‖ can be pronounced as either Yu, or Eu (long E blends into a long U, being a diphthong or glide from E to U); in this latter, using what the editor says, apparently the E is shortened and the following long U is cut short and the voice drops and trails off when it gets to the U, so that the entire sound explodes from the throat, sounding guttural.

1355: fixed, steady adherence; constancy; persistent use

1356: i.e., Panic words

1357: In other words, the Panic language was not developed suddenly.Language Groups subsection

1358: i.e., according to the development of the throat to produce guttural sounds, the tongue to produce palatal and dental sounds, and the lips to produce labial sounds

1359: That is, uttered from the earth. In other words, regardless of how the sound shifted from one tribe to another (depending upon ability to enunciate), so were the sounds made; nevertheless they were all earth words (Panic words).

1360: That is, there is life and death—and Uz is death.

1361: If it is toward the earth, toward corpor, toward the way of the world‘s people, toward the animal man, toward the beast, toward the tetracts, then it is downward. But if it is toward E-O-IH, peace, love, light, harmony, goodwill, etc., then it is upward. Hence all speech (behavior) is either downward or upward in expression. To read this is to perceive the spirit and character of the utterance.

1362: see image i032

1363: see image i033

1364: The short dash before a name, identifies the individual or group who taught the teaching listed immediately before the dash. For example, (–Zarathustra) means Zarathustra taught the preceding information about the wheel.Note this is different from identifying teachings that were part of a culture with its own unique language; in which case, Oahspe has identified these with the normal language name in parentheses. For example: Zi‘o (Vede) means Zi‘o was a name of the Creator in the Vede language.

1365: The prophets were bound on a wheel, to test their spirit power to be released. These wheels are still to be seen by the roadsides in part of China and India. The origin of the jaugernacht; also the origin of the crossbones; the sign of those who perished as false prophets, being unable to be released by spirit power. –Ed. [Also see image i022.]

1366: hypotenuse

1367: slant, incline, veer; see 35/D.26

1368: The measuring instrument, Gau, is a triangle with a plumb-line suspended from the upper angle. On the plumb-line proper is a cross-bar, on which there are sights for the observer. At a distance of a few miles‘ sight it was discovered that the earth declined below the level corresponding to the perpendicular, and that the declension increased in proportion to the distance sighted. By this instrument the temples were built; the stars observed. –Ed.

1369: see Sa 35/D.19

1370: The feat of interlocking two rings is now known to many Spiritualists. By the ancients, this feat being accomplished without disintegration, the double triangles so locked were placed in the temples of worship as sacred. –Ed.

1371: intrinsically, by itself, of itself, in its essence

1372: That is, Sed stands close to the Great Spirit.

1373: Perhaps this is due to Osiris (the false) having appropriated the characteristics of Sed (Aries) as well as Tau; see 25/47.16 and image i027 (link in next fn).

1374: see image i027 Tablet of the False Osiris

1375: see image i054 Tablet of Tau-ghan-ghad

1376: The feminine of earth is Mi. The spirit of a mortal dwells in a womb, which is his earth-body; consequently the earth is called Mother, while the Ever-Present Spirit, which impregnated earthly things, is called Father. Ah, or Pan, is earth in abstract, but Mi is earth relatively to living creatures. –Ed.

1377: In other words, starting from the rarest condition of the ethe‘ic solution, by the same process of condensation (via a vortex), the denser conditions are formed.As to these various conditions, by analogy, it may help to think of times of dan as being a relatively clear lens, ji‘ay a translucent lens, a‘ji as being a dark yet somewhat translucent lens, and corpor as an opaque lens. Another analogy would be that dan is like a clear day at high noon, where you can see for miles; ji‘ay is like looking through a hazy day at dawn; a‘ji is like looking through a heavy fog at sunset/dusk; and corpor is like midnight under a cloudy sky.When the earth and her atmospherea travel through an a‘ji‘an swamp, ji‘ay‘an forest, etc., and depending upon densities and wark belts in the earth‘s atmosphere, the a‘ji or ji‘ay is more or less condensed by the earth‘s vortex; and being thus pressed downward toward the earth, it is somewhat like driving a vehicle through heavy fog, it seems to the driver to be pressing down on him. Thus to the atmosphereans, a‘ji or ji‘ay appears to be falling or raining or pressing down upon them.Such pressure, if sustained over a period of decades, can press plateaus closer to earth and even into it, as can be read about elsewhere in the history portions of Oahspe.

1378: reincarnation

1379: See e.g., Osiris the false‘s statement on male and female (mare) horses, and the mare being a symbol of receptivity 25/47.9-12 and see his corresponding images i025 and i026.

1380: See Christian Bible, Matthew, chap. x., vs. 34-35. –Ed. [34: Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have come not to bring peace but a sword. 35 & 36: For I have come to turn a man against his father and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law, and a man‘s enemies will be in his own household.]

1381: Mas in Sanscrit now means moon; in Rome it means a religious service. Among the Vedic race the religious service was said on the day of the moon‘s change. The sound of ―a‖ in Mas is [pronounced] as ―a‖ in far. –Ed.

1382: Statistically women are physically smaller than men, and therefore would be littler than or less than men. Note that this does not mean woman was considered to be less valuable than man; and the Oahspe text makes this clear elsewhere. So, Gan (v.111) can refer to the es-man (es in the male human), while M‘gan (v.112) can refer to the es-woman. But M‘be (v. 113) can refer to the animal-woman or feminine aspect of the beast, while Be (v.114) can refer to the animal-man or masculine aspect of the beast.

1383: Also called the Tablet of Biene or Bienu; see image i034.Tablet of Bienei1383

1384: Both 1882 & 1891 omitted the interpretation.

1385: i.e., a root word, one which provides the essential meaning, and to which suffixes, prefixes, and other changes are added

1386: that is, to hear and see spiritual things

1387: In English: Sigh.

1388: That is, because you have called your earthly king, God, so in like manner your Heavenly King (the All Light), you have also called God (thus reducing Him to the form and figure of a man).

1389: hallowed, intact, unchanged, pristine, not violated; not disrespected, profaned nor vulgarized; but also kept secret, confidential, concealed, hidden

1390: sneak, secretly, surreptitiously, clandestinely

1391: Both 1882 & 1891 omitted verse text defining Hy‘gom (Hy‘yom).

1392: Both 1882 & 1891 omitted verse text defining Hote (Hate).

1393: see image i035

1394: see image i036Tablet of Kii Language

1395: i.e., like a worn-out garment or covering

1396: Idols, because the cast or form holds attraction. To mortals, the new covering (new words, signs, symbols, organizations, activities, emphases, cultural teachings, etc.) seems to fit the essence, spirit and feel, better than the old; and because the new coverings resonate closer to the soul light (and even if man expresses them in beastly ways), they become attractive to use instead of the stilted (ill-fitting), jaded (off-color), faded or insipid (lifeless) older alternatives.

1397: These refer to man‘s ability to produce sounds and words.

1398: greater in scope—complexity as well as elegant simplicity; more comprehensive

1399: See image i037. The numbers found in the image were meant to indicate the sequencing of the symbols, and not meant to denote columns. Aside from that, in the following interpretive text 35/H.5.1-9 each verse represents one row of the tablet. Any numbers following the Fonecean word represent the corresponding concepts as found in Se‘moin (the numbers are the Se‘moin verse numbers, e.g., 72 = 35/D.72 In the case of multiple numbers following a Fonecean word, the meaning is a synthesis of the Se‘moin verses.

1400: continual pining; a longing, a deep desire for something lost

1401: See image i038. The words start at the bottom of the column and go to the top. Interpretation of the symbols of this image was omitted from the 1882 and 1891 Oahspe editions. In place of it, that editor suggested we see the tablets of Bienei and Se‘moin for interpretation. But upon examination, they seem to offer little direct help. In this modern series edition, for convenience of the reader and student, the words on the tablet have been rendered into text verses 35/I.1.1-11 It is recommended that the student verify these spellings.

1402: See image i039. We may presume by the previous sequencing that the separate tribes of Iz and Zerl by now shared the same words.

1403: shown in tablet as ‗By‘ Tablet of Iz Missing \r There is no image available to accompany this text; presumably there was one that was pulled before publication of the 1882 Oahspe.

1404: later known as IsraelTablet of Iz-Zerl (Izere)1404

1405: see image i040; each verse denotes a column, starting from top to bottomBah‘jow‘fi‘fi, a racehorse. Shon‘yong, goat. Bin‘yong, sheep.

1406: In those days words and tunes were both extemporized at the time, and the timbrel or Toff was the accompaniment. –Ed.

1407: Meaning, Bread of the I AM, being 12 loaves of unleavened bread blessed and placed on the altar in the temple every Sabbath. (The old spelling is shewbread.)

1408: In this day there are many Spiritualists who have witnessed the production of fire by the spirits. Professor Zollner and Henry Slade had a candle lighted without any mortal contact or assistance. –Ed.

1409: The segments in this subsection present the teachings, concepts and realities that had a major impact upon the Vind‘yu people (India, Tibet, etc.), but also upon Jaffeth (China), Arabin‘ya (Near East & Africa) and Par‘si‘e (Persia), during the cycle of Fragapatti; although afterward many of the teachings continued on, especially in Vind‘yu.

1410: All of the above have, in modern interpretations, found corresponding places on earth. –Ed. [That is, the translated spellings may vary, and that which is heavenly may be interpreted to be earthly.]

1411: Spiritualists have often witnessed this in spirit circles. The origin of sprinkling in churches, as practiced to this day. –Ed.

1412: It is apparently not unusual for false Gods to proclaim themselves God of all heaven and earth, even though their actual dominion is less than that.

1413: a thing or person that has a real existence

1414: i.e., Or + mazd = The Entity of Light; or THE MASTER of Light

1415: Ten Commandments of Zarathustra. –Ed.

1416: see image i045

1417: Initiate here reads from top of first row of Tablet downward. –Ed.

1418: Initiate here reads from top of second row of Tablet downward. –Ed.

1419: presented objection or protest, with reasoning

1420: Initiate here reads from top of third row of Tablet downward. –Ed.

1421: Initiate here reads from top of fourth row of Tablet downward. –Ed.

1422: Initiate here reads from top of fifth row of Tablet downward. –Ed.

1423: The inscriptions of Fonece are in part found in China, India, Persia, Arabia, and belonged to the Mound-Builders of America. Ga‘hoe ah mak, the position of the great serpent (solar phalanx), would therefore make these Phoenician rites common to China and America at the same period of time. The twenty degrees embraced architecture, mathematics, agriculture and astronomy, sufficient for a dense population of cultured people. And yet the ceremonies imply that there had been great empires long before that period. –Ed.

1424: As shown throughout this Saphah, the 1882 and 1891 Oahspe editions did not publish such signs, passwords and forms.

1425: see image i046

1426: Those who sat around the table for spirit communion kept their eyes riveted on the graven characters. He who sat at the end where the crown is, was the oldest and was called rab‘bah (father). It will be observed that the invocation is more than an interpretation of the characters, although they are all designated in the words. The rab‘bah led off, but all the circle joined in the reading of it. The Gau (the plumb-line) was moved by the spirits in answer to the questions of the rab‘bah. In some countries the gypsies still invoke spirits in this way. –Ed.

1427: equivalent to the Mother Sublime

1428: See image i047. || These tablets were engraved on inlaid tables, called family altars, around which the family sat for spirit communion and prayer. The father led in repeating the invocation, and the wife and children spoke in concert. After the Israelites left Egypt, the graven tables were abolished, but invocation at the family table was continued, and is even to this day among some of the Jews (so-called). –Ed.

1429: The Faithists were taught that he who goes forth to labor calls upon E-O-IH, but he who supplicates in receptivity calls upon Om.

1430: see image i048Sun Degree Ceremony of Chine and Zerl[Initiation Ceremony of the Magi –ed.]1430

1431: These were the ceremonies of the third cycle past, 9,000 years before kosmon. Persons who have witnessed the fire-test miracle of modern spiritual mediums, can readily comprehend this initiation. –Ed.

1432: Spiritualists who have witnessed these things know the possibility. –Ed.

1433: see image i049

1434: see image i050

1435: a horizontal capstan

1436: see image i051

1437: postponement, reprieve, deferment, suspension

1438: see image i052

1439: see image i055(Baugh-Ghan-Ghad ,Alias Baugh-gan-ghad)

1440: i.e., who dares challenge my power; who dares to stand against my power

1441: See Temple of Skulls images (i056, i057), for an example of such a temple.(At this part of the service the initiates march before the throne.)

1442: see image i058

1443: turn from, avoid, shun, abstain from, play no part in, steer clear of

1444: [The four Heads of the Beast (False Gods) worshipped at the start of this kosmon cycle, will not be named in the published rites till the third rite of Emethachavah.]The chief Saviors and [false] Gods of the Hyartien cycle [thus filling the corners at the beginning of the cycle of Cpenta-armij, alias Abrahamic cycle] (corresponding to Brahma, Buddha, Christ and Mohammed of this [Kosmon] cycle), were Yima, Mithra, N‘yot and Habbak the first.The four greatest powers, represented by the four greatest religions, are at all times the four corner-posts in the lodge of the Faithists. In the different countries the lodges assumed that the Gods of their own locality were the chief enemies of the Great Spirit, and named them in the ceremonies.Hence, today, the chief enemies of the Great Spirit are the religions and powers who assume to elevate other names to be the Great Spirit or co-equals with Him. The Christian never desires to be E-O-IH-like but is highly flattered to be called Christ-like. It is the same with a Buddhist, a Brahmin, and a Mohammedan.In all ages, it seems, the world at large would have an idol. This they elevate above the Great Spirit by fabulous inventions and professions; while the Faithist in the One over all has been the subject of persecution and hate, and, often, destruction.Portions of these ceremonies are still observed among the Confucians, the Hebrews and a few scattered wanderers in Upper Thibet [Tibet]. Relics of the play in the first and second degrees can be recognized in several tribes of American aborigines [Native Americans]. Of course all these people choose their own evil Gods for the corner-posts. –Ed.

1445: acknowledge allegiance

1446: Faithists as a collective unity; the faithful

1447: It will be seen that the Order of Dawn exacted vegetarian diet, the influence of which extends to a large portion of the Chinese and East Indian [India] Empires, to this day. Nor could a person take this degree until familiar with ordinary spirit manifestations, even to having seen the spirits of the dead, who had returned to the earth and taken on the appearance of mortal forms, and conversed with them face to face in presence of witnesses. This knowledge of preparing the body and mind for even the first degree of Dawn was known as long ago as 8,900 years, the Zarathustrian period.Much of the ceremony still exists in the secret code of the Brahmin priesthood. This corresponds to the Hyartien cycle and the Gods and warriors of that day. –Ed. [Apparently, then, the present form of the Brahmin ceremony originated in the Spe-ta cycle with the false Gods and warriors of that day.]

1448: Emeth: Faithist, singular [also collective singular, see, e.g., 35/Y.46 Emeth‘a [or Emetha]: Faithists, plural. –Ed.

1449: i.e., he has attained to mastery, adroitness, facility, fluency, remembrance

1450: attached importance to, focused on, treasured, regarded as dearly precious, set high value on

1451: deviate, veer, go off course, change direction

1452: seeing that, in view of the fact that, because

1453: Only E-O-IH is perfect or immaculate in all ways, but mortals and angels can become perfected in their order (see, e.g., 14/3.15 14/5.18; 20/41.7; 21/30.6; 32/14.31

1454: to make a binding declaration or affirmation, to vow, make oath, covenant, promise

1455: In the ancient order conferred on the high priests and priestesses, the words were: ―Neither does flesh enter my mouth, nor drink except water, nor seeds nor grains that grow in the field, nor roots that grow in the ground, nor anything that is part of an animal or came from an animal: but such only as fruits that grow in the air, and nuts high growing; nor eat I anything any day after Hi‘dang (High-noon), nor lie I down at night but sit upright, that my head may be clear and full of prophecy.‖ –Ed.

1456: the All Mother of the earth and es realms; Spouse of E-O-IH

1457: i.e., in the corners

1458: In all preceding cycles, the four chief, enforced religions of the time were allotted to the evil corners of the chamber. For example, in the Mosaic cycle they were, Osiris, Baal, Dagon and Ashtaroth. In the Hyartien (Abrahamic) cycle, they were Yima, Mithra, N‘yot and Habbak. In the Zarathustrian cycle, 8,900 years ago, they were Hag, Ouk‘gy, Tum‘miz and Goo‘a. The four of this day, maintained by armies, are Brahminism, Buddhism, Christianity and Mohammedanism. –Ed.

1459: worthless, hollow, empty, futile, fruitless, barren, self-driven

1460: corners

1461: stubborn, arrogant, obstinate, unyielding, pertinacious it is not vain, but profitable to the world and a glory to E-O-IH in founding His kingdom.

1462: limit, restrict, circumvent, thwart, deny, prohibit, restrain, hinder, impede

1463: i.e., calls for prayer; directs the starting of the prayer

1464: Ceremony of the Holy Mass (Moon) image (i059)

1465: see images i028ai028i, E-O-IH to Seffas

1466: The Nine Entities are the actualities of life, the most basic constituents of life, within which we are all immersed and susceptible to, and from whom there is no escaping, ever, (not that one would want to); for, they are the Family of the Universe. And though they are our universal family, yet, for a season, many mortals and angels may not acknowledge it nor understand it to be so.

1467: God‘s Book of Ben would apply to any age of the earth. The nine entities mentioned, figure in all ancient literature as Gods, or Lords, or Saviors. [In the Ben text] I have omitted the word Tae or Tah, substituting the word man. People are so apt to mistake a figurative illustration in an argument for some actual person. In most modern interpretations of ancient sacred books, this has been the case. As for the battles of the beast they have been related in all the ancient sacred books. –Ed.

1468: the time of Moses, Capilya and Chine, some 3400 years before kosmon (1550 bce)

1469: see 04/2.2-7 for further explanation of etherean worlds

1470: subject to vanishment, impermanent, fleeting

1471: i.e., E-O-IH seems to be the ‗natural laws‘ that govern so-called nature

1472: It has been said: Everything has its nature, or natural expression; and that NATURE is the expression of the whole. For many, that means NATURE is the whole of the corporeal realm, or the corporeal creation; in other words, it is Corpor, Son of E-O-IH. And often the meaning of the word NATURE includes how it expresses itself (i.e., it is in its nature to express in a certain way).Scientists (natural philosophers) before and around the time of Oahspe‘s publication, called many of these expressions ―laws‖ or natural laws; which now can be understood as part of the system and order of E-O-IH, actuated and sustained by His very Presence. So that, although expressions and forms may seem intrinsic to the fabric of creation, they are only so because of E-O-IH‘s presence, wisdom, love and power, as He expresses throughout His creation.Moreover, His system and order is such that its relationships and manifestations, called ‗elements of one‘s surroundings,‘ provide eternally unfolding variety, elegance, perfection, etc., as well as system and order within system and order—an endless delight for His children of eternal life.

1473: That is, what does he walk upon? What is there that he can walk upon?

1474: blessing, benefit, hope, request, prayer, manna, gift, bonanza, treasure

1475: darkness

1476: See image i008 Se‘muan Firmament. [In order for the conditions upon earth to be suitable to bring forth life, earth had to be within a dense area of etherea where fertilization, germination and gestation were possible, making the conditions upon the earth like a womb or a moist fertile seed bed. –cns ed.]

1477: The story that creation happened in six days, and the story that woman was created from the rib of man, are told in the Ezra Bible (Genesis 2.20-23).

1478: worthless, useless, meaningless

1479: brought to no further argument

1480: explained later in Oahspe

1481: the seeing and hearing of spiritual things

1482: that is, it is a reality

1483: i.e., mortals and angels

1484: deceive, mislead, distract, captivate

1485: institutions, establishments and people that cater to self-indulgent lifestyles, sensual pleasures, and other pandering toward the animal man (self). In other words, the chosen leave behind the hedonistic and self-serving culture of the world‘s people.

1486: see image i074

1487: These are the eight entities. See beginning of God‘s Book of Ben [36/0.2-10] –Ed.

1488: classifications, units of cohesiveness, groups, departments; the ‗order‘ part of system and order

1489: see, e.g., 26/14.8-17; 28/7.5

1490: explained further in the Book of Knowledge

1491: see 32/24.8-14

1492: A group (fraternity) or family that has attained to become organic, being as a unit of Light in the LIGHT, can be said to be in the fullness of the second resurrection. When at least ten 32/38.8 of these families organize into a community, they thus begin the practice of the third resurrection, and grow toward its fullness.As for the maximum size of a Faithist city (organic community), according to 39/19.6 in kosmon, no city should contain over three thousand people.way, although under a false God. Accordingly they were classed as being in the second resurrection of the beast.

1493: There is some overlap between the Book of Ben and the Book of Knowledge, apparently one originally being a part of the other as one book. Tae‘s Prayer also has overlap.

1494: Conjoined means brought together, consolidated, united, unified—thus, e.g., not only the peoples of the earth conjoining into one wisdom and one people, but earth awareness conjoined with awareness of E-O-IH, which is also earth awareness conjoined with spiritual awareness.

1495: We can see fruits of this sentiment since the beginning of kosmon: Humanity has not only produced and distributed an immense amount of relatively inexpensive but knowledgeable books, but has also progressed in other communications from telephone, cinema, radio and television, to computers, internet and other forms of instant communications. Aside from this democratization (egalitarian, equal access), the overall trend is toward transparency, e.g., in government, and away from secrecy and exclusiveness. || The ―God among men‖ fear perhaps refers to the propensity of man to deify; and the possibility of power abuse.

1496: That is, science, being built upon theories and models (constructed to represent reality), is thus uncertain, which is also proved by its many anomalies and ambiguities. And this demonstrates a lack of true foundation. For any theory or model is just that—not being a real ground, its mapping cannot be unerringly applied. And since science is constructed from these false mappings, this makes science undesignable, that is, any design from scientific models and theories will be inherently flawed.

1497: The gist here is not that following the methods of science is bad or should be dismissed, but rather that science can never be ―exact‖ because semantics (meanings), measurements and descriptions can never be exact, nor ever complete in their reducing, compounding and aggregating. Add to that false assumptions, poorly designed experiments, erroneous conclusions, compounding of previous errors, and we arrive at a very mottled model indeed. It is no wonder then that scientific models and even paradigms unfailingly shift.compiled, and only added a little? Really, then, what is science? Is the sand-glass (hourglass) not more scientific than a clock? What, then, do you mean by science? Is the sum of it all (science), nothing but a figurehead, undesignable and without foundation?1496 Yet all your life you have heard of science, and so have your neighbors, and you understand one another, though not one understands himself.1497

1498: i.e., that you really do exist

1499: Keeping in mind that such is the spirit of Corpor speaking, it is true that your corporeal body doesn‘t care whether you eat vegetables or you eat meat, your corporeal body will be built either way. Nevertheless, from the testimony of Es (high-raised spirit world), from others, and from our own experience, we know that eating flesh-foods is harmful to the spirit of man. Nonetheless, E-O-IH has given man the choice as to what to eat. However flesh-foods have become poison to man in kosmon, and yet knowing that, many in early kosmon still ate flesh-foods.

1500: That is, where does it live that it may remain fresh and unspoiled. If it is always everywhere vital, potent and perfect as well—Who designed it to make certain all works well with no foul-ups? Who and what maintains it? What has man ever seen that maintains itself perfectly? Can the universe maintain itself indefinitely? Will the so-called fundamental laws of physics ever break down?Man speaks of balance of forces, but where did these forces come from in the first place? Can nothingness create force? If man says: Well, motion always was. || Who then dreamed up the idea of motion in the first place and set it into existence? Who set up the rules that govern how forces should move and react? Will these rules ever change? Why or why not?The system and order of the Cosmos man cannot account for (in its totality). He can observe, experiment, tabulate, predict, apply, and manipulate, but he cannot alter the basic system and order, nor can he account for its genesis except to realize that there is a PERSON of the WHOLE Who is Always Present and Everywhere Present overseeing all in Perfect System and Order (Perfect Mechanism), and with immaculate Wisdom, Power and Love.

1501: persistent or repeated requests; insistent pleading

1502: assessed them, evaluated them, summed them up

1503: i.e., computed how long it took the light to ―travel‖ from star(s) to the earth

1504: There were occasional gaps in the earliest extant source copy for the Book of Knowledge, which was part of the pre-1882 Oahspe. Some material is available, and has been inserted where appropriate. A gap occurred after verse 37, which extends through verse 58, for which the following transcript is supplied.

1505: a person, thing or action serving as a standard of excellence, worthy of imitation, a paragon, archetype, paradigm, exemplar, an example of perfection or the ideal

1506: crucial, pivotal, determinative, means

1507: latitude, leeway, some amount of freedom and discretion

1508: see, for example, 04/1.1; also wind (speech, broken air currents) is movement; so is an impression imparted to the receiver‘s soul

1509: Thus, the child in the womb does not know its desires, yet E-O-IH provides perfectly for his adaptation. Even so of births into atmospherea—are the righteous not blessed by their service to E-O-IH? Do they not rejoice because E-O-IH has fulfilled them? For, because of his darkness in not knowing how to proceed, man prayed to know how to uplift others. Because he prayed thus, E-O-IH answered him. And this answer was in light, and by virtue of this light, he who prayed was also lifted closer to his perfection.

1510: Thus there are those who, when dead, do not know or do not believe for a season, that they have died (as to corpor). That is, they do not yet understand that they are perceiving spiritually and living in the spirit realm.Note that they would be perceiving spiritually, but they are just presently unaware that they are doing so. For example, they may think they are merely physically locked up in a dark cellar. But once they wake up to the fact that they are dead and are perceiving spiritually, it will go better for them, and they will begin to see more clearly.For, even as Hoab was in atmospherea but could not perceive etherea till Fragapatti enlightened him, by analogy, a mortal who dies unaware of the spirit realm cannot see spiritual things except maybe dimly; and, till such a spirit rises above the earth in his thoughts, he will remain in darkness, not perceiving spiritual things clearly.

1511: Su‘is is the ability to perceive atmospherean things, spiritual things. Ethe is the ability to perceive etherean things, soul things.Tae represents the highest expression of man. Tae, being one of the Nine Entities, is of the Universal Family, and so, encompasses all humanity—mortals and angels of all worlds. In that light, Tae can be considered an archetype or ideal, to which man always falls short to some degree; or rather he attains to a paler rendition compared to the full rendering or saturated fullness of Tae. Said another way, no matter how much good a person does, there is always more that can be done; and Tae represents all levels of that.Accordingly Tae as an entity, as a Son of E-O-IH, can be likened to a figurehead, being that which precedes man. And man‘s attempt to do good draws him closer to that figurehead or ideal.Tae, as a representative man, is the summation of man in general, of their best highest expressions. But can a single mortal or single angel be justly called Tae, any more than a God close to E-O-IH can justly be called E-O-IH? Yet as the God‘s words and hand can be of E-O-IH, and the God can be one with E-O-IH, is it not also so, regarding man and Tae? And as there are many Gods and Goddesses who are one with E-O-IH, may it not also be so with man and Tae?So, in reading the books of Knowledge, and E-O-IH’s Kingdom On Earth, and Tae’s Prayer, we see that Tae is a type of man, not any particular individual.alike, except one kind has no corporeal bodies and the other has, and they are clothed alike. As one worships, so worships the other, and the light that is upon them all is the same, no greater, no less.

1512: Not that children should be shut up in a dark room, but that they should be taught to appreciate the spirit or feel of each piece; thus, for example, to value the feelings that a musical performance evokes. It is said of those who do not have this, that they are mechanical players or rote players, meaning without inspiration or power to move the listener; or if, dancers or figure skaters, they are called stylized or athletic rather than artistic; or if actors or speakers, they are called wooden or boring rather than interesting or moving; and so on.

1513: That is, book learning and academic lectures can provide a framework and context for one‘s es inspirations.And, along with experience, feelings, memories, etc., help place the es information into broader perspective, enabling one to better compare, contrast, organize, connect and apply, the es knowledge to corporeal matters. This includes being able to better perceive the value or rank of corporeal teachings.Notice that this process can also go the other way, that is, one can learn to better apply corporeal matters in harmony with es understandings. Moreover, this entire process can provide information that inspires fresh perceptions.

1514: But through developing your own talents, you can learn to do it yourself!

1515: see image i083 for an example

1516: agree, accord, correspond, harmonize

1517: express unhappiness, lament, fret, grieve

1518: see images i099, i100

1519: In other words, the first cycle is one, then add or subtract 33 cycles to get the next near-identical cycle.

1520: that is, Tae, Es, Kosmon, Ha‘k, Seffas, Esfoma, Uz and Corpor

1521: that is, no more new types of creatures or plants; but the already-living could reproduce

1522: Notice there is a forty-ninth Huy in the image i095 below, p.1405 (Orian Field 8 of 9, at bottom near right side). Are the Huy fields related? Are they one and the same, and an error in transmission made, so that they should read the same?

1523: perceiving of, comprehension of, mastery over

1524: The consciousness goes forth objectively into the Es, and the corporeal body is left behind; but the corporeal body remains alive (given reasonable parameters of time and environment) till the consciousness with its es body, returns.

1525: for an example, see Orachnebuahgalah image i083

1526: i.e., without money, pretense, celebrity, nor as a leader, etc.

1527: Recall that those who join the organic heaven of E-O-IH are classed as es‘yans till they develop in affiliation and learn the rites and ceremonies 32/24.8-10; 32/24.14-15

1528: Although there is overlap, the second es grade is NOT a synonym for ―second resurrection.‖ That is, the second es grade is identified by those who have, at least, limited association; but in kosmon the second resurrection is identified only with Faithists (see e.g., 32/2.26-27).Non-Faithists in the first es grade may begin to associate together. If it is under a beast, like false religion or a savior, then those in such an association fall under the ban of the second es grade. While they are learning some of the practices of the second resurrection, notably association and some organization, yet they are still bound to their beast (e.g., an idol such as Kriste, Buddha, Brahma, etc.).That is, their associative practices that have bound them to their beast, as well as their belief in their beast (idol), keeps them from becoming members of the second resurrection; for the bonds created remain with them; and the second grade of bondage keeps them banned from the second resurrection till they rise above their beast.While in the cycle before kosmon these would have been in the second resurrection (of the beast), they are now bound in the second es grade till they are freed from their beast.The student should note that the Faithists in ingrades one and two, being of the organic first and second resurrections, are under the LIGHT of the COMMUNITY of Faithists (see 37/5.26 ||What of all others in the first two ingrades?From the time of kosmon forward, those in ingrade one are in the inorganic first resurrection, under the light of self.But those in the second es grade are bound to their beast through the light of their church or whatever their group was called. Those in this ingrade are in only the beginning stages of the second resurrection, being preliminary to membership in the second resurrection (not unlike an embryo in a womb is preliminary to being born).Membership in the second resurrection would require of them, not only the organic practice of self abnegation and good works, but also the growing beyond belief in an idol, and learning faith in the Everpresent Creator, E-O-IH. Till they do so, they are banned from membership in the second resurrection, and from E-O-IH‘s kingdom; hence the ban of the second grade of bondage.

1529: Generally this would be an uprising against something the order had been directly enforcing. Thus, for example, the European Revolution of 1848 to 1849 was the culminating uprising against autocratic rule. And within a generation the pope had, in effect, cast Christ out of Rome.

1530: see 29/19.18; 34/16; and starting with 34/16.01

1531: see, e.g., 20/24.16 and ; 25/14.27

1532: Hence while some would like to have called this a Christian nation, from the start it was not to be so.

1533: see the Arc of Kosmon, image i082

1534: looking as through layers

1535: In the copy there was a gap that started after the word ‗journey‘ with no punctuation following it. Possibly the sentence ended something like: … in its journey with the sun. || Beyond that, it is unknown what came after that. In any case, God seems to be speaking as the text resumes:

1536: Being the dans (and when applicable, quarter dans or less) when those who are prepared as Brides and Bridegrooms of E-O-IH, resurrect to etherea in their respective groups.

1537: embryotic, early stage of development, just beginning to form, incipient, budding, rudimentary

1538: There is a gap in the copy. The suggested text in braces [Therefore, to him who would improve his place in heaven while still mortal,] that precedes ―The light of the following truths...‖ was added by the present editor.

1539: That is, understanding these matters requires the cultivation of a receptive, spiritual nature. For, until then he will be incapable of perceiving, and that is because his attitude shuts out the light. And since enlightenment is not forced, but is a matter of maturing, the angels of E-O-IH surely would not force the matter?

1540: that is, spirit exists within all corpor

1541: Throughout the ages the cynics (materialists and some idolaters) have decried the pie-in-the-sky philosophy as fiction created to placate the masses. ‗Pie-in-sky‘ meaning if you can‘t have your pie (reap your reward) here on corpor, you can have it later in heaven; which is based on the notion that no good act goes unrewarded.Consequently, because of derision by the cynics (from the ranks of the first division and fourth division, see 37/5.5,8 pie-in-the-sky became synonymous with a hollow wish, meaning it will never happen. Yet, whether one believes or not, it remains true, that as one sows, so shall one reap, either in this world or in the next.

1542: There was a gap in the copy, which contained one, or possibly more, examples; for, verse 16 seems to be the end of a description of one, who in mortal life, was a drinker and lover of alcohol.

1543: adolescent, teen

1544: a living tomb; a receptacle for that which is dead, dank and dark

1545: sucking out, devouring, the atmospherean part

1546: humble himself, stoop, condescend

1547: i.e., he considered them beneath him, and too low for his own self-esteemed stature

1548: small dwelling, hut, cottage, cabin, shackThe smell (odor) of the fat man is his delight. And the woman who rejoices in sin, rare flesh and fat soups, is like a cushion for him to roll upon. One says: I never come into this restaurant without, once I am here, remembering him who is dead; he so loved this place! And the other says: I believe his spirit still loiters here and that is why we so often think of him. And, at that, they gorge themselves, even while the spirit of the dead feeds on the atmospherean part. This is all the heaven he sought on earth, and E-O-IH gave it to him.

1549: held his breath, slowed down, tapered off

1550: southeast corner

1551: northeast corner

1552: activity, efforts, pains, circumspection, bother

1553: Gap in the copy. Apparently considerable is missing here. To this point in the battle summary the heads of the beast have only threatened each other; presumably the missing page(s) supplied a description of the battle and their final outcome, as well as a description of E-O-IH‘s victory. In any event, we pick up with the Father‘s light manifesting among mortals sometime after the victory.

1554: e.g., the idea of finding one‘s soul mate in heaven

1555: being bound under the ban of the second es grade

1556: i.e., whoever follows the teachings of the beast

1557: Nevertheless, those in the first es grade are less bound than those of the second (see 37/5.35; 32/26.14

1558: existed, had existence

1559: Thus we still see these things in this early Kosmon era. Under the rubric of laws may be encompassed the judiciary (courts, judges, lawyers, etc.), and, if there is one, a legislature for creating laws, and an executive branch of government to carry out the laws.

1560: news hawkers, advertisers, marketers, publicists similarly, those of the third resurrection become Brides and Bridegrooms of E-O-IH, being fitted for ascension into etherea at the dan harvest (after having redeemed their heirs, if any, to the sixth generation). So that those practicing the third es grade manifest in families of tens, or twenties, or hundreds, or thousands, who, in time, are also as one. Nor do they have any other king, chief ruler, God, Lord, or Christ (that is, they have grown beyond any bondage to the beast in the first or second es grade).

1561: That is, the smallest unit of the third resurrection is the family, not the individual. Which is to say, the third resurrection consists of families (fraternities). By contrast, the second resurrection consists of individuals. Hence the individual can practice the second resurrection in association with others. But for the third resurrection, it is the group only that may practice the third resurrection. For, although the individual is a part of the group, he has put away self, thus allowing the entity of the group to manifest. Nor can the third be attained till the second is attained, and not that, till the first is fulfilled.

1562: Note that this does not mean that the above-mentioned peoples are completely void of good works. Moreover, good works done to another are graded as serving E-O-IH, regardless of name professed by the person (see e.g., 31/1.4; 32/3.26; 32/20.13-14 But if the name, and so, the idol, held dear, is thought of in the mind of the worshipper as having the form and figure of a man, woman, beast or thing, then this person is handicapped from performing good works, for he is inclined to listen to the beast, instead of heeding E-O-IH speaking in the light of his own soul. About which it has been said since time immemorial that one cannot serve both E-O-IH and the beast. || He who chooses E-O-IH has chosen wisely, but he who chooses the beast shall have satan as his counselor.

1563: Those who worship one of the four heads of the beast are, at best, in the second es grade, bound through their beast through, say, a church or religious fellowship. But below these in grade are those who are in the inorganic first resurrection. Of all these, we should bear in mind that they are still IN RESURRECTION overall, although perhaps inconsistently; and with the latter being mostly isolated in their growth. On the other hand, for those who live a life of evil, they fall below the grades, that is, below the resurrections. Alas for them! For they open themselves to attendance by designing spirits who may make dupes and slaves of them.

1564: The lowest of bound heavens refers to hades and in the Tablet of Grade and Ingrade is shown as the first es rate. The second bound realm contains those bound to the second es rate. And the third realm is emancipation, as explained in the Tablet of Grade and Ingrade 37/5.26 Also see image i030: 1st, 2nd and 3rd Resurrections in Atmospherea.

1565: see 37/5.1–19

1566: Gap here in the copy; possibly contained further detailed information on how to prophesy for a nation; perhaps had some images. Then apparently Es addresses humankind and we resume at the tail end of the message:

1567: renounce under oath, solemnly repudiate, disavow, reject, abjure, break

1568: see, e.g., Judgment 32/1.11-32; 32/25.11

1569: Note that the order of elimination here is the same as God prophesied regarding the four heads of the beast near the end of Bon 28/57.15-18

1570: In 1848 the pope decided to allow participation by the populace in the government of the Papal States. But after the first prime minister (a papal appointee) was assassinated, he changed his mind. Consequently Rome burst into revolution and the pope fled. He returned with French military assistance and retook Rome and the Papal States, reinstating absolutist rule. Meanwhile, events were simmering in the Italian Nationalist movement and in 1859-1860 many parcels of the Papal States were won. But while Italy was united under the Nationalists in 1861, Rome remained in the hands of the Pope, protected by French soldiers; though when the Franco-Prussian War caused them to be recalled, the Italians took the offensive and Rome surrendered September 20, 1870, thus effectively ending the last of the earthly rule of Christ over dominions (territory and doctrine). The pope withdrew to the Vatican, issued his edict of papal infallibility: He (notice—not Christ) was now supreme arbiter of all things Christian; but the Italian government ignored him and his excommunications against them. Which relations stood until February of 1929, when the pope formally renounced claims to the former papal states, and in return the pope was granted sovereignty over the Vatican (108.7 acres).

1571: That is, there is no way to rejuvenate these religions, nor to resurrect through them, no way to alter the course of the Great Spirit. And this shall come to pass for Christianity, Buddhism, Brahminism, and Mohammedanism (Islam).

1572: For vortex background information see 04/3.2-7; also see images i063, i064, i065, i066, shown above.

1573: Place the moon‘s diameter at 2100 miles, then (from 38/1.4: multiply by 10 to get the radius of its vortex = 21,000 miles, then double the radius to get the diameter of the moon‘s vortex, i.e., 21,000 x 2 = 42,000 miles broad. Note that the Oahspe authors generally round numbers or truncate them when doing calculations or presenting figures.

1574: See image i071 especially figure 1, which shows the rim (the bent part of the ray at the outer extreme). Note that the moon, were it shown, would ride in the rim. The outermost edge of the rim is called Chinvat.

1575: In general terms, arbitrary here means vortexya can be felt (or measured) as a force coming from a direction; a vector.

1576: In simplified terms, when a vortex is created two chief things initially happen nearly simultaneously: FIRST the rotary motion causes a pole or axis to form in its center. And SECOND, the force as well as any substance carried in the vortex, once it is at the center, tends to move toward the poles of the axis. Oahspe calls the first, vortexya; and the second, m‘vortexya.

1577: weakened, reduced in force, rarefied, or stretched out, expanded outward

1578: i.e., in diverse positions over time

1579: Geologists have now (c.150 ak) been able to detect the polarization of magnetic minerals in cooled molten rock in various locations around the earth.

1580: But the cause of the polar power is the vortex of the earth.

1581: When the Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy speaks of philosophers, the general reference is to that branch of philosophy that in the Middle Ages came to be known as natural philosophy, and the practitioners were known as natural philosophers, and which today we call scientists, being a relatively recent term.

1582: While the term ‗earth‘s magnetism‘ may be convenient, it is nonetheless a misnomer because in truth the phenomenon is ‗magnetism due to earth‘s VORTEX.‘

1583: This is the course of the chief force. But south of the equator there is also flow toward the south pole, but the current is not as strong as toward the north pole above the equator, because this latter is external to the sun center. To look at it three-dimensionally, see image i073 or i074. The sun is under the earth; and the north pole of the earth would be toward the top side of the vortex; so that, standing on the sun looking at earth, we see the earth‘s south pole pointing in our direction; but the earth‘s north pole is pointing away from us on the other side of the earth, thus being external to the sun‘s center.

1584: The horizontal moving in toward the center would be the vortexya, and the vertical pole the m‘vortexya. While the two-dimensional representation is convenient for easy visualization and understanding, keep in mind that the actual situation is three-dimensional; more on this later in Oahspe.

1585: You can get a sense of this if you take iron filings and sprinkle them on a sheet of paper under which lies a magnet. The iron filings will line up along the lines of the magnet‘s vortexian flow and look like little needles connected end to end, and there will be many lines next to each other as well, so that needles have needles for neighbors and all the needles are aligned to follow the vortexian flow.

1586: Once vortexya is created through the vortex, vortexya is, roughly speaking, what science calls energy; accordingly vortexian current is the flow of energy, whereas electrical current is the flow of electric charges (typically electrons). The relationship between the two is that when a current of vortexya is strong enough to carry electrons (or ions) along in the stream of vortexya, such current is called an electric current. Thus electricity is simply one form of manifestation of vortexya. Keep in mind that ―electrons‖ were not discovered corporeally till 1897, fifteen years after Oahspe was published. And in 1925, under the quantum mechanics theory, electrons were said to be wavelike particles.

1587: aurora borealis, literally: winds of light

1588: i.e., from the interaction of vortices

1589: see Uz, Book of Ben, 36/0.4

1590: The introduction of one vortx to another creates an exchange of vortexya: The stronger vortex introduces a new path to flow in for the vortexya of the weaker vortex; and if strong enough, can break the weaker vortex. The liberated vortexya of a broken vortex mainly flows into that surrounding m‘vortexian field which is most negative—being the piece of cloth in the example of 38/1.29 But even just simple exchange of vortexya between two or more vortices tends toward dissolution; and especially when the vortexya strikes corpor, this latter is more or less damaged, dissolved; or changed. Also note that vortices are always interacting to some degree or other, so that vortexya is constantly being exchanged to some extent.

1591: happen as a result, follow immediately

1592: extremely minute, small, exceedingly tiny

1593: that is, so-called gravity is a push, not a pull

1594: see image i073 showing the sun‘s vortex and some of its sub-vortices

1595: removed, eliminated, annihilated, erased

1596: That is, to illustrate the action of the vortex, suppose it were possible to erase the sun; in that case, the sun‘s vortex would instantly make another sun. Thus we see whether the vortex is for a central planet (sun) or is a sub-vortex carrying a planet 38/1.6 the same general action of a vortex is present (see 38/1.11 for an explanation of the action). Note that this verse is not confirming that the sun planet can become extinct while the sun‘s vortex remains intact and unimpaired. For, as one might say, the corporeal form and its maintaining vortex are as one (see 38/1.28-30

1597: see image i071; and image i070, below

1598: see image i069 figure 6; image i007; and image i062

1599: Actinic force is a property of light (including so-called sunlight) that produces changes such as photochemical changes, or heat. Oahspe gives more definition later.

1600: Unfortunately this information is not explicitly identified later on.

1601: And thus can be seen by the human eye, when it registers as corporeal light on the receptors in the retina.

1602: i.e., the outer extreme of the sun‘s vortex; in other words, that side of the earth and its sky, opposite of where the sun is seen

1603: For example, see the bottom of figure 5 in image i070 Vortexian Lenses, showing the disturbed needles; or see the outer envelope outside the right hand side of the earth in image i062; which condition is called darkness or night.

1604: Rapid dissolution can give rise to a flame. Physicists give explanation as to why a flame tapers to a point. But in Oahspe, we receive an explanation insofar as vortexyan action is concerned. That is, first, heat or fire are only manifestations of vortexya; and, second, the vortexya, escaping, rises upward toward a pole; in other words, toward a point.

1605: whether as internal movement (agitation of molecules), or as vortexya stored in its structure (as, e.g., chemical and nuclear bonds; for instance, calories are stored in starch)

1606: That is, a substance that is charged with vortexya can be said to manifest it in at least two ways, and all corporeal substances have some percentage of each. First is as movement (kinetic energy) even if only on an atomic or sub-atomic level, and the second is stored vortexya (whether as chemical energy, bonding energy, nuclear energy, etc.). For in the building of structure, vortexya (energy) is used and thus integrated into a system and order; hence stored, lodged. And it can be liberated, thus producing heat. Hence, if the bonds in a diamond were broken, a tremendous amount of stored energy would be converted into kinetic energy, and so produce immense heat.

1607: It is easy to see how early philosophers could come to that conclusion: Fire, like the sun, ―produces‖ light, shadow and heat. Because one can feel the warmth from a fire while standing at a distance, and because one is also warmed by standing in the sun, which is also at a distance, it stood to reason that the sun would heat the earth in a manner similar to fire. But Oahspe now shows the conclusion to be faulty. Daylight is not, therefore, made by the sun, nor by the photosphere of the sun. Daylight is the condition of things polarized within the master vortex.1601 Night is manufactured by the earth coming between the master‘s focus and the outer extreme.1602 So that both night and day continue all the time; and we experience them both alternately in consequence of the axial motion of the earth. As in the case of night or any darkness, when the needles of atmospherean substance are disturbed in polarity,1603 or when the lines of needles are cut, as in eclipse, there is no direct manifestation of the earth‘s vortexian currents, and this is the cause of darkness. For which reason nitrogenous plants grow rapidly at night, while the ripening of certain fruits and grain require the light of day. For by this vortexya (actinic force) seeds, grains, fruits, and herbs are charged with it (vortexya). And when man eats, or, as in breathing air, these things go into dissolution, and the heat [liberated vortexya manifesting as heat –ed.] is eliminated, and lodges itself in man. Or if certain herbs are piled together, and they commence dissolution, their heat is evolved [liberated vortexya manifests as heat, being dense, ignites], and is called spontaneous combustion.

1608: This is some five times larger than the diameter that scientists give. So that, even in ―allowing‖ the sun to be that large, it would still fall short of ‗providing heat‘ for any appreciable duration.

1609: That is, the rubbing causes vortexya to build up in the glass rod, and in so doing, a static electrical charge (a manifestation of vortexya) is manufactured.

1610: Today scientists describe the sun as a nuclear cauldron, boiling out light, heat and energy; but as to how the sun attained to its nuclear elements and supposed immense heat, their philosophy is yet under construction (at this time their favored theory is that the universe was created in a big bang—and suns, solar systems and galaxies are projectiles from that supposed initial explosion). But even allowing the sun to be a boiling cauldron, how would that heat come to earth? After all, consider the coldness of outer space. Thus it is not the sun that has heat to any significance as regards earth, but rather that the master vortex interacting with the earth‘s vortex, liberates vortexya which then might manifest as heat.

1611: Inflected is an old optical term meaning rays of light bent in or deflected in. The conclusions are: Shine light on a sphere and a shadow cone is created. Sunlight shining on the spherical earth creates a shadow cone (umbra); but because of the atmosphere, some light gets inflected into the shadow cone. This light [supposedly] can be seen as the red glow on the moon during its total eclipse (when the moon is wholly in the umbra of the earth).

1612: i.e., nearly an L-angle or a right-angled triangle

1613: see Figs. 2 and 3 of image i069

1614: i.e., from the equator

1615: That is, a right-angled triangle. Note that the path of the vortexian current is triangular, that is, take a try square (L-angle) shaped magnet: The current flows from the tip of the horizontal leg into the center (elbow) of the L-angle, then up to the top, where it escapes the tip of the vertical leg and then travels (arcs) down along the hypotenuse toward the tip of the horizontal leg, thus resembling a right triangle.

1616: This 220,000 miles is the moon‘s perigee distance (closest to the earth), and is correct as far as rounded figures go.Apparently the distance of seven diameters is the measure of the diameter of the entire magnetic field, which would put the effectual magnetic radius at 3½ ball diameters from the center. But the ―perceptible power,‖ evidently meaning measurable power, even though it is not strong enough to move one of its fellows, is at 4 ball diameters from the center. That is, the moon‘s average diameter, according to modern science, is about 2160 miles; and four of these average diameters, equals 8640 miles, which, rounded, as Oahspe tends to do, fits the 9000 miles.

1617: Although measurements and predictions can be made using Newton‘s or Einstein‘s or quantum mechanics‘ model of the universe, note it is not the predictive power, per se, that is being addressed in Oahspe, but rather its focus is on the cause (underlying explanation) of the phenomena; and in this, Oahspe and especially Cosmogony, reveals errors in man‘s philosophy. Thus, for example, it is not the planets themselves (including sun) that are the cause of planetary interactions, but the causes lie in the interaction of their vortices; and the cause behind all is E-O-IH.

1618: i.e., impenetrable—you can see it but you can‘t see through it

1619: see Fig. 4 of image i069

1620: see image i068 Shattered Wark

1621: i.e., on some other angle besides parallel with the vortexyan current of its master (c‘vortex)

1622: circa 1880

1623: Thus we see that much from spectral analysis can be erroneous when the instruments are turned toward the heavens (outer space). Therefore interpreting results gained by this method and theories based upon them must be examined closely, for scientists to this day have yet to perceive the situation as set forth in these verses 38/2.19-23 and in later verses.

1624: See Remarks on the Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy 38/12.1-13.2 at the end of this book.

1625: This means a major retention of vortexya (a concentration of vortexya) occurs at the circa 90 degree angle of the two legs and therefore a su‘is can see the major light there, meanwhile simultaneously a lesser light is seen emitting at the northern terminal.

1626: that is, when it has a crescent light

1627: Thus, the bright or light part of the moon is due to the positive manifestation of the c‘vortexya upon the moon‘s vortex, while its negative manifestation (absence) allows for the dark part of the moon.

1628: That is, the light is manufactured in the atmosphere; hence its circumference is larger than the central body.

1629: That is, the eye of the lay observer is apt to judge the size of a body by the size of its envelope. See, e.g., images i069 Fig. 6; i070.

1630: ―Shadow of the earth‖ means on that part of the earth‘s surface that is not facing the sun, i.e., after sunset but before sunrise; nighttime. Such is called darkness because the entire field is dark. By contrast, under conditions of an umbra, only PART of the field, being the shadow, is dark or darker than the surrounding field.

1631: That is, if the moon shone on a pole stuck in the earth‘s ground, and you drew a line from the tip of the pole‘s shadow to the tip of the pole and then to the moon, the line drawn would be a straight line, and from the point of view of the moon, it would be a vertical line descending to the pole tip then to earth‘s ground. If you were on the moon looking straight down on the earth, this means except for those directly beneath you, all others would appear to be standing at an angle (because of the curvature of the earth), yet the light would appear to fall vertically from moon to earth.

1632: That is, the presence of even a full moon doesn‘t light up the earth anywhere nearly so brightly as does the presence of the sun.

1633: For if that were the case, then the moon‘s light being a supposed reflection of the sun, would have noticeably added to daylight, even as can be shown that a mirror of the sun increases the light of day in that area where the sun‘s reflection is beamed. But as it is, when the moon is in the sky with the sun, we don‘t see a moon shadow, only a sun shadow, even if a cloud passes in front of the sun. Hence we do not see the effect of increased light as one would see from reflected sunlight. Therefore light from the moon cannot be reflected light from the sun, as supposed by earth‘s scientists even some 150 years into kosmon.

1634: This is similar to a bright light shining on a dusty billiard ball. On the bulge of the ball where the light shines, is an intensity of reflected light. Artists, in creating a three-dimensional image on a two-dimensional surface, paint the billiard ball, and then paint a bright spot on the bulge to give the impression of a 3-d image. But the moon does not show any such intense bright spot at its bulge. Therefore moonlight is not reflected light; for this latter would not be uniform as the light of the moon clearly is.

1635: Such bodies do not have photospheres, but being in direct line with the master‘s vortexya (c‘vortexya), their vortices are negative, i.e., receptive to the c‘vortexya. That part of the body in night, is in the c‘m‘vortexya (m‘vortexya of the master). And under these conditions, the manufactured light of another planet‘s (star‘s) vortex can be seen; that is, the manufactured light can be seen because the viewer is in the c‘m‘vortexya.

1636: magnifying lens, also called a condensing lens; see #2‘s in image i070; Fig. 8 of image i069

1637: That is, they are connected in the space between the sun and the earth by the polarized (lined up end-to-end) needles of corpor-in-etheic-solution existing in etherea. See Fig. 5 of image i069 to see a representation of the lines between two lenses, and image i062 to see the lens of the sun encompassing the sun sphere, and facing the earth‘s lens.

1638: Of course that was around the 1880s, but today scientists can measure it (or at least that is their interpretation of what is being measured by their instruments).

1639: This is by the same principle as starting a fire by placing a convex lens between the sun and the kindling, and the thus condensed or concentrated vortexya (light and heat) cause fire in the kindling. In the same way, the lens of the earth acts upon the earth and its atmosphere, heating it, lighting it. But at night, the needles of corpor-in-etheic-solution drift toward un-alignment, but vortexya (heat) floating upward, tends to keep the needles aligned (like heat-waves rise from fire). A limit to ascent is reached where the dissipating rising vortexya is insufficient to keep the alignment, and the scattered needles at that point form a blanket (conjunctive line) significantly blocking further rise of heat, for gone are the aligned poles through which heat (vortexya) easily rose.

1640: expand, enlarge, inflate, stretch out, so as to make transparent or translucent

1641: barren, empty, vacuous, insubstantial, void, transparent

1642: see Fig. 6 of image i069

1643: That is, upon loss of the strong power source that aligned them, the corpor-in-solution needles drift from their former linear alignment.

1644: A common use of silver nitrate was in photographic paper, which, when exposed to light, darkens.

1645: see comet‘s tail 38/2.5-9; also see Primary Vortex, Secondary Vortex, Third Age of Vortex, Fourth Age of Vortex (images i063, i064, i065, i066)

1646: irregular, it fluctuates, waves or sways

1647: which in, for example, the moon‘s orbit are the perigee (closest distance of moon to earth) and apogee (farthest distance of moon to earth)

1648: see also 37/4.19; 20/18.7-8

1649: analyze; predict the existence of ; separate into constituent elements

1650: But it can be reduced to atoms and even smaller parts; and it can be sublimated (caused to revert to its atmospheric/ethe‘ic form).

1651: see images showing different stages of vortex development: i063, i064, i065, i066

1652: culminate, finalize, tend

1653: see image i067 Organic Wark

1654: see 38/1.17

1655: That is, atmosphere has commingled in it, both, corporealized substance and dissolved substance; accordingly the density, per se, of atmosphere is not changed by the percentage of substance in it that is corporealized; but man‘s corporeal senses or its extensions (devices, equipment) register the presence of corporeal substance only; and thus register the density and weight of the corporealized substance in or of air.

1656: Imperfect solutions have some combination of dissolved and undissolved corpor within them; and the closer one gets to the earth, the more there are of the undissolved corpor within them, and hence the measurements by man‘s instruments show the atmosphere to be denser closer to earth.

1657: expansion, dilation, stretching out

1658: Apparently this means, the amount of sublimated corpor in solution (proportion of sublimated corpor versus undissolved corpor) determines the so-called barometric pressure.

1659: not parallel

1660: see images i007; i062; and #2‘s of i070

1661: see image i069 figure 7

1662: extreme sunburn

1663: inexplicable, beyond the depths of understanding, infinitely enigmatic

1664: see also 38/2.19-23

1665: Thus the race Asu was created with a variety of skin colors. Asu mated with angel, and offspring race I‘hin varied in color. I‘hin mated with Asu, and offspring race Druk varied in color. Because the various colors can intermix 38/5.12-13 so, again, when speaking of skin color as regards a race, it is as statistical modes (see 06/2.3

1666: The verse is talking about the fact that in living with themselves (that is, blacks begetting only with blacks, whites only with whites, etc.) then the skin color will not change. It only changes when the different colors mix with each other, black marries white, copper marries browns, etc., as it says in verse 13, and then we have mixture of colors. Otherwise the skin color does not change. However, the different colors have commingled many times in the past, and in kosmon, this continues.

1667: This was not previously stated explicitly in the published text. The mortal editor of the original Oahspe edited out some material, apparently to reduce the size of the first published edition of Oahspe (1882).

1668: 38/12.1-13.2

1669: Note this means the moon has an atmosphere. Yet earth scientists have thought there was none, till the space missions to the moon in the latter part of the 20th century proved there was a moon‘s atmosphere, even though slight compared to earth‘s.

1670: i.e., from the beginning of kosmon

1671: Both 1882 & 1891: ... or 3-340ths of ... [Note that 3-340ths was the way fractions were written when Oahspe was published, which today would be written 3/340th')">3/340ths')">3/340th')">3/340ths But the mathematics show that this should be 3/34ths of a second or possibly 3/39ths of a second. 100 minutes = 6000 seconds. Therefore, 6000 sec ÷ 78,000 yrs = 0.076923 sec/yr = 1/13th second per year = 3/39ths of a second per year; whereas this verse says it is 3/340th')">3/340th sec/yr, which would equal 0.0088235 sec/yr. This latter would be correct only if the total decline for 78,000 years would have been 11 min. 28 1/4 sec. instead of 100 minutes. But if 100 minutes is correct and not an error, then 3/340 is an error. Since 3/34ths (0.088235) is fairly close to 3/39ths (0.076923), which is only about one part in a hundred difference, we see that 3/34ths may be the more accurate measurement in preference to 3/39ths which is derived from undoubtedly rounded figures: 78,000 is one average measure of 72,000 years of Seffas (3 average gadols of 24,000 years each) plus 6000 years of Asu (see 06/2.1); also the 100 minutes may be rounded. And so 3/34ths is preferred to 3/39ths, and also had it been this latter it likely would have been reduced to 1/13th. Accordingly, 3/34ths is chosen to be the figure, instead of the 3/340th')">3/340th. So this latter, if the 100 minutes of axial decrease is accurate, having been shown as absurd, is likely a typo.]

1672: see image i105 below

1673: Earth scientists calculate the distance to the sun to be about 93 million miles (150 million kilometers); but the actual distance would be about 86 million miles (138 million km). In other words, earth scientists thinking it is a straight line to the sun, unwittingly calculate the arc (curved path) of the light, and announce that as the shortest distance. Whereas geometrically speaking, if instead of following the light (c‘vortexian currents) arching around the spiral, one went straight to the end point, the distance would be about 86,000,000 miles.

1674: i.e., regardless of where in the sky the comet is; also see image i069 figure 4

1675: This gives rise to various possibilities and questions, for example: Could this be because (1) the central sun planet and its satellites rotate around a barycenter within the photosphere; or (2) the sun planet is in the stage of skin (crust) formation, and its diameter changes from time to time, varying by 3000 miles to 30,000 miles from the photosphere (which variance is about 1/3 of 1 percent, to 3 percent, of the sun‘s diameter); or (3) the sun body is more oblate than its photosphere? Already, scientists, around 150 ak, have discovered a layer about 3000 miles below the surface of the photosphere. Notice that this was some 120 years after Oahspe mentions the 3000 miles.

1676: These are what we would call moons, asteroids, and perhaps nebular bodies, but orbiting within the body of the photosphere, and above the surface of the sun planet. The ―body of the photosphere‖ would be the area between the sun planet‘s body and the outer surface of the photosphere.

1677: This suggests most have elliptical orbits, and so, when seen, should be approaching or at their farthest distance from the sun planet.

1678: In the words of electricity, the voltage (intensity, push) would be the same whether on the sun or on a planet, but the amperage (volume, amount of current) at the sun would be greater than the amperage at the planets. As power, i.e., wattage (W), is calculated in direct current as voltage (E) multiplied times amperage (I), that is, W = E x I, we can see that because the voltage (E) is the same at the sun or earth, and because the amperage (I) is greater at the sun, then Wattage (W), i.e., power, is greater at the sun. Thus, for example, if the vortexyan voltage was, say, ten volts and the amperage of the sun was fifteen amps, and the amperage of the earth was one amp, then the sun power would be W = E x I or 150 = 10 x 15, or 150 watts; and the earth would be 10 = 10 x 1, or 10 watts. This is equivalent to a 10-watt light bulb (the earth) compared to a 150-watt light bulb (the sun). Although not to scale, as percentage of wattage at the photosphere in reality would be much higher compared to earth, yet the principle is demonstrated.

1679: Instead, the cause lies with the c‘vortex.

1680: As to the cause of these vortices, see Book of E-O-IH, 04/3.3-7

1681: see Book of E-O-IH, 04/1.5-6; 04/4.3

1682: For perturbations affecting conditions on earth, see images i102, i101 below.

1683: And, so he also may gauge the effects of unseen causes, so that beneficial action can be taken. || Note regarding unseen causes, that the beneficial action taken by man may be augmentative, preventative, or palliative, depending upon the nature of the cause and the existing expertise of man; for, of course, some unseen actions, including periodic actions, are deleterious while some are beneficial.Prophecy Section

1684: see image i104

1685: see image i083, below

1686: Recall there are seven dan spans for a dan‘ha cycle 04/7.19 Therefore the ‗end cuts‘ numbers one and eight represent the hi‘dans (initial harvest points), and cuts two through seven represent the dan harvest points.

1687: Thus instead of percentage, which is based on a scale of one to a hundred percent, we have millage, which is based on a scale of one to a thousand per mill.

1688: The student is referred to Saphah for interpretation of the symbols. –Ed.

1689: 1882: as shown. 1891: mir1790—Six changes: Loo, chong, ouk, chan, clips and wis.108—Two changes: Yissain and C‘tarin.3644—Twelve changes: Yats, rope, sum, div, hong, ras, rak, nir,1689 yute, theo, ike and mar.1746—Eleven changes: Zi, yu, che, gow, rom, luts, wang, said, do, gos and yun.3601—Three changes: H‘ak, ghi and kong.47—Three changes: Sim, Will and loo.9278—Four changes: Lai, bom, ross and fur.326—Eight changes: Wahes, Yine, Seb, Dhi, Yeniv, gan, li and rak.2340—Twelve changes: Mark, hiss, thor, bess, lin, triv, gam, zet, howd, saing, tum and gowtz.

1690: see image i103

1691: i.e., What are the positions of the fathers?

1692: bisected, cleft, cut, sliced

1693: not literally referring to four skulls, but to the leaders, the four false Gods, the idols

1694: Note here that in general, the goal of science is to obtain knowledge while the goal of religion is to do good. Moreover they are interdependent, for, to do good requires knowledge, and to attain great knowledge requires the desire to do good with it.

1695: natural abilities; endowment of talent; innate aptness, faculty, aptitude; inherent qualifications

1696: spirit rappings

1697: in the star position; see image i015 for a representation of the star position

1698: see image i106, below

1699: This entire section was in the 1882 Oahspe, being compiled and constructed by John Newbrough (the 1882 editor). Some of the quotes are in the German, Latin, Portuguese or Spanish language. Verse numbers are added in this present edition to make citations easier.REMARKS ON THE BOOK OF COSMOGONY AND PROPHECY1699

1700: obscurity, darkness

1701: Humboldt: A kind of thick, yellowish fog, common in North Germany.

1702: i.e., Caliph, a religious and political leader of the Muslims

1703: Newbrough‘s generation experienced the dawn of the Kosmon cycle, and therefore overt spirit manifestations were common.

1704: i.e., receptive to the unseen; with corpor utilized for the benefit of virtuous spirit; but purity of spirit not sacrificed for sake of corporeal gratification

1705: world‘s people; see 36/0.4

1706: Keeping in mind that the Book of E-O-IH‘s Kingdom on Earth (JKOE) is a representative narrative to teach mortals about JKOE, and is not a blueprint—so, in this narrative, Representative Man TAE and Spirit ES as manifestations of E-O-IH, are working together to bring about JKOE. As such, the references made are not to certain specific individuals per se. Accordingly, as events unfold in real life, one should be careful about relating this particular narrative to any actual person, or looking for any one specific individual.[who may be male or female; the same may be said of Es. –ed.]Current editor: Tae and Es are the chief characters in the narrative of this book. Tae signifies those who go forth in the spirit and virtues of E-O-IH. Es signifies those within whom the es (spirit, spirit comprehension) stands in transcendence over corpor (physical world alone), that is, Es is the spiritually-minded.1704 The greatest accomplishment for man occurs when these two attributes work together as one, under the voice and presence of E-O-IH.Note that in the past, many Faithists believed that the Book of E-O-IH‘s Kingdom should be taken literally, that is to say, things would unfold exactly as laid out in the book. While in actual fact, the ante-script has proven itself to define a broad sweep of general conditions, some of which have already occurred. Moreover, some of those general conditions are now occurring, and some have yet to occur.For which reason, rather than a design mandating fulfillment precisely in the manner set forth, the Book of E-O-IH‘s Kingdom on Earth can instead be understood as an epitome, whose gist indicates the prevalent spirit, players and likely actions as Kosmon unfolds. Clearly instructive, it stands as a beacon of virtue from which to draw inspiration and hope, and meant to guide our souls and actions in the ways of E-O-IH and His realm. ||

1707: Foundlings are abandoned, deserted children whose parents are unknown; castaways are those children with known parents who cast away their child; orphans are those whose parents have died.

1708: It should be borne in mind by the reader that the aforementioned people who showed up (Sutta, Amos, Thurtis, Aborn, piano teachers, Christians, Buddhists, etc.) were/are good-minded people; that is, they are interested each in their own way, in helping to bring the world to a better condition.Remember, they did respond to the call of Tae, which, in essence, is a call to do good; but, each interpreted from their own standpoint. Yet, as this book and Oahspe in general point out, while they may do some good in the world, they miss the mark insofar as actually founding the Father‘s kingdom.And as we look upon the world‘s people, we can see many of the aforementioned people laboring according to their various predilections, as described in this book. Accordingly, we may infer that these people represent the spirit and mind-set, of the many types of people in the early Kosmon era, who attempt to, in their own way, found the Father‘s kingdom (although in the typical day-to-day uzian world, they may not state it as such or even recognize it as such, but nevertheless they respond to the call).With money, it can be accomplished; without money, it cannot be.

1709: Most likely this 50 men and women is symbolic, and not necessarily meant to represent the actual head-count in the establishment of the Father‘s kingdom (see e.g., 32/1.32; 32/25.16

1710: see, e.g., 32/21.17-32

1711: conduct, behave, carry, acquit

1712: Those of the world‘s people have a habit and culture of encouraging what they term self-esteem; and where they really mean confidence in one‘s ability, it is well, and where they really mean acknowledging and allowing consideration for one‘s own perceptions and individuality, as opposed to having them subdued or oppressed, it is also well.Accordingly the opposite of self-esteem, as expressed in this covenant, would seem to be humbleness and self-abnegation.accountable for shortness in word and behavior, through which, by any means, I have manifested self-esteem,1712 or covetousness for fame or the applause of men, even if it was for any good I may have done to others.

1713: male or female

1714: i.e., the well-known food, clothing and shelter

1715: i.e., Tae and his hosts

1716: Notice that while the people seemed to have initially aligned themselves to traditional roles (common in the 1880‘s); the story has unfolded to show that in kosmon, castes and roles such as male/female roles, occupation and specialized areas of knowledge are not limited to types or genders of persons, but are developed in all, according to circumstance, need, predilection, etc.

1717: greenhouses

1718: exercises, movement, aerobics; perhaps in time with music

1719: Presumably the Oahspe authors felt it important to present an easily recognized example of the game-genre (type), so that it would be recognized even centuries later; and fox-on-the-prowl or wolf-on-the-hunt is such a one.muscles, by repeating the words in time to the music, being in songs and semi-songs.

1720: determine the extent of, comprehend wholly

1721: the angels

1722: give, send

1723: Up to this time [circa 1882], there are tens of thousands of Spiritualists who have witnessed all that is described within this chapter, so far as the singing and speaking of the angels are concerned. The words of chanting are, however, of a higher order than what is generally sung at so-called spirit circles. –Ed.

1724: as to staging, choreography, set design, lighting, costuming, etc.

1725: concealment, disguise, mask, pretense, deception

1726: something absurd and ridiculous

1727: spectroscope and spectrograph

1728: Hi-rom (see 20/38.8-9; 20/37.20-27

1729: Tipplers are lovers of alcohol, connoisseurs of alcohol, frequent drinkers of small quantities of alcohol, habitual drinkers. Drunkards are those who are routinely drunk.

1730: i.e., fail to make it a bona fide kingdom of E-O-IH‘s on earth

1731: comes first, is primary, first in importance

1882: Editor: We understand by this term [ante-script], and also by the book itself, that, what is set forth as being in the past, has not yet occurred. In such respect it is a picture of the future, as will be demonstrated in actual practice. The name, ―Tae,‖ is of course only figurative, and is not a man of that name, as stated, but a representative, a figurehead

2274: and 821—Seven changes, i.e., Howt, oat, bun, lis, vu, mi and ruth.4750—Nista, six changes, i.e., wuts, norse, rue, wi, rill and goe.1060—Two changes: Aont and foe.1768—Four changes: Mathai, yam, luke and jon.1245—Eight changes: Woo, gosa, lo, galeb, nor, nu, dhi and yun.

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